NBC Releases “Goodbye” Preview Video Clip For Steve Carell’s Departure


Sadly, the end of The Office as we know it is fast approaching unless Craig Robinson’s campaign, “Steve Don’t Leave” is successful.  If not, which is likely the case, Steve Carell who perfectly portrays Michael Scott will leave the show at the end of this season.

Once I was able to wipe away my tears at the inevitability of this absolute horror, I watched the “goodbye” preview video clip below which NBC just released for Michael Scott and The Office. While watching it, I started crying even harder.

What’s gonna happen to Dunder Mifflin once Michael Scott is no longer around? Michael Scott once pondered about this possibility and asked out loud, “What happens to a company when they take its boss away?” He answered his own question with another question: “What happens to a chicken when you take his head away?” To which Michael answered himself, “It dies! Unless you find a new head!”  If you found this paragraph absolutely dumbfounding, then, in essence you get the enigma that is Michael Scott.

We will miss you so very much Michael Scott.

Watch the video below for the clip, starting at the 16:00 minute mark!


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