Just when you think, “If you’ve seen one Will Ferrell movie, you’ve seen them all,” think again.
Ferrell is back! And he totally redeems himself from the flop that was Land of the Lost by giving one of his most genius performances to date.
It does help that Ferrell is partnered with hottie Mark Wahlberg who delivers a superbly-angst-ridden-yet-hilariously-gut-ripping performance. The movie is filled with fresh, sarcastic, and humorous one-liners, non-stop laughter, plenty of action, car chases, and explosions, and a complex plot with a thought-provoking political message. Just make sure you stay through the credits.
I cant’t remember the last time I laughed out this loud and this often in a movie theater. One early particular scene in the movie in which Ferrell and Wahlberg argue over whether a lion or a tuna would win in a fight against each other is so well acted and delivered that I was left gasping for air after laughing so hard. And don’t be too sure you know which would win such a fight, because Ferrell’s logic in this argument doesn’t go the way any of us could have imagined.
I watched this movie right after I saw the painfully boring Dinner for Schmucks. But that can’t be the only reason I loved this movie because the whole theater was laughing and clapping along with me, so much so, that I missed half the jokes due to the sheer volume of both. I don’t know what else to say about this movie other than “Go see it–it’s by far the best comedy of the summer.”