Roseanne Barris running for presidency on the Green Party ticket.
The actress-comedian says she is a longtime supporter of the party and says the Repulican-Democratic run government is not working for the American people.
“The Democrats and Republicans have proven that they are servants – bought and paid for by the 1 per cent – who are not doing what’s in the best interest of the American people.” Continue reading →
Casey Anthony was found not guilty today and the verdict resulted in more shock than the OJ Simpson verdict for most of us, including the celebs. Here is what some of the celebrities said via Twitter today:
Nancy Grace: “#CaseyAnthony defense team #Jose Baez having party inside a bar right now- celebrating. I’m not preaching… but I think that’s wrong.” Continue reading →
I will let Sandra Bernhard’s review stand for the book as I have yet to read it: “Roseanne is funny, everybody knows that. But then there is everything else—the humanity, rabbinical wisdom, Mother Earth fearlessness, true beauty, and the ability to stay one step ahead of insanity at all times. She’s always had her finger on the pulse and can tell when the patient needs some emergency care. Nurse Barr has saved us once again.”
Not having read the book, the adjectives Sandra uses seem to nail my perception of Roseanne right on the head. First off, Roseanne looked fabulous in person. I asked her what her beauty secret is and without missing a step, she said: “Lots of drinking.” Roseanne also was funny, warm, soft spoken and gentle. She was witty and quick and sharp. She had the whole room fall in love with her; that is, if they weren’t already in love with her before their arrival.
Someone asked Roseanne if she would run for president one day. She gave an emphatic “Yes!” She followed by saying she would run for the president of the United States and the prime minister of Israel at the same time. “It’d be a 2fer!” Her campaign promise? “I would establish world peace within 30 days of being elected because I would know how to!” Of course, she would have her own party affiliation: The Green Tea Party.
Roseanne, a blogger since 1996 when no one else was blogging named Snooki as her favorite author – funny thing, Snooki was the last author who held a book signing at Barnes & Noble right before Roseanne’s gig. She actually then said her favorite book is a Tale of Two Cities and her fave author is Mary Daly. Sorry Snooki!
Roseanne Barr and me
Watch this short clip of Roseanne Barr reading a passage from her book about her friend Lisa: