Bachelorette June 13 Spoiler: Who Went Home

The Bachelorette June 13, 2011 spoilers: Do you want to know who got a rose from Ashley Hebert and who was eliminated and sent packing? Read on and then click here to read a full recap of tonight’s show!

Here is a list of who got a rose: Ames, Constantine and Ben F. received roses from the dates.

Lucas, Ryan, JP, Nick, Mickey, Blake, William and Ben C all got roses at the rose ceremony and that left West as the one going home.

Bachelorette 6/6 Recap: Bentley Goes Home; William Makes Ashley Cry

This is the most gut-wrenching episode of any Bachelor or Bachelorette show I have ever watched – and I have watched them all. What went down on Monday June 6, 2011’s episode was so awful that it almost shut down production of the show, three weeks in.


Chris Harrison met with the men at the top of the show to tell them there will be two solo and one group date before the next rose ceremony.  Ben C. got the first one-on-one and Ashley took him to a private dance studio to teach him a dance number. OK, Ash, we get it, you like to dance. But I am a bit confused as to whether you are looking for a life partner or a dance one. Or are they one and the same?  

For the second part of their date, Ashley took Ben to an outdoor mall (The Americana) and surprised him with a flash mob dance of the number she had taught him earlier.  Ben was a great sport about it all even though he’s not really a dancer. And while he was dancing with Ashley and 100 other strangers, he looked at Ash and realized she is “the kind of girl he could spend the rest of [his] life with.” WOW–Ben is easy. If Ben was that impressed with a flash mob dance, imagine what he must have thought when Far East Movement appeared out of nowhere to play the same song the couple had just danced to, live. Later that night, during a romantic dinner, Ben told Ashley he wants to live in an unrealistic bubble of love. And he kept going on and on about his vision of romantic love. Of course Ben got the rose. Ashley told Ben she fears that not all of the men are genuine in their intentions. Oh Ash – you are so right about this fact, but you are just so dead wrong about who those men with the bad intentions are…
When Ashley came to pick up her group dates, Jeff took her outside and said it was time to reveal his face. Yet he just kept on talking and talking instead and I thought he’d never take the damn mask off. But he sure did finally do just that and revealed a cute face. Ash told the camera her first reaction was, “I’m happy he finally took it off.” She continued, “He’s a lot older than I thought he was but I think he’s cute.” Click here for a photo of what Jeff looks like. Interesting note: If you watched through the end of the show, you learned that Jeff wore that mask all the time before the big unveiling, even when he was taking a dump. 
Aames, Ben F, Blake, Jeff, Lucas, Nick, Ryan, Chris D, William, and Bentley got the group date. Bentley was stoked he got a date because he thought Ashley was digging the crap he was serving and he was now ready to go in for the kill. I now wonder if this guy will ever find a woman dumb enough to date him again after this show. 
The group date was set against a comedy roast with Ashley as the guest of honor – The perfect recipe for disaster in the waiting since jokes were to be made at the expense of a woman with admitted insecurity issues! Jeff Ross came to help out the men come up with their best roast and told them roasting comes from a place of “love and affection.” He said, “if you can make a woman laugh at herself, you can make her to do anything.” With that, he encouraged the men to not hold back anything.

