Big Brother 13 wrapped up Wednesday night, with Rachel Reilly being crowned the winner. Below are several backyard interviews immediately after the show’s finale: Continue reading
Tag Archives: Evel Dick
Big Brother’s Evel Dick Donato Has Emergency Gallbladder Surgery
Big Brother 13 fans still wonder why Evel Dick Donato left the BB house so abruptly, even though Dick released a statement a while back that he had to leave the show for an emergency involving someone very dear to him.
But Dick has since been missing from his online show on for a while as well and we now know why. As it turns out, Dick had to have an emergency gallbladder surgery and he Twitted about it. Here is what the Tweet had to say:
Well, it’s been a fun 48 hours. Emergency surgery to remove my gallbladder has left me spinnin’. No Dick at Nite for a few days, sorry
Get well soon Dick!
RESULTS: Who Was Voted Off Big Brother August 18?
Big Brother 13 August 18, 2011 eviction and HOH night results has Daniele as HoH, and Brendon and Shelly as nominees on the eviction chopping block.
Read below to see if Brendon, “the Zombie who won’t die”, ended up leaving the Big Brother house for the second time in two weeks.
Kalia votes to evict Brendon
Porsche votes to evict Brendon
Adam votes to evict Brendon
Jeff votes to evict Brendon
Jordan votes to evict Brendon
Brendon is evicted for a second time by a vote of 5-1 and will be the first member of the Big Brother jury house.
Brendon said if Dani had held up her end of the deal, he’s not sure he would have kept up his end of the deal. Brendon said Rachel will win HOH and shake the house down. In their goodbye messages, Dani said she has evicted Brendon twice and if Brendon comes back again she will have to evict herself. Jeff said he wished Brendon was playing this game by himself and asked for instructions for how to deal with Rachel. He also said it breaks his heart to see Brendon go. Kalia was her usual ass self and said she doesn’t know why America voted Brendon back in the house. Rachel promised to kick ass.
All Washed Up was the name of the game – contestants had to transfer a cup of water one at a time and pour it in a jug holding a ping pong ball. The person whose ping pong ball would reach the top first would win and become head of household. This competition is ongoing and as soon as it finishes, I will post results here. SO COME BACK to see who won Head of Household. Also, Julie just told us this is double elimination week!
10:50pm Jeff in the lead
10:54pm Rachel/Porsche in second
10:55pm Rachel in second, Porsche in third..
11:05 pm Jeff’s lead is increasing, Rachel in second
11:14pm Jeff well in the lead. Shelly, Porsche and Rachel for Second.
RECAP: Big Brother Gives America The Chance To Vote An Evicted Houseguest Back In The BB House
Big Brother 13 eviction episode aired August 4, 2011. Here is a recap:
For the first time all season, a veteran walked out of the Big Brother 13 house via eviction Thursday night – but it was done at the hands of another veteran.
Brendon played Rachel’s knight in shining armor by taking her off of the chopping block and leaving himself in jeopardy. This shocking gesture made Daniele’s day because Brendon was always her target and she felt it would be easy to get him out of the BB house when sitting next to Jordan on the block.
Jordan felt safe against Brendon but jokingly said in the Diary Room that if people are going to vote her out, she would want to know in advance so she can wear her special eviction dress. She said she will be mad if she gets sent out in another outfit. Got to love this girl.
Rachel starts having a meltdown as realization sinks in that she and Brendon, the self-named ‘most dynamic-duo’ will be broken up. Brendon did his best to console Rachel. Jeff said in the Diary Room that Rachel is a good competitor but he does not know how he will be able to deal with her head game and will pull his hair out when every fruit in the house will remind Rachel of Brendon.
Kalia and Daniele keep getting closer and Kalia tells Daniele about Brendon’s use of the POV on Rachel, that “This is what we wanted.” Daniele agreed and said she is not afraid of Rachel and just needs to ensure the newbies vote out Brendon. She also tells Kalia she has to win the upcoming HOH.
Brendon and Rachel worked on the newbies to try to get enough votes for Brendon to stay. They first started with Porsche and campaigned against Jordan (“she’s won once already) and Daniele. Porsche said she would vote to keep Brendon — mainly to keep Rachel sane. Brenchel then worked on Adam and accused Daniele of not being loyal. Brendon asked Adam, “Should Rachel come after you for voting me out?”
Shelly was approached next. She told the camera that she’s been riding both sides and needs to see what is in her best interests from now on.
Daniele asked Adam why Rachel and Brendon are prancing around all happy, as if they have the votes for Brendon to stay. Adam said, “they’re trying to make deals, that’s all I will tell you, but I am making my own decision.”
Daniele met with Porsche and Porsche said Rachel wants her to vote for Brendon to stay. Daniele said she has Porsche’s back and Brenchel lie and would sell their first child. As she said that, Rachel walked in and asked what they were doing. AWKWARD silence. Rachel then stood up and left. Rachel told the camera that Porsche is her second best friend in the house and the thought of her hanging out with Daniele makes her uncomfortable. Later, Porsche told Rachel to stop being mopey because she’s still going to be in the house once Brendon leaves and she’s making people uncomfortable. Rachel got pissed at the sage advice and stormed off yelling that no one will help them in the house. Porsche walked off and said, “I can’t help you now girl.”
Brendon told Rachel to calm down because he is leaving her in the game to play and asked her if that was a mistake. She said yes and added that it was also a mistake to ask her to marry him. Rachel continued her self pity party of one and said she will never find a job outside of BB and Brendon tried his best to help her get to a better place (On the live feeds, Brendon was so concerned about Rachel’s meltdown, he asked for a psychiatrist to check her out-guess she passed).
We heard the veterans saying they all wished Evel Dick Donato had stayed in the game because he would not have tried the power play that Daniele has pulled. Then we saw Evel who said he would have played the game completely differently than Daniele has and that he would never have let her play this bad a game had he been in the house. Dick, who won season 8 of BB with Daniele coming in second, said Daniele is now trying so hard to live out the shadow cast on her by Dick that she’s playing too hard, too fast. In regard to Dominic, Dick said all Daniele did was lay in a bed with him all day and “grab ass” and thought that formed an alliance but instead made Dom a bigger target. He said Daniele’s flirtations were a repeat of season 8: “Instead of NICK, it’s DomiNICK!” Dick said Daniele also pulled a “stupid move” when trying to back door Jeff last week and should have waited until week 8 to break up the couples. Dick said Daniele is not a strategic player but plays hard in competitions so she still has a chance to win without her father in the house though it will be very hard.
Daniele told Julie Chen in private that she thinks her dad thinks she’s playing like an insane person but that’s OK since her dad is insane. She said she regrets making the move against Jeff two weeks too soon because it cost Dominic his game. Julie asked her if she could ever play with Rachel again and she said no way because Rachel thinks she has split up a marriage not a couple in the house and she takes it personally. Daniele finished by saying she expects Rachel to try to take her out of the house and kill her outside of it.
Brendon was voted off and eliminated by a vote of 5-2. Brendon spent most of his time saying goodbye to Rachel before leaving and asked the houseguests not to kill each other.
Jeff voted against Brendon;
Rachel voted against Jordan;
Adam voted against Brendon;
Porsche voted against Jordan;
Lawon voted against Brendon (I forgot he was still in the house)
Shelly voted against Brendon;
Kalia voted against Brendon.
PLEASE DO what Brendon Villegas does and follow me like he does on Twitter and Facebook so I can send you updates of every important Big Brother scoop I get!
VIDEO: Sneak Peek Of Evel Dick’s Short Return To Big Brother
Evel Dick Donato returns to Big Brother on August 4, 2011. But from the sneak peek video provided by CBS (below), it looks like the visit is only virtual. Too bad, I was hoping Dick would come and stir things up as he had originally planned.
Below is a short 8 second video — see what Dick thinks of this daughter Daniele’s game play. BIG HINT: It’s not good.
Big Brother Eviction 7/14 Recap
Big Brother aired Thursday July 14. Below is a show recap:
The oldies realized with Evel Dick out of the game, they were one more man down and needed to up their social game.
Brendon and Rachel played the big bootie game with the newbies. And Jeff said he will have to “whore” himself out and play nice as well. Rachel brought out “Vegas Rachel” to have fun with the houseguests. But Dominic was on to their strategy.
We find out “Boookieee” is Brendon and Rachel’s pet name for each other and Brendon is not happy about others knowing about it. He also did not want Rachel to play party girl because she is almost his wife. Brendon tells Rachel in private that he loves her with all his heart but feels that being called Bookie in front of everyone makes their relationship look like a joke. He slept on the couch as the two seemed a bit drifted.
The next day, Brendon tells Rachel he is trying to be a medical professional and feels emasculated by Rachel’s antics in front of people. They kissed and made up.
Jeff thinks Adam is a huge BB fan. So, in order to woo him more to the oldies’ side, he comes up with the idea of letting Adam pick the name for the oldies’ alliance. Brilliant Jeff! Adam came up with “Adam’s Angels.” I doubt that name will stick for two reasons: The name sucks. And Adam did not vote with the oldies in the eviction. Read more!
Evel Dick sent a video message to the BB houseguests. He said he would never have left if it were not a personal emergency. He also apologized to his daughter Daniele for not being able to spend the summer with her, especially since the two seem to get along best inside that house per him. He told the rest of the house to play well and challenged them to fight hard. Daniele was asked to give her dad a message and all she said is, “hanging in there!”
