Terry O’Quinn & Michael Emerson Of Lost Reunite For New NBC Show

Photo Courtesy of ABC.

It probably won’t be anywhere as good as Lost, because no other TV show can ever be that mesmerizing and thrilling. But, this just may be the second best thing: The TV reunion of Terry O’Quinn and Michael Emerson, better known by Losties as John Locke and Ben Linus.

What?! NBC has just picked up a new pilot from Lost co-creator J.J. Abrams starring the two best villains who captured our imagination and dove deep into our fears. The project, originally named Odd Jobs is now untitled but described as a comedic drama about former black-ops agents.

Making it even better: Josh Appelbaum and Andre Nemec of Alias will serve as writers and executive producers, with Abrams and Bryan Burk (Undercovers) also executive-producing. 

All I have to say to that is: WOOHOO! AND, can it please start airing tomorrow. Oh, and, can you please sign up Jack, Kate, Sawyer and Hurley (Matthew Fox, Evangeline Lilly, Josh Holloway, and Jorge Garcia) on too?

Looks like I am not the only one excited about this new collaboration. This is what Michael Emerson told EW.com:

“I really am AMAZED that what started out as some kidding-around on the set of Lost has turned into a network TV reality! I’m still reeling from this sudden turn of events. I’m an actor who has never even succeeded in testing for a pilot and here I find myself involved in a project custom-built for Terry and me! Can’t tell you how thrilling it is to be part of the Bad Robot family and enter into this exciting collaboration with Warner Brothers and NBC! Have we ARRIVED or what?! But best of all will be that day when Terry and I show up on the set of a brand new show, look around, shrug our shoulders and say “Let’s get started!” My fingers are crossed! (Did I use enough exclamation points? ha!)”

Lost Prop Auction – Buy Piece of Lost History From Profiles In History

America’s fascination with celebrity or Hollywood memorabilia is getting out of control. Last week, I reported on Michael Jackson’s glove being sold at an auction for an unexpected $190,000; then,  I reported that chest x-rays of Marilyn Monroe fetched an unbelievable $45,000 at another auction.

I thought I would get a lot of outraged comments about such sales; however, I instead received a lot of  Tweets letting me know that these items were sold at bargain prices! So, apparently, there is high demand for ownership of a piece of Hollywood history.

 If you missed your chance at those auctions, do not fret. Profiles In History is in the process of  organizing an auction of props and memorabilia from ABC’s hit phenomenon, Lost.  The auctioneers estimate that they will have over 1,000 lots of items covering all six season’s of the show. What could you possibly buy? You name or remember it, it will be up for auction.

Remember  Eko’s “Jesus Stick!” Well, it can now be your stick for the right price.

 Need a passport?  Hurley’s, Jack’s and Kate’s will all be up for sale. 
Say you want something more creepy? How about Ben’s handwritten orders to commute Juliet’s execution?

Oh, wait, you want something softer? How about Danielle Rousseau’s Music Box? I mean, the list of items for auction is impressively endless and is continually being updated. The auction will be held August 21-22, 2010 and you can bid in person, online or over the telephone. For more info and a full listing of the catalogue, visit, Profiles in History. [Thanks Sum for the Info.] I would LOVE to know which item you would bid on. Leave a comment!

Lost Explained In Under 3 Minutes. BRILLIANT!


   OMG! It’s been five, long, agonizing days since the series finale of Lost and I still cannot decipher what the heck happened to me or to my favorite castaways. And then, just now, I stumble upon this gem of a video by “Nerimon”. I want to hug you Nerimon. Send me your address, and I will fly to you and hug you. For the past six years, I feel like I HAVE BEEN THE ONE TRAPPED in a sideways world purgatory. If only I could have time traveled six years ago to 2010 and watched Nerimon’s explanation and then gone back to 2004 and watched Lost for six years knowing what I would have known in 2010, I would have saved myself lots of pain and grief. Have I lost you yet? Ya, that’s the point. Thank you Nerimon, thank you.

Maybe, just maybe, now you can explain Gilligan’s Island to me.
(You can read my last two Lost posts here and here.)