Before the roast bloodbath began, Ash said to the camera, “With every statement made, there is probably an ounce of truth to it, so, maybe I will learn something about the men today.” She also said she has spent the most time on the show with William, so, she looked most forward to hearing from the guy who knows her the best. Be careful what you ask for Ashley.
Most of the men were smart and kept the bashing centered on the men rather than Ashley cause they wanted a rose when it was all over. Jeff did make a joke about Ash’s boobs being small and she agreed with him. That opened the door for Nick to pick on Ashley’s boobs and say she was the first woman he’s dated with a smaller chest than his. If the men weren’t making fun of her breasts, they were making fun of her for coming in third on The Bachelor or being Brad Womack’s leftover…Ash was a good sport about it all…
But, William, oh William! He got too starry-eyed with this whole project and went from seeking Ashley’s heart to hoping he’d be discovered on the show. He told the camera beforehand he’s always wanted to be a comedian and thought if he did a great job, he could land a gig roasting a famous person soon. Oh William! He took Ross’ advice of not holding back too seriously and “took off the gloves.” He called Ashley “used” and compared her to “one man’s trash.” He crossed the line so far with the Ashley jokes, he may never ever find himself back. I mean, this guy, the one who won part of Ashley’s heart after the season’s first one-on-one date, dove right in for the kill and even told Ash that he came to the show with the hopes that either Emily or Chantal were the Bachelorette but instead found Ashley. He finished it the blasting with, “Who gives a f*ck,” and asked for donations for the Ashley Boob Fund. OUCH! 
Ashley whispered “No rose for you,” as William gave her a hug when done, and you could tell she was holding back her tears. As soon as the show was over, Ashley went backstage and balled her eyes out. And things went from bad to worse for Ashley as Bentley found her and figured he would not “pass an opportunity to mess with her head.” He approached her, kissed and hugged her. He told the cameras he hates when people cry–and just as I thought maybe, just maybe, this guy has some kindness in him, he finished his statment by saying, “crying is just not attractive at all.” Poor distraught and vulnerable Ash found comfort in Bentley and confided in him that she feels she let the guys down because she is not Emily. Bentley of course did not tell her he was hoping Ashley were Emily. He instead lied to her about how much he likes her and told her with a devilish smile that out of the 25 men who came here, at least 24 were excited that it was her as the object of their competition.
Ashley came and told the men, while fighting back tears, that she didn’t mind the small boob jokes but what bothered her was thinking the men were disappointed she was not Emily. William looked like he wanted the earth to open up and swallow him whole. William took Ashley aside and tried to explain he wants to always make people laugh and her feelings were not his concern and he admitted he went for “the jugular.” Instead of apologizing or telling Ashley how much he likes her, he offered to leave the show to make things better (oh that grave kept getting dug deeper…Just APOLOGIZE WILLIAM!). When Ashley said, “no,” William then said another dumb comment instead of comforting Ash: “Go talk to another guy to cheer you up.” WHAT?!!  Seriously?? GOODBYE! NOW, it makes sense why this handsome guy has had a series of one bad relationship after another: He has a serious case of foot in mouth, William went to the street and caught a bus back to the mansion??! Not sure. Oh never mind, looks like he ran back.
No one was able to comfort Ashley – until Ryan sat with her on a couch, looked her in the eyes, held her hand, and told her, convincingly, “Ashley, you’re who I wanted here.” And then he kissed her…Oh, I like him…Instead of spending more time with this nice guy, she took Bentley away again and told him about Michelle Money’s warning about Bentley wanting to only come on the show for two weeks just to promote his business. He didn’t say much other than Michelle is friends with his ex-wife and she should not be trusted. When poked further, he said, “I’m on the same page with you. I am following you every step of the way.” Instead of asking, “What the hell does that mean?” Ashley smiled. Man, us women really hear what we want to hear, don’t we? Ashley told the camera she feels “warm” and “secure” with Bentley and said she could trust him forever. THANKFULLY, she gave the rose to Ryan. That snubbing gave Bentley an excuse to “check out” of the show.
The next day, we hear Ashley telling the camera she fell in love with Bentley last night. She says, “he is my guy and if it were up to me, I would grab Bentley and leave.” Bentley instead is next seen packing his bags. “I’m just not feeling it..this is a waste of time, and it is better to just walk away,” Bentley tells the camera. He told the men he can’t be away from his daughter anymore and the men believe him. He tells the camera that he fooled everyone and that has never happened on this show before. He continued, “I came in thinking Ashley is not attractive at all. I knew for a fact I wasn’t gonna fall in love with her, so I need to go say goodbye to Ashley…Heartbreak is worse than any illness, in my opinion. It’s not just physical pain, it’s emotional pain, but it has to happen….so, I am gonna make Ashley cry. I hope my hair looks OK.”
Bentley showed up at Ashley’s house. While walking up to the house, a soundtrack of Bentley’s voice is played and we heard him say that he wanted Emily because she is such a “standout” and is “breathtakingly beautiful.” He also called Ashley an “ugly duckling” (Side note: I’ve met Ashley – she’s cute as a button!) His lines got even better – after saying he has not rehearsed what he will tell Ash, he said he has to go “poop it out!”
Ashley opened the door and was comforting him…he told her he missed his daughter and used her as an excuse to leave instead of manning up. “I don’t know how to share my heart with you when my angel back home has my whole heart,” he said. Ashley believed him and consoled him. She told him he has her heart and pictured him at the end with her. Bentley continued the mind f*ck and instead of just leaving Ashley with closure, he told her that he wants to keep the “dot dot dot” open. He then said, “dot dot dot is better than a period.” This guy angers me. He told the camera he’s not smitten with Ashley, but said she’s the kind of girl he would hook up with from time to time. I wonder how Ash feels tonight after watching this episode. Girl, I feel you. We all have had a-holes like that in our lives and these jerks and their deplorable actions say nothing about who we really are. Hang in there girl.
Ashley crawls into bed and sobs and says out loud, “How can I do this?” She cries, “My heart is totally broken.” She justifiably fears that there is not enough time on the show for her to fall out of love with Bentley and fall in love with someone else.
J.P. finally got chosen for a date. He came to Ashley’s house with a bouquet of flowers. Somehow, Ashley pulled herself together and put on a smile and opened the door. J.P. was understanding and made sure she was OK. They had dinner in front of the fireplace. He told the camera his heart is in the right place and that he is here for the right reasons. I believe him. She then got in her PJs and eyeglasses and he put on PJs too and the two of them enjoyed “the little things of life” by just talking and enjoying the fireplace. She gave him a rose and told her of all the guys, she was happy it was him who came over that night and promised him a “fun next date.” J.P. called the date, perfect. The two kissed and Ashley said she preferred kissing J.P. over kissing Bentley. So, to Bentley I say, maybe it was you and not her after all making you two’s kiss “suck.”
Ashley says she saw her husband in the room at the last rose ceremony. This week, she doesn’t even know if she can finish the process. Chris Harrison came in and tried to find out why she fell so hard for Bentley. Chris tried to explain that the “dot dot dot” comment and leaving things open-ended was a “guy thing to do” and said if Bentley really had intentions to resume things ever with Ash, he would have stayed. “A real man would have moved heaven and earth to fight for you,” Chris said. Ashley responded, “He was my guy and when I walk into the room tonight, I’m gonna feel so alone.”
There was no cocktail party at Ashley’s request. Chris D and Jeff did not receive a rose and were sent home. The 12 men who received a rose and still remain are:
Ames, 31, portfolio manager from New York, NY
Ryan P., 31, solar energy executive from Corona Del Mar, CA
Ben C., 28, lawyer from New Orleans, LA
Ben F., 28, winemaker from Sonoma, CA
Blake, 27, dentist from Greenville, SC
Constantine, 30, restaurant owner from Atlanta, GA
J.P., 34, construction manager from New York, NY
Lucas, 30, oilfield equipment distributor from Odessa, TX
Mickey, 31, chef from Cleveland, OH
Nick, 26, personal trainer from Tampa, FL
West, 30, lawyer from Chapin, SC
William, 30, cellular phone salesman from Galloway, OH – Somehow he survived despite making Ash cry, though Ash did make him sweat a bit and left the last rose for him. HE DID FINALLY apologize though as he got pinned with the rose.

Chris Harrison On Bentley: “He Almost Shut Down Production On Bachelorette”


Bachelor and Bachelorette host Chris Harrison spoke with the media recently about Bentley, the worst villain in The Bachelorette history, and explained how Bentley’s actions and intentions almost shut down show production and broke Ashley Hebert’s heart.

Here are some excerpts from Chris Harrison interview:

On when Harrison figured out Bentley had bad intentions:
“I thought he was going to be trouble the moment Ashley told me he was going to be trouble. [Ashley and I] talked …I was pretty adamant about my feelings towards him. I usually try to walk that fine gray line of host-friend-confidant, but when you have information before the guy even gets out of the limo, that is beyond a red flag … She was so anti everything she had done on Brad’s season, the being closed off … this season she kind of threw caution to the wind and did the opposite. We actually gave her the option before the limo pulled up: You don’t have to meet this guy. She said, ‘No, I want to meet him. if I don’t like this guy, I’ll kick him off.’ She made the decision to go forward.”

On how hard it was for Harrison to watch the madness on the sideline:
“Really hard. She’s a friend of mine. But it gets to the point, and this is one of the things I find fascinating about this show, where I’m no longer a host, I’m a friend and I’m about to watch someone have their heart broken. Now all I can do is stand by and watch it and be there for her when it happens. You just have to be there for them …You’ll see in the deliberation Monday night, it was very much not a deliberation. This was a friend walking in to pick up the pieces of another friend who had just had her heart ripped apart.”

On why Ashley kept Bentley around for so many weeks:

“I’d be interested to talk to her now and get her perspective now that she’s had some time to heal and look into it more. Was it the bad boy? Was it, ‘I wanna fix him?’ The mother syndrome? Maybe it was a little bit of all of that. I couldn’t put a finger on it, but I found it very perplexing myself. But he was so smooth, so caring around her, she never got to see his true colors and eventually he was able to use that and crush her.”

On Bentley’s “tickle my [bleep]” comment:
“I think you’ve gotta see what the guy said. If it upsets someone’s sensibilities or if it went too far, as far as any of our fans are concerned, I do apologize for that. But this is what this guy was saying. This was what he thought of Ashley. I think in true context you need to see what this guy was about and what his game was. Ashley didn’t get to see or hear a lot of that … you really had to show both sides to show exactly just how bad it was and how badly she’s going to have the rug ripped out from under her on Monday night.”

On whether Bentley’s comments have been edited:“You can’t splice together when you see somebody like that. And honestly, you can’t really take the things he said out of context. Even in joking they’re not appropriate. You don’t talk about a woman like that. I would love to hear what his friends have to say about the stunt he pulls when he’s leaving, because I think that is worse than anything he says before.”

On whether they would have eventually shown Ashley some of this footage:
“Maybe if this had gone any further, you have to understand too, we’re only two weeks in this, things had just started getting out of hand and him saying all these things. If it had gone on longer, I don’t know the steps we would’ve taken, if we would’ve finally shown her these things. She was privy to a lot of information and lot of what we thought. Some of the producers had told her this guy’s not good for you and I had told her some things. She had so much more information, more than Ali or Jillian ever had about Justin or Wes.”

On how Bentley got cast in the first place:

“He obviously didn’t say all those derogatory things in casting. He obviously didn’t say, ‘If it’s Ashley, I’m going to use her and destroy her.’ We are casting all the time, even while we’re shooting. I don’t get involved in the casting for many reasons, but I never saw any of his stuff, I really didn’t.”

On the aftermath:

“We didn’t put this guy in there to draw up this drama. This really doesn’t turn out to be a good thing for Ashley or us. It got to the point where we almost shut down production. We didn’t know if she could continue on. This really makes her question everything: the rest of the guys, herself, if this is gonna work, if it’s worth it.”

On Bentley having a daughter and his possible appearance on “Men Tell All” special:
“I have a son and I have a daughter and I can’t fathom treating a woman like that anyway, but much less someone who has a daughter. I really hope he comes back to the ‘Men Tell All,’ not so I can rip him apart, but so I can hear his explanation. Can you imagine a man treating your daughter that way? I’d love to hear his response. I don’t know what his end game was or what his motivations were. Things he said and things he did really crossed the line of decency, as far as I’m concerned.”

On what Ashley thinks of Bentley now:

“She called me last week and said, ‘I can’t believe all these things. I feel like such a fool and so played.’ Again, this is hindsight. She’s seeing him for who he really is. It’s funny, she said, ‘Why didn’t you say something?’ ‘Ashley, I did.’ And she’d say, ‘I know.’ That’s the way it works. When you’re friends with someone, that’s all you can do. Let them fall on their face, then give them a big hug, pick them up and move on.”

Chris Harrison and me 🙂

VIDEO: Sneak Peek Of Bentley Leaving The Bachelorette


Watch The Bachelorette tonight for some major fireworks and waterworks when Ashley Hebert finally learns why Bentley is on the show!

On Monday night’s episode (June 6), Bentley is seen packing and he leaves the show but not before he says “Heartbreak is worse than any illness, it’s not just physical pain, it’s emotional pain, but it has to happen, so, I am gonna make Ashley cry. I hope my hair looks OK.”


Ashley on the other hand, never saw the goodbye coming. In fact, she has a one-on-one date with Bentley right before he leaves and she tells us that she has fallen in love with Bentley and if it were up to her, she’d stop the show now and leave with him. Poor Ash–this is not going to be pretty.

You can watch a sneak peek of Bentley’s exit below. Watch The Bachelorette tonight for the rest of the goodbye:

PHOTO: Bachelorette Masked Man Unveiled!

Jeff Medolla – better known as the masked man on this season’s Bachelorette, has been one of the biggest water cooler conversations about this love reality show.

Until now, we had no idea what he looked like – we almost got a glimpse on this week’s show, but Jeff’s plans to finally show his face were thwarted by bachelor Matt sneaking up as Jeff was about to take his mask off….but, we now have his picture! And I must admit, he is a lot better looking than I thought!

He arrived on the show in a mask so Ashley Hebert would get to know the real him without his looks being an issue. And he lasted two shows already without unveiling the cover. He kept saying, “I’m here for the right reasons.”

What do you think of his looks? Better with or without the mask?

Click here for everything Bachelorette including exclusive photos and show recaps!

Photo Credit: ABC

Bachelorette 5/30 Recap: Who Got A Rose?

Eighteen men still remained at the beginning of tonight’s Bachelorette episode. The guys find out early on in the episode that there will be two individual and one group date with Ashley Hebert this week–the kicker though is that NOT all men will get a date before the next rose ceremony.


For her first one-on-one date, Ashley choose William (the one with the bad relationship track record) because she thought he would make “light of any situation” which is what she needed for the first date.

She flew William away to Sin City in a private jet. But I bet William was not prepared for what Ashley had in mind: A series of wedding preparations to make sure William is commitment prone. They went wedding cake taste testing and ring shopping. William looked like a deer stuck in headlights. I felt bad for the guy…Ashley, don’t you think that was jumping the gun a bit for the first date? William regained his exposure long enough to tell the camera, “I am getting nervous because we keep inching closer to the process of finalizing a marriage.”

Ashley didn’t get the memo because she rushed William to a Vegas chapel. William kept telling himself, “this is a joke, a joke, a joke!” And when the minister showed up in a full robe, he made William almost catatonic. This was the weirdest date ever – William even said, “I do!” WHAT? What was I missing? 

Ashley then realized that there are 17 other men she hasn’t had a chance to get to know and if she also said “I do” then she’d be married, so, she put the breaks on things. William did say this was his best first date ever and Ashley agreed (though I do seem to recall her telling Brad Womack that her first date with him was her best date ever, so, I hope things turn out better for Ashley this time around). 

Later that night, Ashley and William rowed a boat to a VIP first-ever dinner in the middle of the world famous Bellagio Lake. As eager fans looked on, William opened up to Ashley about his father’s alcoholism and tragic death and he and Ashley bonded over their similar pasts (Ashley too has an alcoholic father). So, of course Ashley gave William a rose. And as the couple kissed, the Fountains of Bellagio water show began and the crowd cheered…
Ashley afterwards told the camera her date with William set the bar so high, she’s not sure any other date will compare. We shall see…

The next day, Ashley had a group date with Constantine, Ryan M., Chris D., Ben F., Nick, Bentley, West, Lucas, Stephen, Blake, Matt, and Ames who flew to Vegas in another private jet. Ashley said she wanted to “test their ability to move, if you know what I mean,” and with that, she invited them to the Monte Carlo Resort and Casino where they watched a private performance by the Jabbawockeez hip hop dance troupe. As the men were enjoying the show, Ashley sneaked off and joined the show on stage! The men were thrilled at first to see her but their excitement turned to a total freak out when they realized that they’ll be doing some dancing of their own. 
Two teams of six men each created, rehearsed and performed a routine for Ashley and the Jabbawockeez. One winning team would spend the night in Las Vegas, perform on stage and get to spend extra time with Ashley. The losers would go back to LA. 
Constantine decided that his group (Stephen, Ames, Ryan M., Matt, and Chris D who called themselves “Best Men”) should do a wedding dance with the groom being stood up at the alter. Ashley was impressed with their creativity. But it was the other team, “No Rhythm Nation” comprised of West, Nick, Lucas, Bently, Ben F. and Blake which won and got to stay in Vegas to perform in front of a live audience. 
Later that night, West shared the heartbreaking story of the death of his wife with Ashley and she seemed moved. Meanwhile, Bentley said he is very competitive and the competition makes things exciting for him, and although he thinks Ashley is pretty and has a nice ass, he says she is not his type. One-on-one, he played the “if I didn’t have a daughter, I’d be more secure in this process” card. He had Ashley begging him to “please please please” stick around if he had any feelings for her. And with that, Bentley knew he had her in his pocket. AND YEP, he was right, she gave him the one rose of the group date which made Bentley say to the camera that the game is over. Too bad Ashley can’t hear what we hear…sigh…

Back in Los Angeles, a date card comes that reads that the winner of a flipped coin between J.P. and Mickey will get the final date with Ashley in Vegas. If you ask me, that’s kinda messed up–these guys are dying for a date and Ashley couldn’t make the decision herself? Turns out, Mickey wins the coin toss–And Ashley is happy it’s Mickey because he is “gorgeous”. Poor J.P. He is incredibly frustrated and rightfully so.

The coin-flipping theme continued as Mickey and Ashley kept flipping a coin to decide the course of their date. The two first visited an aquarium and shared personal stories over some wine. Mickey revealed his mother had died 6 years ago and Ashley was moved that he has turned a bad situation into good in his life. 
When it came time to whether or not Mickey should get a rose, Ashely told Mickey she wasn’t sure how she was feeling and wanted to flip a coin to decide if he should stay or go. Mickey thought she was crazy but went along with it because quite frankly, he had no choice. Mickey won the coin toss and Ashley confessed she was going to give him the rose anyway. The couple then enjoyed a romantic dinner with lots of kissing during a special private concert by Colbie Caillat.

Ashley felt a lot of pressure at the cocktail party, especially because four men had not received a date at all that week. One of the dateless men was J.P. who lost at the chance for a date because of a coin flip.  As soon as he could, he whisked Ashley away and told her he was gonna flip a coin to see if he would get a kiss or not. He flipped, she caught, and he got the kiss….and better yet, she hinted to him that he will get a rose that night.
Nick taught Ashley a line dance and while the two were talking, William interrupted the duo even though he already had a rose. Nick was not happy and called him a “ding dong” behind his back which may be a nickname to stick. Meanwhile, Nick reiterated that this was his best first date and stole some more kisses.
Another dateless man was Jeff, the masked man, who vowed to finally reveal himself that night. OOOH! Now, we’re talkin! He took Ashley aside and told her that he suffered a brain hemorrhage at 29 (he’s now 35). He also told her about his divorce and said because of his experiences, he doesn’t take life for granted. Jeff was about to take his mask off when Matt interrupted them. Damn it, the mask remained on.

Ben C. was assertive because he also had no date with Ashley this week. He took her away and then compared her to a table at a good restaurant which needs weeks of advanced reservations. He scored big points by saying that he loves to dance and likes that she likes to dance.

William kept bragging about his date and how they had the first-ever date on the Bellagio Fountain. When Bentley heard that William kissed Ashley, his competitive nature kicked in and wanted a kiss as well. He wanted the kiss despite the fact that he told the camera he would rather swim in pee than plan a wedding with Ashley. Again, he said she is not his type. The jerk literally swept her off her feet and kissed her in front of the fireplace. Bentley said the kiss was “kinda boring.” He continued, “It started out good but sucked towards the end.” Poor Ashley is falling hook, line and sinker and saw the whole thing as a story-book romance move. She said she has a good radar for the insincere but her heart says he could be the one for her….

At the end of the night, 15 men remain to battle for Ashley’s heart. Roses went to:

  • William, 30, a cellular phone salesman from Fostoria, Ohio with a bad relationship track (date rose)
  • Bentley, 28, a businessman from Salt Lake City, Utah who is clearly playing Ashley(rose from group date)
  • Mickey, 31, a chef from Cleveland, Ohio who won a date after a coin toss (date rose)
  • West, 30, a lawyer from Chapin, S.C. whose wife had died
  • Constantine, 30, a restaurant owner from Atlanta, Ga.
  • Ryan P., 31, a solar energy executive from Corona Del Mar, Calif. (the one who got the first impression rose)
  • Ben C., 28, a lawyer from New Orleans, La.
  • Nick, 26, a personal trainer from Tampa, Fla.
  • Ames, 31, a portfolio manager from New York, N.Y.
  • Lucas, 30, an oilfield equipment distributor from Odessa, Texas
  • Jeff, 35, the masked entrepreneur from St. Louis, Mo. 
  • J.P., 34, a construction manager from New York, N.Y. who lost a date but won a kiss based on coin flips
  • Chris D., 25, a sports marketing coordinator from Chicago, Ill.
  • Ben F., 28, a winemaker from Sonoma, Calif.
  • Blake, 27, a dentist from Greenville, S.C.


