Scotty McCreery gave my favorite performance of his this season on Wednesday (5/4) night’s American Idol.
His rendition of Gone by Mongomery Gentry brought the entire studio to their feet. Way to go Scotty!
Here is what the judges said:
Steven Tyler: “Scotty my man, you know [studio audience cheering loudly with a standing O] that’s what America thinks. Up until now, you’ve been a Puritan, but I swear to God I saw you dance with the devil tonight! And that’s a good thing for you. That was really beautiful. It showed a whole new side of you.”
Jennifer Lopez: “I lost it there for a second I was so excited. You just owned that stage. I heard some growling in there too. I liked it. That is some American Idol stuff right there. That’s it baby!”
Randy Jackson: “Steven Tyler, I don’t know about this dancing with the devil thing. I don’t want you to do that right now. I felt like we were sitting there concert Scotty. Who knew you could rock the stage like that. This guy is in it to win it too!”