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Favorite Moments Of Lost Series Finale…Updated In Real Time

Obviously, and sadly, Lost is now behind us. Yes, the ending was absolutely poetic, moving and heartfelt. Beautifully and flawlessly acted by the best ensemble cast ever on TV. I loved it. I cried from the moment it started until the very end. And then some more. BUT, I also hated it. From mid way through, I knew exactly where they were going with the show, and did not want to see an ending like the one we saw. Sure, the ending was gut-wrenchingly moving in a way that only Lost can deliver. However, it left me wanting more. I wanted more for my beloved Losties. I needed more answers. Not so much answers to “why were women barren on the island,” but to newer questions such as, “where did Alpert go off the island?” Or, “what was the significance of the very last scene/which crash was that?” And, “why did we see the island under water in the first episode of season 6.” 

I cannot accept a beautifully artistic ending in place of answers for all of the holes which were left unplugged, pun intended. But, in order to not go crazy, I will “let go” and move on…..So, goodbye Lost, goodbye; thank you for leading me on a wild goose chase for six years. I loved every minute of it, even though in the end, I yearned for much more.  I will miss you Sawyer, Jack, Freckles, Hurley. Here are my favorite moments from Lost…updated in real time as I watched the Season Finale….ADD your favorite moments in the comments section 🙂

Sideways World
Hurley shooting Charlie in the back to get him to the concert
Hurley to Sayid as he dumped Charlie in the back of car: “That was Charlie” 
Jin and Sun, together and ALIVE!!
Hearing Juliette’s voice entering Sun’s hospital room
Jin and Sun speaking English…”I remember”
Hurley playing matchmaker and Shannon remembering Sayid
Hurley and Boone teaming up to reunite Shannon and Sayid
Charlie looking at Claire from the stage before he “remembered” her
Charlie and Claire after Aaron is born
Obviously kiss between Sawyer and “Blondie” by the vending machine; Sawyer to Juliette: “It’s me baby….I had you
Kate to Jack: “I’ve missed you so much”
Scene between Locke and Ben outside of church; Ben to Locke: “I’m sorry John for everything I did to you”. Locke to Ben: “If it helps, I forgive you” 
Jack opening an empty coffin  
Christian to Jack: “This is the place you all made together so you could find each other”

Island World
Sawyer to Hurley: “Woah, easy Big Foot, it’s just me”
Kate trying to avenge Sun and Jin by shooting at Fake Locke, “You killed them”
Hurley: “Jack, I believe in you dude”
Kate to Jack: “You haven’t ruined anything, nothing is irreversible” 

Sawyer hitting Ben at the well and taking gun away 
Seeing VINCENT’S paw prints!!

Rose and Bernard in their happy camp
Locke bleeding and Jack to Lock: “Looks like you were wrong too
Kate shooting Locke in the back to save Jack, “I saved you a bullet”
Jack kicking Locke off cliff
Lapidus on plane to Ben on walkie-talkie: “Don’t bother me”. Ben: “Sounds like they’re making progress”
Sawyer to Jack: “Thanks for everything Jack”
Kate to Jack: “Tell me I’m gonna see you again”…And the kiss and the “I love you“s
Kate jumping off of cliff without hesitation
Hurley to Jack: “no, I’m not gonna let you die”
Hurley’s gestures when accepting Candidacy
Jack to Hurley, “I believe in you”
The airplane takeoff; Lapidus: “Amen”
Hurley asking Ben to help him with his new job. Hurley to Ben: “I could really use someone with like, experience…for a little while..will you help me, Ben?” Ben to Hurley: “I’ll be honored“. Hurley, “Cool”
Jack APPARENTLY not dying and waking up on the rocks
Vincent lying by Jack’s side…

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Exclusive Interview With Nick Tate, Actor From Lost


  My mind is on Lost. My heart is with Lost. My keyboard can only type about Lost. Tonight is a night which I have long dreaded because it will inevitably result in a broken heart for me as I forever say goodbye to some of my favorite friends. After 6 seasons of religiously living, breathing, and watching Lost, yes, I want answers, but, no, not at the cost of losing Jack, Sawyer, Freckles, and Hurley; oh my sweet Hurley. Desmond — what will I do without you in this lifetime, brotha? And, Ben, oh silly Ben, no one will ever again deceive me and kill at will like you can, Ben.

