American Idol 4/21: Who Was Voted Off?


Spoiler Alert. On April 21 American Idol results show, Stefano, Haley and Jacob were in the bottom three after 52 million votes were cast.

The bottom 2 were Jacob and Stefano.

When it was all over, it was Stefano Langone who was sent home and eliminated off of Idol.

What do you think of these results? Did the right person go home? Did America get the bottom three right?


7 thoughts on “American Idol 4/21: Who Was Voted Off?

  1. I can’t wait till the day Jacob leaves americanidol! I wanted Stefano to stay, and kick Jacob out!!! I am SO sick of his voice!!!

  2. I am so upset that Stefano is eliminated from Idol. Now I only have two favorites left in the show: Scotty and Lauren :/

  3. Lauren should have been sent home a while ago. She acts so fake, like she is better than everyone else. America, you need to learn how to vote. Why did Pia get voted off before some of the others. Thia was good too. There are so many great contestants this year. I think the rules should change for next year…the judges should get the majority of the vote. They know what they are talking about. I would love for them to make the final decision, that way we know that we would get the BEST singer/performer!!!

  4. stefano should’ve stayed as he did great last night. lauren on the other hand should’ve gone weeks ago after constantly doing so-so performances, i wonder why the judges keep giving her praises though. you americans have weird tastes in music, either that or you’re voting for the wrong idols on purpose just to flush this show down the drain… but do you really have to spend millions to do that?

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