Is Justin Timberlake a mama’s boy? If you ask him, the answer would be a resounding YES!
JT confessed that he and his mom, Lynn Harless, are extremely close. She is even his manager. They are so close in fact that JT fears he’ll never find someone as great as her.
He told the Daily Mail newspaper: “We’re best friends – she’s a very special woman. She’s been so supportive. She’s partly the reason why I have so much respect for women. I’m never going to find someone as good as my mother, am I? Maybe that’s why I have such problems with girls.”
It’s not just his mom that JT adores. He credits both of his parents for helping him stay down to earth and grounded even though he has been one of the most popular celebrities in the world for most of his life.
JT said: “My parents instilled in me the mindset of always being humble. I’d like to think that all that teen idol stuff went in one ear and out the other with me. Now when I’m on the red carpet I’m just there to do a job … but it is the coolest job in the world.”