Ashley sent home three men without a rose (All three went on the group date):

  • Stephen, 27, a hairstylist from Manhattan Beach, Calif.
  • Matt, 28, an office supply salesman from Bridgewater, Mass. who was a self proclaimed mama’s boy who had Ashley speak to his mom Gail. He left his mom a voice mail that he needed love and French toast and ride from the airport
  • Ryan M., 27, a construction estimator from Royal Oak, Mich.

Ashley said on her Facebook page Monday: “Next week is an INCREDIBLY emotional and intense episode. I suggest a full bottle of wine standing by!” The Previews for next week’s episode show that both Bentley and William will make Ashley cry. Emily Maynard was the reason for both! Sadly, Bently went in with the specific purpose of making Ashley cry. William, on the other hand, was joking during a roast to Ashley that he was hoping the chose Bachelorette this season was Emily Maynard…ouch!

Spotted: The Bachelorette Ashley Hebert (Exclusive Photos)

Ashley Hebert and me 🙂

SPOTTED: Ashley Hebert, the current star of ABC’s The Bachelorette, was at The Grove in Los Angeles recently for an interview with Mario Lopez of Extra. Ashley had just wrapped up taping the entire season and said the man she picked at the end has everything she has ever looked for in a man.

Ashley is super cute, animated, playful and funny in person. When I asked her, “Man, what is up with Bentley?” she just cracked up! I can’t wait to see how the season unveils!

Come back tonight at 1 AM PT for a complete recap of May 30th episode. See who got a rose and who was sent packing to go home. Also read all about her one-on-one date with William!

The Bachelorette Recap: Ashley Hebert Comes Back After Broken Heart To Find Love Again

What’s the best way to get revenge on getting your heart broken on and by The Bachelor? Come back as The Bachelorette and have 25 hot gorgeous men fight for your love. That’s exactly what Ashley Hebert did when she was rejected by Brad Womack on last season’s The Bachelor.

Ashley, a dental student, is back on ABC and is looking for a man to share her life with. The men better beware, Ashley is a smart hottie: She graduated summa cum laude from the University of Maine with a BS in biology and will graduate in May from the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine with a 3.96 GPA. Hopefully, she will find a man worthy of all that she brings to the table.

So, who are these 25 eligible bachelors?

The men. Here are the ones we got extra background scoop on:

  • Ryan P. (31): He installs solar panels and loves what he does. He misses that “special person” and is “completely ready to get married.” He is looking for the light of his life and soul.
  • J.P. (31): He works as a construction manager and real estate developer. He seems a bit jaded: Has been dating in NY for 12 years and getting his heart broken over and over.
  • Ames (31): Is an over achiever. He works in finance, went to Yale, Harvard and Columbia. Has about 10 degrees, been to 70 countries, has ran almost 40 marathons. Bejesus. He hopes the Bachelorette is Ashley but, does he really have time for a woman in his life?
  • Ben C. (28): He’s from New Orleans, he’s a lawyer. He wants to find true, ideal love and says he is a 15 on a romantic scale of 1-10. Good luck dude.
  • Ben E. (28): Looks like a a hippie and makes wine. He grew up in a loving family and has been “guarded” since his dad passed away. He likes well-rounded, cultured woman…and brunettes, even though he’s mainly dated blondes.
  • Bentley (28): His name is a car, he is divorced and has a cute daughter named Cozy. Says he has a great life and a lot of “things most people don’t.” He hopes the Bachelorette is Emily. Oh oh.
  • Anthony (28): He’s a fourth-generation butcher from NJ. In Other words, he’s probably going home tonight. He hopes the Bachelorette is full of life and open to a small-town butcher.
  • West (30): He is a prosecutor in New York. He was married for 7 years “to the great love” and “true love” of his life. But he unfortunately and sadly found his wife dead in the bathtub. I didn’t pay much attention before the season premiere, but I do recall hearing some nasty rumors about him a month ago….time will tell about this guy. He says this show is a great opportunity for him to put his faith back in love and take that leap. You know, because The Bachelor franchise has had such a great track record with lasting love.
  • William (30): He is from Columbus, Ohio and admits has a terrible relationship track record. 7 or 8 of his exes married the very next guy after they dated him. Ouch. His father passed away due to constant alcohol use.

Before Ashley meets the men, she tells Chris Harrison that an old show contestant warned her about Bentley not coming on the show “for the right reasons,” but coming instead to promote his business. Ashley though is willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Quick look to the recap above, Bentley is also the one hoping to meet E-M-I-L-Y on the show…sounds like a match made in heaven already.


  • Mr. Solar Panel Ryan P. (31) was the first one out of the limo, and he was all smiles. So cute. Ashley said so too.
  • Jon (26) is an E-Commerce exec and had on a purple tie. He scooped Ashley up and said, “Can we skip everything and just go straight to the honeymoon?” He finally put her down and Ashley thought the “ride” was “awesome” and cute.
  • Lucas 30: He’s from Texas and of course he is an oil field equipment distributer. He said, “I’m a hugger,” and apparently he smells good too.
  • William (30): Is a cell phone sales person who is Gorgeous with a capital G. Apparently Ashley noticed too because she rolled her eyes in an orgasmic way when he stepped out of the limo. He reminded us again that he has a bad relationship track record. 
  • Mickey (31): Is a chef, and brought her a gift…well, sort of. He tried to deliver a gift of a kiss and Ashley wisely pulled away. He told the guys afterwards that he had actually sealed the kiss. SO, he’s the no-kiss and tell kind of guy…you’re too old to do that buddy.
  • Tim (35): Tim is a liquor distributor. He paused while walking towards Ashley; just what every woman wants to see happen on a blind date. Then he paused when talking because he lost his train of thought.  Eventually, he told her she’s breathtaking. If he gets a rose tonight, I will be shocked.
  • Ben C. (28): He’s our romantic lawyer from New Orleans and spoke to Ashley in French.
  • Stephen (27): Hairstylist from a beach town in Callie. Not much chemistry there, unless he wants to do Ashley’s hair.
  • Chris D. (25): A sports marketing coordinator who rapped for her. WOW. Eminem would be pissed at this dude’s abilities or lack thereof. 
  • Our NY prosecutor West (30): He brought her a gift of a broken compass stuck on the direction of west. He told her to use the compass if she ever feels lost throughout this process to find her way back to him. OK–that’s either very cute or too deliberate. Again, time will tell on this guy.
  • Anthony (28): Our sweet butcher from Jersey showed up and was all drama the way he twirled to meet Ashley and strutted up to her. I didn’t get a read on him. I still think he’s going home tonight.
  • Rob (27): A tech exec. His claim to fame? He compared himself to Brad Womack and said he is missing crowns. As in teeth. OOOOOKAY! Way to distinguish yourself there buddy.
  • Super high achiever Ames (31): A portfolio manager.  He whipped out a pair of ballet tickets for the two of them because she likes to dance. That’s sweet. Wonder when they are for? She gave one of the tickets back to him. She should have kept both.
  • Matt (31): An office supply salesman. Dunder Mifflin anyone? He gave Ashley a very wobbly handshake. NOT A TURN ON.
  • Our masked man Jeff (35): An entrepreneur told Ashley he came wearing a mask because he wanted to take his “face out of the game” so Ashley could get to know him better. Ashley was either frightened or looked like she was trying really hard not to crack up. I just couldn’t tell. And really, either reaction would have been totally appropriate.
  • Our hippie wine maker Ben E. (28): He showed up with a bottle of wine and two glasses. Kinda cute move –and that’s coming from me, a non-drinker. He started the meet with a toast and told her he had brushed his teeth 8 times. Not bad…
  • Frank (29): A college admissions director gave Ashley a forced wink as he got out of the limo. He is a large man who kissed her hand and picked her up and twirled her around. He gave her another noisy, elongated kiss on the hand…my man’s got a hand fetish for sure.
  • Michael (29): A tech salesman. He made a couple of dentist jokes. At least he made an effort.
  • Chris (27): A Canadian construction company CEO. That’s a lot of c’s. But I like Canadian men.
  • Ryan M. (27): A construction estimator who brought his camera along to take pics of Ashley and the two of them together.  It was cute, at first, until he told Ashley he wanted her to take a pic of him and Chris Harrison later. OK, what’s the deal? Does this guy know he won’t last long on the show and wanted proof that he was there?
  • J.P.(34): Yet another construction guy, this one, a manager.  He said he had no props, but had brought just his smile…cute enough.
  • Nick (26): A personal trainer who wrote Ashley a poem promising to be the perfect catch. I didn’t hate it.
  • Blake (27): A fellow dentist. Ashley had become giddy with joy when she heard earlier that one of the men was a fellow dentite. He was way too quick and made absolutely no impression. I don’t even think he told Ashley he was a dentist which would have been a huge plus obviously. #Fail.
  • And finally came bad-rep Bentley (28): I got to admit this businessman came out of the limo with a winning smile. Wonder if he was disappointed that it was Ashley waiting for him and not Emily. Perhaps, because he too was brief in his hello and headed inside as soon as he told Ashley he was nervous.
  • Last guy Constantine (30): A businessman from Atlanta. To make Ashley remember him, the pink-tie wearing guy took out some pink dental floss and tied it around her arm. 

Ashley started the night by asking the men to be honest with themselves and with her throughout this dating process. Ryan P., the first guy out of the limo, was also the first guy to steal her away. He’s for sure gonna get a rose. He made an impression by being first all around and that’s all you can hope for in a sea of 25 men. Ashley went a step further and told the camera Ryan is the whole package.