Tonight, I will surely weep and dwell in my sorrow, a sorrow which only a true Lost fan can understand and appreciate. But at least my pain will mercifully now be softened due to the intervention of the cosmos yet once again. In true serendipitous Celeb Magnet fashion, the stars sent me an angel last night from Australia; an angel in the name of Nick Tate. You’ve seen Nick in Hook, Cry Freedom, Murder She Wrote, JAG,and The X Files. But as I looked closely at his sweet familiar face, and listened intently to his smooth Australian accent as he spoke with my friend Emerson, I recognized Nick from episode 1.3 of Lost, better known as Tabula Rasa which first aired October 6, 2004.  

Hello Nick, mate–nice to see you again. On Lost, Nick played Ray Mullen, a farmer in Australia for whom Kate (played by Evangeline Lilly) worked prior to the crash of Oceanic Flight 815. As you recall, Ray found a fugitive Kate sleeping in his sheep pen one morning, and gave her a job doing chores around his farm for nearly three months. That is, until Ray spotted Kate’s mugshot at the post office and decided to turn her in to US Marshal Edward Mars for a $23,000 reward. During the confrontation with Mars, Kate caused Ray’s truck to overturn but ended up saving him by pulling him out from the burning wreckage. The delay allowed Mars to capture her. Here is a clip containing the scenes.
Interesting bit of trivia: Ray Mullen was the first character to appear on an episode of Lost who wasn’t aboard Oceanic 815. As all die-hard Lost fans know, Lost was Evangeline Lilly’s first speaking role ever. Tonight, Nick relayed the story of the first time he met Evangeline. It took place while they were both sitting in their respective makeup chairs and facing each other. Nick introduced himself to this “amazingly beautiful” lady who seemed very nervous. Her scenes with Nick would be Evangeline’s first scenes with a non-cast member. This was as big as it gets for a young, new actress. She asked if Nick would go over their lines while they were both in their make up chairs, and Nick agreed. Nick, a seasoned actor, says Evangeline rehearsed the lines to perfection. Nick told her she was really good, and Evangeline asked, “do you really think so?” “Oh, yes, I really think so.” Nick was obviously spot on with his assessment. Nick says he still keeps in touch with Evangeline and sees her from time to time when he is in the States; he calls her “unforgettable”. Well, Nick, I think you are unforgettable too…

20 Lost Scenes Which Made Us Weep With No Mercy

In woeful anticipation of the impending end to the greatest saga ever on TV, I am including a link to 20 pictures depicting the most tear-jerking Lost moments over the last 6 seasons, each of which moments hit our emotional wells like a demolition wrecking ball with no mercy….I almost wish tomorrow would never come because I am not yet ready to forever say goodbye to some of the most amazing characters I have ever known-on or off TV.

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One Way Or Another, I Know LOST Will Break My Heart May 23

The pilot episode of Lost is and will forever be the best pilot episode ever created for television. Every single one of us was mesmerized from the first eye popping scene. What began with a plane crash though, turned real weird, real fast. Or real slow, depending on how much leeway each of us decided to give the writers. Time travel, crazy scientific stations, barren women, parallel universes, a smoke monster, a bizarre life-giving stream. After almost 6 years of agony, I still hold on to the slim glimmer of hope that we as a collective group of Lost fanatics will have resolution for some of Lost‘s most provocative and mind-blowing questions, but, I alas, am afraid, all Lost will deliver is more heartbreak ala Sun and Jin style. Regardless, please hold off all phone calls, texts, emails during the 2.5 hour finale set for 9 PM on ABC on May 23. Or even afterward when I will be either crying, jumping off head-first from my first-floor balcony or watching a post-finale special, Jimmy Kimmel Live Aloha to Lost. Actually, don’t bother me on the prior Saturday either as I am sure to be watching the original pilot set to air with added pop-up balloons along with a two-hour retrospective called “Lost: The Final Journey“. Damn you Lost, Damn you.