In case you’re one of millions who think the Kardashian sisters are an untalented bunch of slackers, you may have to think again.
In the new issue of Redbook Magazine, Kris stands up for her girls and says they “work 25 hours a day.” I know what you’re thinking…we ain’t got 25 hours in any day. But hear Kris out first.
She tells the mag, “It’s annoying when I hear, ‘What do your girls do?’ Well, first of all, all of my daughters have jobs. They are fashion stylists and designers; they own a chain of stores. They had the stores before they had the show.”
And to all the haters out there, Kris wants to tell you: “They might not be singers or dancers, but they certainly know how to produce a television show. Whether you want to call it talent or not, they have multiple shows on the air. How many shows do you have?” AHM, that would be zero for me Mrs. J.
Regardless of their fame or riches, Jenner’s priority remains her family. “Our joy in life is that we always have each other. So I’ve tried to teach my kids three things: love God, love your family and love yourself,” says Jenner.