Julie Chen asked Daniele, “No I love you?” to which Daniele responded, “That is so awkward. Of course I love my father, he is my biological father.” Fast forward to voting who to evict, Daniel rushed this out before she voted to evict Keith: “I just want to say I do love my father and I have done nothing but worry about him every day since he left.” Nice save Daniele.
Here is a full summary of Dick’s message as to why he left the BB house.
Both Porsche and Keith thought they were safe before the vote. In her plea for safety, Porsche kissed some major oldie ass. Here is who each houseguest voted to evict:
Follow CelebMagnet on Twitter and Facebook to receive updates of every important Big Brother scoop I get!
Evel Dick Releases Statement As To Why He Left Big Brother House
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Evel Dick with a guitar he donated to charity signed by former BB houseguests. |
Many of you are wondering why Evel Dick Donato has left the Big Brother house. CBS did not really explain the reason behind Evel Dick’s departure on Wednesday night’s Big Brother episode, but Dick himself released a statement via a video for Reality TV Zone to clear up some false rumors about his exit. Continue reading
Big Brother 7/13 Recap: Who WON Power Of Veto?
Big Brother 13 episode # 3 aired on July 11, 2011. Below is a summary recap of the show and who won the Power of Veto.
Live blogging of important events is taking place now and a full recap of the show and why Evel Dick Donato left the show, will be posted later tonight.
Of course we know that Rachel had nominated Porsche and Keith for eviction. We find out that the selection was Dick’s idea. We also find out Keith is Rachel’s real target because she thinks Porschewill vote her way.
Keith feels safe in the house because he believes The Regulators will help save him. Keith wants to throw the POV competition so he can stay on the block, be saved, and get the Golden Key. Porche on the other hand does not get the fact that if she throws the competition and stays on the block the oldies will keep her and she gets the Golden Key.
This is how Evel Dick Donato left the show: Dick got called to the Diary Room but never came out. After he was gone for two hours, the houseguests got worried. Rachel then got called to the Diary Room and the house is still Dick-less!
Daniel got emotional about her father’s absence and was worried about his well being. She tells Rachel and Brendon that her dad lives for BB and for him not to be there, it must be a big deal. She’s also sad that she has to sit on the sidelines and not play in any competition.
Brendon did not take the news well either and and was angry that his team was now one more man down. The other oldies were trying to calm him down in Rachel’s HOH room so the other houseguests wouldn’t hear him and realize (as if they hadn’t already) that the oldies are in an alliance. Jordon expressed her fears for being disadvantaged now but Jeff told the oldies team to stop bitching and crying and play the game and win the competitions.
Daniel later realized how beneficial the Golden Key is. She figured she can build personal relationships with the newbies during the four weeks of guaranteed safety.
Keith started making waves for himself by verbalizing his joy that Dick was gone. Shelly tells the camera that no one should publicly make fun of an obvious emergency situation for Dick. Keith then calls a newbie meeting and rats out Porsche and Kalia as being too chummy with the oldies and accused them of playing with the oldies. Lawon called Keith a “ticking time bomb” to the camera and said he is about to explode. Dominic started to question Keith’s stability.
Keith told the camera he will throw the competition because he feels safe. Rachel pulled Jeff and Jordan’s names out of players lottery bag and so she and Brendon along with Jeff and Jordan and Porsche and Keith compete for the POV. Rachel chose Adam as the MC.
Before the competition, the oldies talked to Porsche to make sure she was still on board to throw the competition and she said yes, “it’s more fun that way.”
Jordan was terrible in the puzzle making competition and it was funny to watch both Keith and Porsche throwing the competition yet doing better than Jordan.
Rachel wins POV. Rachel and Brendon meet with Adam and Dominic and tell them “we won’t put you up this week, we ask that you don’t put us up next week.” They then met with Kalia and Lawon and told them the same thing. And then they met with Shelly and Cassi. Cassi was the only person who stood up to the duo and asked questions of Brendon and Rachel. She told them their strength scares them. After all of this, Rachel decides to leave the votes as is, meaning Keith and Porsche remain on the block.
PLEASE DO what Brendon Villegas does and follow me like he does on Twitter and Facebook so I can send you updates of every important Big Brother scoop I get!
Big Brother Nominations 7/10 Recap
Big Brother 13 week two episode on July 11, 2011 started with the oldies/Dynamic Duos (or the Allstars as they like to call themselves) conspiring against the 8 newbie houseguests. Most of us know by now that Evel Dick Donato has left the show, but, he was still present when this nominations episode was taped and aired.
