Big Brother 14 finale is upon us September 19, 2012. Who will win Big Brother and the $500,000 prize tonight? Will Dan Gheesling win his second BB title or will Danielle Murphee or Ian Terry somehow walk away with the grand prize? One will go home $500,000 richer, one will go home with $50,000 and one unlucky player will go home empty handed.
Come back to CelebMagnet starting at 9:30 PM for a live blog of the show and to find out who won part 3 of the final HOH comp, who made the final two and who won Big Brother! OH, and to find out who won America’s Favorite House Guest!
On last week’s CBS airing, we saw that Dan continued his “misting” of players. The first part of the final HOH, “Hook Like and Sinker” started. We have the spoiler results of who won the HOH parts 1 and 2 for you here.
Since last week’s episode, Dan has continued to play mind games on Danielle and has asked her to make Ian believe she is mad at Dan for evicting Shane. And boy, does Danielle put on a good act hating on Dan.
Now, for those of you that don’t want spoilers, please top reading here and jump to the “LIVE SHOW RECAP” section below where we will provide you with real-time live blog of tonight’s BB results starting at 930 PM. For the rest of you who want to know what’s been going on in the BB house since Sunday, here are some more spoilers. You probably know that Dan won the HOH part one and Ian won part 2. This did not sit well with Danielle who completely lost it and told Ian how much she hates him and if he does not take her to the finals, he won’t have her or Shane’s vote in the jury.
Meanwhile, looks like Dan has decided to take Ian to the finals and Ian will take Dan. Dan’s only dilemma is whether to win the final part of the HOH or throw it to Ian so Danielle won’t be mad at him when she does not make the final two. Dan is so sure he will make the final two, that he is preparing his speech to the jury. He will tell them he had to play a different, ruthless game this time. He will kiss the juries’ ass for votes he says. Dan plans on telling the jury that Ian did not found the quack pack because it was already formed when he was lead up to the HOH room by Jenn, on his leash. He will portray Ian and Danielle as his loyal soldiers.
Big Brother finale will air tonight at 9:30pm EST. Please come back to CelebMagnet for a live blogging of the show with all the up-to-the-minute details and results.
And, we’re live. We’re being shown highlights of the season. Man, I already miss this show!!
HOH COMP, PART 1: BB is showing what happened in this competition. We find out that before the comp started, Dan did two things. One, he asked Ian to throw the comp 10 minutes after it starts. Second, he told Danielle of the plan so he builds trust with her. When Ian dropped, Dan asked Ian to leave him and Danielle alone so he could talk to her. When he left, Dan asked Danielle to throw this part because Dan said he cannot beat Ian in the second part but can in the third part if Danielle does not beat him in the second part. Dan, is a genius Muppet master my friends. and guess what, Danielle drops and throws the comp and DAN WINS PART ONE HOH COMP!
HOH COMP, PART 2: At this point, Dan wants Danielle to win so he takes her to the final. But Dan is always one step ahead of everyone so he tells Danielle to make Ian think she hates Dan. Dan also tells Dani that if Ian wins, Dan will celebrate. I can’t believe Dani does not catch on here. IAN WINS PART TWO OF HOH COMP!
JURY HOUSE: Shane tells everyone he got blindsighted by Dan and he thinks Danielle played him. The jury is now talking about how deserves to win. So far, they’re talking about Ian. Brit and Joe like him. Jenn says Ian is a rat and where she comes from, rats eat cheese. Everyone says Dani stuck to Dan and played his game. Jenn and Brit say that deserves $50K. Shane is not sure if he’d vote for her. As for Dan, Brit says she is in awe of his game. Jenn says Dan is on the battle field killing everyone and sending bodies home in body bags. Jenn says she loves that game play. Looks like Dan would win hands down. Joe and Frank seem less impressed with Dan’s lies.
HOH COMP, Part 3: The comp has started about how well Dan and Ian know member’s of the jury. HERE WE GO….Results: Dan: 2 vs. Ian: 5
IAN WINS PART 3 OF HOH COMP. I do believe Dan threw the comp–I mean c’mon, this guy got this far by knowing how to read minds and play people. He knows exactly what each player would say in these questions.