Ben F. the wine maker was sweet in his time alone with her. Then came Matt the office supply salesman who whisked Ashley away only to admit to her that he is a mama’s boy. Ashley found that endearing and the two of them called his mom, Gail, who told the two to make sure they use protection when they use the fantasy suite down the road. Cool mom!

Later on, Ashley was having a conversation with three men when Michael the tech salesman who made dentist jokes as soon as he was out of the limo came into the room and started playing the guitar just to steal her away. CHEESEY!! But wait! Once he stole her away, he threw the guitar into the pool because he really doesn’t know how to play the guitar–he just wanted her attention. And it worked. He sold me!

Masked man Jeff was shocked that covering half his face would make the other men think he’s weird. Why do people judge us on the outside, he asked. REALLY? YOU GOTTA ASK THAT? YOU’RE THE ONE HIDING! Tim, the liquor distributer and the man who paused while walking and talking to Ashley when he got out of the limo, really took particular offense to the mask and shoved a pillow in Jeff’s face. Trouble brewing? Of course, it wouldn’t be The Bachelorette otherwise.

The first impression rose came out.

Ben C, the proclaimed romantic lawyer from New Orleans, stole Ashley away from two other men with cue cards which read that he was sad that the two had not spoken yet. OK, original; me like it! He told her he spoke in French to her earlier because he was born in France and travelling is important to him. I’m starting to like him…

Tim, the liquor distributor seems more like a liquor consumer than anything else and is starting to freak me out. He told Ashley she scared him when she approached him. And he thinks the masked man is weird? It turns out, he was tipsy. Actually, he was piss drunk. Good move man. Go wear a mask and hide it out. He started slurring his speech and burping. What a wasted opportunity…Tim then invited masked man to a dance. Later, Ashley found Tim completely passed out and snoring. Well, at least she knows his best qualities right off the bat. She, wisely, sent his ass back home.

The masked man grew on Ashley when she realized he was sincere in trying to have her get to know him without his looks being a factor. J.P. was so cute on his one on one with Ashley. Turns out, his nickname is “cupcake.” She told him that she always wanted the man to marry her to call her cupcake. I liked their interaction a lot.

Ashley then set her sights on Bentley, the man with the bad rep. He pleasantly surprised Ashley and she said if he didn’t come in with a smear, he’d be a front runner. Agreed, he’s a cutie.

The first impression rose went to the guy “who has it all together” and is “modest” and a “nice guy”:  Ryan, our solar panel guy! I TOLD YOU ALL, he made an impression by being the first guy out the limo, the first guy to steal her away, blah blah blah, He has a nice smile too.

OH BUT HERE COMES THE KICKER! We see Bentley admitting to the camera he wanted the rose because he is competitive even though he is “not that attracted to” Ashley! WOAH! Poor Ash! Here we go…

(NOTE: 17 get roses, 6 go home. Tim was sent home already and Ryan had first impression rose):


  • Jeff: The Masked Man! LOL…The gimmick worked..
  • Constatine: Dental floss trickster. Looks like our Ashley likes tricks. Bet the guitar guy gets a rose too (NOPE, I WAS WRONG ON THAT ONE!)
  • Ben F.: The wine maker who toasted her with wine at the limo – again, a trick.
  • Lucas: The Texas hugger.
  • Stephen: The hairstylist.
  • Matt: The mama’s boy.
  • Nick: The poet.
  • Chris D.: The rapper who shouldn’t.
  • Ryan M.: Guess he will get his photo with Chris Harrison after all…
  • Blake: The dentist.
  • Mickey: HMMM…Ashley liked the weird kiss I guess.
  • Ben C.: Our French speaking attorney.
  • West: The compass is working…
  • J.P.: CUPCAKES!!
  • Ames: The over achiever.
  • William: The gorgeous one with the bad relationship track record.
  • THE FINAL ROSE WENT TO: Bentley–What’s a season without drama after all..
  • Anthony the butcher
  • Rob- the one who made the missing crown tooth joke or comment….
  • Jon- the one who wanted to skip everything and head straight into the honeymoon
  • Michael the non guitar player
  • Frank – The hand kisser
  • Chris – the Canadian Construction CEO

Next Bachelorette: Ashley Hebert!


And the next Bachelorette will be ….. Ashley Hebert, the woman Brad Womack almost picked on this season of The Bachelor! Well, she was one of the last three women left alongside Chantal O’Brien and Emily Maynard before Brad asked her to leave.

Jimmy Kimmel made the announcement which came as no surprise to anyone who witnessed her total transformation and makeover on The Bachelor: Women Tell All. As soon as I saw her complete new look, I knew she had something big waiting in store for herself. And, what could be bigger in the Bachelor world than scoring the lead title of the Bachelorette?

After making the annoucement, Kimmel asked Hebert: “Were you then glad that Brad didn’t pick you?” Hebert said giddily: “Yeah. I mean, I think it all turned out for the best!” It sure did for both of you! Brad is with Emily and Ashley has the once-in-a-life-time opportunity to play the bachelorette to 30 men. On national TV. Congrats Ashley!

Hebert is 26 and from Madawaska, Maine. She is currently attending dental school at the University of Pennsylvania. The new Bachelorette premieres May 23, 2011!