We hear Rachel Reilly and Brendon Villegas talking about the effect of the new Golden Key on the game which allows the holders of the key to float through the first four weeks of the game with no eviction, no competition, and no slop. Rachel says this is a whole new game than what she is used to. Brendon says the new game favors floaters and he and Rachel still hate floaters. Rachel gives floaters an official name, “Golden Ticket Holders.”
Before he leaves the Big Brother house, Dick tells the oldies that the newbies are like the three stooges and will go down like they are on a shooting range, one after another. To achieve his domination plan over the newbies, Dick suggests they bring two newbies on their side to out number the newbies. Daniele suggests that they can offer the people safety in exchange for later loyalty.
Meanwhile, Dominic Briones, Keith Henderson, Cassie Colvin and Lawon Exum have formed an inner alliance against their own partners and agreed to keep each other in the game until the final four. They name themselves “The Regulators.”
Dick sees Porche Briggs as a strong competitor and easy to manipulate over time so he asks her to join them and she agrees. Porche tells Keith of her agreement and gets his apparent OK but Keith runs to Dominic and spills Porche’s beans. Dominic tells Keith to pretend to go along with Porche.
Dick also tells Adam Poch that he would like to have a chat with him. Adam meets Dick and the other oldies in Rachel’s HOH bedroom and is told that if he gets nominated, they would pool their votes to give him the Golden Key and send his partner Dominic home. In return, they ask Adam to throw competitions for them and pool his vote with the old timers. Dick gets a bit cocky here and makes Adam feel that he should see this offer to team up with the Allstars as an honor. “It’s an offer you can’t refuse,” Dick tells Adam. Adam agrees in person but when in diary room, he tells the camera that Dick is a pupet master and all Adam can think about is getting Dick out of the house.
The ‘Have and Have Not’ competition was held and three teams were formed with four people in each team. Brendon and Rachel are automatic Haves this week since they are the Head of Household. One of these three teams would be declared a loser and would have to sleep in an uncomfortable bedroom for a week which looks like an insane asylum with padded walls. Shelly Moore says the room looks like a looney bin. The losers will have to have the room’s lights on all the time and eat BB Slop for a week. Oh ya, and they can only take cold showers for the week.
The theme of the competition was moon craters. The players had to dive into a crater of milk and then head to the lunar landing to get their teammates to squeeze out enough milk to fill 6 huge jugs. The last team to complete the quest would be the ‘Have Nots’ for the week.
The blue team finished first which consisted of Dick, Daniele, Jeff and Jordan. The green team finished second which consisted of Keith, Porsche, Adam and Dominic. The orange team finished last which were Cassie, Shelly, Kalia and Lawon.
Here are the ‘Have Nots’ for the week:

Rachel then calls everyone in for the Nomination Ceremony. Brendon is already safe as Rachel’s partner. Daniele and Dick are the first to be declared safe this week. Danielle and Dick pull Jordan and Jeff’s keys. Jordan and Jeff pull Lawon and Kalia’s keys. Lawon and Kalia pull Cassie and Shelly’s keys. Shelly and Cassie pull Adam and Dominic’s keys.
Keith and Porsche are nominated for eviction, leaving Porsche shocked for having been put up this week. Keith knows the Regulators will support him and feels safe. In the Diary Room Rachel says that she wants Keith to be evicted and to give Porsche the Golden Key so she will vote with them each week.

The Power of Veto competition has already taken place.
Rachel and Brandon along with Jeff and Jordan and Porsche and Keith compete for the POV. Adam is the MC. Rachel wins POV. Rachel decides to leave the votes as is, meaning Keith and Porsche remain on the block.
What do you think of the nominees? Did Rachel make the right decision? Who will go home? Porsche? Or Keith? Who do you think is the strongest player in the house is? And what do you think will be the effect on the game when Dick leaves unexpectedly?
Big Brother News: Evel Dick Donato Leaves Big Brother
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Evel Dick with a guitar he donated to charity, signed by former BB cast. |
Well, that was crazy fast. CBS confirmed what fans of Big Brother live feed had already noticed: Dick Donato, aka Evel Dick, has left the Big Brother house soon after the show’s premiere Thursday.
Donato went MIA soon after the premiere episode. Fans watching Big Brother: After Dark on Showtime late Thursday noticed that he was nowhere to be found. Per BB blogs, Evel Dick went into the Diary Room and never came out. His daughter Daniele (who entered the house with Evel Dick as a pair) started asking where her estranged father was and the other players thought it was a ruse.
Donato, who won BB on season eight, claimed that he and his daughter Daniele who came in second on BB season 8 had not spoken in three years. The Donatos were supposed to be part of a new twist this season which includes mixing Dynamic Duos from past seasons with newbie players.