Cory Gunz is a talented 23-year old rapper who hopes the world will soon get to know him real well when his new docu-series, Son of a Gun, premieres on MTV April 28.
I got an exclusive sneak peek of the premiere episode of Son of a Gun earlier this month at the Reality Rocks Expo held in downtown Los Angeles and I can tell you for sure that the show will give you a raw look into the struggles facing an up and coming rapper in New York as he comes of age while trying to make it in this cut throat industry.
Cory held a Q&A panel alongside his father and rapper, Peter Gunz and the show’s executive producer, Nick Cannon. The standing room only audience gripped on to every word the soft spoken Cory had to say about his upcoming show. Cory said MTV is the right platform for his music because “it is the music television station and he grew up watching it.” Father Gunz added, “I don’t think you can get a bigger platform than MTV. It’s a dream.”
Currently, Gunz is signed to Lil’ Wayne’s Young Money and is featured on his single 6 Foot 7 Foot. Watch Nick Cannon explain why he picked Cory for the show:
Couples meeting on ABC’s The Bachelor keep breaking up but Rachel Reilly and Brendon Villegas who coupled up on the 12th season of the CBS reality show Big Brotherhave big news: They’re engaged!
CelebMagnet caught up with the couple at Reality Rocks Expo in Downtown Los Angeles where Rachel broke the news, “We just got engaged and are planning our wedding. I just moved from Las Vegas to LA!” About their rocky relationship, she said, “Outside of the Big Brother house it’s even been more challenging to keep our relationship together but we have overcame those challenges and we’re engaged.”
Congrats Rachel and Brendon. As a huge Big Brother fan, I have always been rooting for the two of you! I’ll be waiting for my wedding invite
Karina told CelebMagnet that her dancing partner, Ralph Macchio, looks so young in person, she calls him her Benjamin Button! In fact, Karina says Ralph gets younger by the day and she expects to be rocking him in her arms like a baby by the time the season ends!
Karina was also wearing a T-shirt she made in Macchio’s honor. The white top reads ‘Dance On – Dance Off’ in reference to the famous quote from the 1984 Karate Kid film, ‘Wax On – Wax Off’.
Karina showing off her engagement ring
Karina took a minute to play with one of the dogs from Shorty’s Pit Bull Rescue