The Bachelorette 6/20 Recap: Who Got A Rose And Who Almost Ended Up With A Broken Nose?

Week 5 (June 20, 2011) episode of The Bachlorotte sent three bachelors home. Below is the full recap. If you like the recap, “like” our Facebook page by clicking here and we will let you know about future recaps and exclusive Bachelorette news.


The eleven remaining bachelors and Ashley Hebert were in Chaing Mai. There were three dates this week, a one on one, a group date and a two on one, where one bachelor would be sent home.

And this is the episode that Bentley’s return started to take shape – well, sort of. I mean, did he really ever leave?? We’ve heard more about him than any other guy still left.  Now, I’ve met Ashley and I liked her a lot but the ghost of Bentley, or hearing his name repeatedly, is becoming my pure hellish torture, and if Ash doesn’t stop soon, I just don’t know what I will do!


‘Let’s fall in love in Chaing Mai, Love, Ashley,’ is the date’s clue. Before the date, Ben said there is a “100 percent chance Ashley will be kissed today.”

Ashley and Ben were whisked off to a local marketplace where they walked around, ate and shopped–taking in the whole Thai culture. Ashley said the more she gets to know Ben, the hotter he seems to her. At one point, the two were staring into each other’s eyes but Ashley said, “you know, we can’t kiss here, it’s not allowed (near the temple.)” So, they had a mental kiss instead. Ashley told the camera there was so much tension that she just wanted to jump on Ben.

Over what Ashley called “the most beautiful outdoor dinner that Ben F. has ever seen,” they talked about life, his wine business and family, including the death of Ben’s father. The chemistry was awesome and undeniable — just as it was during their group date at the orphanage. So, of course Ashley gave Ben a rose and they kissed while a traditional show took place around them. Ashley told the camera that there is a lot of passion between the two of them and that Ben is the kind of guy she could fall in love with.

Constantine, Ames, Nick, Blake, Ryan, Lucas, JP and Mickey got the group date which left William and Ben C as the two on one date. The date card read, “Love is worth fighting for,” and unfortunately for all involved, including us the viewers, it meant literally. Guess ABC didn’t learn from the hot mess that the comedic roast group date created, so, it took things to a whole new level of date absurdity by making amateurs take part in Thai boxing.

At first Ashley was excited because she said “it was a really hot way to watch the men,” and she hoped to find the masculinity in them. OK, Ash, I can think of another way or two, but, this is your show, so, a fight it is. Poor Ames must have had a premonition because he said he had not idea what he was doing but if he got a broken nose, it would be worth it. Ashley kept saying how hot this date was at every opportunity. The men sure enjoyed watching her in her spandex, too, until they realized the seriousness of the day ahead of them.

Ames is not much of a fighter and it didn’t help that he ended up with pink gloves and boxing shorts. It made things worse too that the men were taken to a real boxing ring in middle of town with a huge crowd gathered to watch them beat the crap out of each other. I wondered at this point if Ashley still thought this was a hot way to spend a date.

JP was freaking out because he is the smallest guy there but didn’t want to show his fear. Two men at a time got in the ring. Blake and Lucas started the fights and of course testosterone took over in this intense environment of fighting over a woman, not only in front of the said woman, but all her other suitors as well, not to mention half the town that had shown up to watch. FINALLY  it hit Ashley that this may be a dangerous idea. Blake won the match.

Mickey and JP took to the ring next. This whole Gladiator-like dating scenario really bothered me and made me cringe, as it did Ashley at times. JP took an early beating but soon realized he was going to die if he didn’t fight back so, he brought his street game and ended up winning.  Ames went against Ryan but told the camera that he’s never been in a fight in his entire life because he always finds another way around problems. Ryan gave Ames some shots to the head because he wanted to impress Ashley. Ames not only lost the fight, but he was left loopy with a bloody nose. The guys and Ash were concerned about Ames and Ash ran during the last fight (Nick and Constantine) to get the crew to get Ames to a hospital to make sure he was OK.