Ian takes Dan to the final two. He says Danielle is the sweetest person to play this game and it makes him sick to have to chose between two quack packers. But he evicted Danielle because he has to honor his word to Dan.
Danielle is confused in her exit speech to Julie Chen. She says she does not know if Dan threw the comp to get Danielle’s vote or not. It’s too late to wake up now Danielle.
JURY MEMBERS JOIN JULIE CHEN: The six members are there. Brit says she hopes Danielle joins them next. Frank says he hopes it’s Dan but doesn’t think it will be. Danielle joins them on stage.Shane gets up and hugs Dani.
First question for IAN: Ashley aked if Ian made his own decisions or did he go with Quickpack? Ian said he made his own decisions but Dan jumped in and said “we made the decisions for him!”
Second question is for Dan: Frank asked if he regrets swearing on the Bible and his wife. Dan said yes, but he was up to his elbows in blood so he had to go to confession anyway and he just piled up his sins.
Third question for Ian: Jen says she hates rats and wonders why she should give him $500K. Ian said his game plan changed after game reset.
Fourth question for Dan: Joe asks how Dan has blood on his hands when he only won one HOH? Dan said he lied to people, had Dani use POV to evict Shane and hosted his own funeral to stab Brit in the game.
Fifth question is for Ian: Brit asks why he deserves to win over Dan. He says he played a cleaner game.
Sixth question is for Dan: Shane says, “Satan, I mean Dan” why should you win. Dan attacks Ian. Says Brit had Ian by the leash literally and figuratively.
Danielle gets last question: She chooses to ask Ian if he knew that Dan had a final two with her. Ian said he does not know and would be shocked because Dan had given him his dead grandfather’s necklace as collateral that he would take Ian had Dan won. Dan interrupts and says he would have taken Danielle to the end because she was his student. That leaves Ian asking over and over, “really really? It was your dead grandfather’s necklace!”
In their speeches to the jury, Ian said he was going to keep it nice but after what he heard just now, he is pretty disgusted with Dan. He lays out his wins and then says Dan has back stabbed everyone. He says he played the game with heart and controlled his own destiny. He talks about Dan using his grandfather’s necklace as a lie.
Dan sticks with his plan to kiss jury ass and telling them that they scared him. He knew that he was not as smart or as physical as others so he changed his game to being ruthless not depend on luck such as finding a gold ball. “I hope you’re not too disgusted with me,” Dan ends and the audience erupts in clapping.
Ash tells Ian she put him on her dream board.
Brit says they both deserve to win, “quack quack”
Frank says he votes for person who made the best decisions.
Joe thanks both for one hell of a summer.
Jenn says they both played a good game and it was a pleasure. Dan says Jenn sold over a million records and Jenn thanks him as Ian says “kissing butt to the end.”
Shane said the things he wants to say to Dan….He hopes the best wins.
Danielle says the only reason she is voting this way is because she tried to keep her word and still will.
BB CAST JOINS ON STAGE: The rest of the BB 14 cast join but as expected, Willie is not there. Weird to see Janelle and Boogie on the non jury side…they didn’t make it far at all!! Janelle said watching the episode at home what shocked her the most other than Danielle’s lies was Dan’s game play and if he does not win BB 14, it will be a travesty. Frank said he was not impressed with the way Dan played. Boogie said Ian played an amazing game and he had an incredible journey this summer.
A very distraught looking Shane asks Danielle if she knew Dan was evicting her. Danielle said she had no idea. Dan backs Dani and says she had no idea. Shane says explain yourself because morally that does not jive with him. Dan said he can’t play like Shane physically and he’s not liked like Shane, so he had to resort to back stabbing.
Will tells everyone that Eagle Eyed Joe should not be upset by other’s lying. Says noo one should hold grudges.
You need 4 votes to win.
Danielle: Dan!
Shane: Ian
Jenn: Ian
Joe: Ian
Frank: Ian
IAN WINS BIG BROTHER 14!!! Brit and Ash we learn also voted for Ian to win. So Ian won by a vote of 6-1
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