This has been a strange week for Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher.
First, Demi dances on stage with Snoop Dogg.
Then, Star Magazine accuses Ashton of cheating on Demi.
Ashton strikes back against Star Magazine with a Twitter attack.
On the same day, Demi Tweets these bikini-clad pictures of her buff body.
The timing of Demi’s photos is not lost on anyone. It’s like Demi is hitting back against Star Magazine herself by telling the world what we all already knew: Ashton already has the love of one of the hottest women in the world; what the hell else would he want?!
Let’s hope that is the case cause I am really rooting for these two to stay together forever.
UPDATE 9/4: Demi just Tweeted this parody of the pics ..her buddy Dave Day is a good sport!