Just in time for Father’s Day, we get adorable pics of brand new first-time daddy Tony Romo and son, doing what they do best: LOOKING CUTE!
AW–this just puts a big smile on my face…
In a series of photos released by clothing line Starter, Dallas Cowboys quarterback Romo, as the brand’s spokesman, is captured beaming with pride and joy as he cradles his baby boy, Hawkins Crawford Romo.
Hawkins, who is now two months old, is seen sporting a matching cap to his smiling daddy. Man, they grow up fast. It seems just like yesterday that Hawkins was born (April 8).
“You want to see everything. At 3 weeks old, we were having him lay down, and we put him on the floor,” Romo told Peoplelast month, adding, “And all of a sudden he just rolled himself right over. That was pretty neat to see.”No Tony, you’re pretty neat to see holding this cutie pie. I see the apple does not fall far from the tree!