Don’t be surprised if wedding bells finally ring and ring soon for Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. The couple has six children together — and the kids are starting to ask their famous parents why they’re not married.
Brad and Angelina have always said they wouldn’t get married until everyone was legally able to but things have changed since the kids started to ask questions.
Brad told USA Today: “The kids ask about marriage. It’s meaning more and more to them. So it’s something we’ve got to look at.”
Brad also spoke of his fatherly duties: “Kids hold up a mirror to you. You can’t make excuses. You’ve got to make sure they’ve brushed their teeth and eaten a good breakfast. You want to be present if they wake up with a bad dream.”
“On the road, we’re a military mobile unit. The kids have got their stuff down to one backpack, and they’re each responsible for their own bag. Mom does the packing; she’s quite gifted at that. Puts in just what we need – nothing extra.”
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