Ames came back to the group date at night and said he was “dizzy but OK.” Ames told the camera he had a hard time speaking with Ash because of his head and told her that the docs said he was totally in love. Despite all Ames went through, somehow, Blake got the rose at the end of the night.

William and Ben C got the first two on one date of the season. William wanted Ben gone as soon as possible, so, he stabbed Ben in the back by telling Ashley the first chance he got that Ben is ready to go home and explore the online dating sites. About the other men in the house, William said some have her on their minds and others don’t, boiling up Ashley’s insecurities. Oh William, you were the early fave of so many of us, why did you have to go become a rat? As soon as Ash got back to Ben, she abruptly said, “I want to end the 2 on 1 portion of the date right now.” AND BAM, just like that, she sent Ben home, without even having confronted him. So messed up. I did not see that coming from our sweet lil Ash. Ben tried to explain he was joking with the guys, but, Ash’s insecurities had taken over and it was too late for Ben.

During what then became a one on one date with William, Ashley did not feel the same feelings she had felt during her first date with William in Las Vegas, and there was no renewed spark, so, she sent William home as well. Here is what Ali Fedotowsky said today, and she should know: “Not surprised that Ash sent both guys home on this date. You don’t bring guys u ‘like’ on the 2-on-1 date. Even if she kept 1, he wouldn’t have lasted much longer.”

Ashley decided she needed closure with Bentley Williams before she could move forward with the other men. So, she had a heart to head talk with Chris Harrison. She told him that she is certain about the core group of guys she wants to go forward with but she still has Bentley on her mind and “what could have been.” Chris told her it’s not fair to the guys who are fighting for her (literally girl, they’re getting the crap beat out of them for you). But Ashley said the only way to pay respect to the men is to be honest with them and figure out the Bentley situation.

She told Chris, “there was something there [with Bentley].” She asked to talk to Bentley so she could ask him a couple of questions. “The fact that he left me with a ‘dot dot dot,’ leaves me wondering….” Chris said he is there for Ash and he will do what he can to “make something happen.” And we all know that “something” will be to bring Bentley back. OH GOD HELP US ALL!

Blake and Ben F already had roses from their dates. Constantine, Lucas, JP, Ames, Mickey and Ryan all got roses at the ceremony. Nick was sent home. Ben C and William were already sent home on their dates.
Tune in next week for a visit to Hong Kong and the return of Bentley. And guess what? The other men feel betrayed that she brought him back – can you blame them?

Video: Chris Harrison Dishes On Bentley’s Return To The Bachelorette

We all watched last week’s cringe-inducing episode of The Bachelorette in horror and disgust as bad boy Bentley Williams crushed Ashley Hebert’s heart and dreams of finding her one true reality television love to pieces while belittling her behind her back.

If you watched The Bachelorette tonight, you saw the preview of a mystery man coming to see Ashley in Thailand. That mystery man is no one other than Bentley Williams himself coming back on the show so Ashley could have some closure.

Rumors have it that Ashley begged the producers to bring Bentley back. More rumors will have you believe that Bentley accepted to come back just so he could get a free trip to Thailand. We don’t know if any of that is true… yet. The only thing we know for certain at this point, is that Bentley does in fact return.

How do we know for a fact? Well, watch host Chris Harrison‘s interview with Extra’s Adrianna Costa talking about Bentley’s return:

Chris Harrison On Bentley: “He Almost Shut Down Production On Bachelorette”


Bachelor and Bachelorette host Chris Harrison spoke with the media recently about Bentley, the worst villain in The Bachelorette history, and explained how Bentley’s actions and intentions almost shut down show production and broke Ashley Hebert’s heart.

Here are some excerpts from Chris Harrison interview:

On when Harrison figured out Bentley had bad intentions:
“I thought he was going to be trouble the moment Ashley told me he was going to be trouble. [Ashley and I] talked …I was pretty adamant about my feelings towards him. I usually try to walk that fine gray line of host-friend-confidant, but when you have information before the guy even gets out of the limo, that is beyond a red flag … She was so anti everything she had done on Brad’s season, the being closed off … this season she kind of threw caution to the wind and did the opposite. We actually gave her the option before the limo pulled up: You don’t have to meet this guy. She said, ‘No, I want to meet him. if I don’t like this guy, I’ll kick him off.’ She made the decision to go forward.”

On how hard it was for Harrison to watch the madness on the sideline:
“Really hard. She’s a friend of mine. But it gets to the point, and this is one of the things I find fascinating about this show, where I’m no longer a host, I’m a friend and I’m about to watch someone have their heart broken. Now all I can do is stand by and watch it and be there for her when it happens. You just have to be there for them …You’ll see in the deliberation Monday night, it was very much not a deliberation. This was a friend walking in to pick up the pieces of another friend who had just had her heart ripped apart.”

On why Ashley kept Bentley around for so many weeks:

“I’d be interested to talk to her now and get her perspective now that she’s had some time to heal and look into it more. Was it the bad boy? Was it, ‘I wanna fix him?’ The mother syndrome? Maybe it was a little bit of all of that. I couldn’t put a finger on it, but I found it very perplexing myself. But he was so smooth, so caring around her, she never got to see his true colors and eventually he was able to use that and crush her.”

On Bentley’s “tickle my [bleep]” comment:
“I think you’ve gotta see what the guy said. If it upsets someone’s sensibilities or if it went too far, as far as any of our fans are concerned, I do apologize for that. But this is what this guy was saying. This was what he thought of Ashley. I think in true context you need to see what this guy was about and what his game was. Ashley didn’t get to see or hear a lot of that … you really had to show both sides to show exactly just how bad it was and how badly she’s going to have the rug ripped out from under her on Monday night.”

On whether Bentley’s comments have been edited:“You can’t splice together when you see somebody like that. And honestly, you can’t really take the things he said out of context. Even in joking they’re not appropriate. You don’t talk about a woman like that. I would love to hear what his friends have to say about the stunt he pulls when he’s leaving, because I think that is worse than anything he says before.”

On whether they would have eventually shown Ashley some of this footage:
“Maybe if this had gone any further, you have to understand too, we’re only two weeks in this, things had just started getting out of hand and him saying all these things. If it had gone on longer, I don’t know the steps we would’ve taken, if we would’ve finally shown her these things. She was privy to a lot of information and lot of what we thought. Some of the producers had told her this guy’s not good for you and I had told her some things. She had so much more information, more than Ali or Jillian ever had about Justin or Wes.”

On how Bentley got cast in the first place:

“He obviously didn’t say all those derogatory things in casting. He obviously didn’t say, ‘If it’s Ashley, I’m going to use her and destroy her.’ We are casting all the time, even while we’re shooting. I don’t get involved in the casting for many reasons, but I never saw any of his stuff, I really didn’t.”

On the aftermath:

“We didn’t put this guy in there to draw up this drama. This really doesn’t turn out to be a good thing for Ashley or us. It got to the point where we almost shut down production. We didn’t know if she could continue on. This really makes her question everything: the rest of the guys, herself, if this is gonna work, if it’s worth it.”

On Bentley having a daughter and his possible appearance on “Men Tell All” special:
“I have a son and I have a daughter and I can’t fathom treating a woman like that anyway, but much less someone who has a daughter. I really hope he comes back to the ‘Men Tell All,’ not so I can rip him apart, but so I can hear his explanation. Can you imagine a man treating your daughter that way? I’d love to hear his response. I don’t know what his end game was or what his motivations were. Things he said and things he did really crossed the line of decency, as far as I’m concerned.”

On what Ashley thinks of Bentley now:

“She called me last week and said, ‘I can’t believe all these things. I feel like such a fool and so played.’ Again, this is hindsight. She’s seeing him for who he really is. It’s funny, she said, ‘Why didn’t you say something?’ ‘Ashley, I did.’ And she’d say, ‘I know.’ That’s the way it works. When you’re friends with someone, that’s all you can do. Let them fall on their face, then give them a big hug, pick them up and move on.”

Chris Harrison and me 🙂