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Raz-B & Me. |
So much for anger management! Only 9 days after Chris Brown Tweeted a copy of his anger management graduation certificate [see below], he got into a homophobic, abusive, profanity-filled Twitter fight with former B2K member De’Mario Thornton, a.k.a. Raz-B.
In this hours-long cyber fight, the two exchanged such heavy-weighted sucker punches which would have sent most people over the edge.
It all began with this one tweet from Raz-B: “I’m just sittin here Thinking how can nig*as like @ebenet & @ChrisBrown disrespect women as Intelligent as @HalleBerry11 [and] @Rihanna.”
And it just went down hill after that, with Chris Brown making fun of allegations Raz-B had made a while back claiming he was molested by his band’s male manager.
I am sure more will come Thursday as Raz-B was up into the wee hours of the night Tweeting. Below is most of their exchange, but I warn you, it is foul. Read at your own peril! I have not edited or cleaned up anything.
Sidenote: I had recently met Raz-B at a fashion show and was extremely impressed by this man’s demeanor and sense of respect. So, it’s really odd to say the least to be reporting on this. I am just going to let their own words speak for each man involved.
Raz-B: Im just sittin here Thinking how can niggas like @ebenet & @ChrisBrown disrespect women as Intelligent as @HalleBerry11@Rihanna
Chris Brown: @razb2k nigga you want attention! Grow up nigga!!! Dick in da booty ass lil boy
Raz-B: @Chrisbrown Since you took this that far! Dude, i wasnt Raped! what a disrespect to every Kid around the world that has been Molested!!!!!
Chris Brown: Tell me this @razb2k!! Why when the money was coming in u won’t complaining about getting butplugged! #homothug!!!
Chris Brown: I’m not homophobic! He’s just disrespectful!!!
Raz-B: Ur not homophobic, ur juz homosexual on the low!
Raz -B: yo @chrisbrown i heard about all yo BoyFriends & tell yo cheerleader @1omarion 2 shut the fuck up b4 i send J BOOG 2 fuck HIS MaMa again
Chris Brown: @razb2k when I need tips on how to demolish my career I’ll call ya!!!!!
Raz-B: @chrisbrown I luv how u resort 2 disrespectful low brow tactics when u clearly sabotaged ur own career by beating women!
Chris Brown: @razb2k it’s funny how I’m nominated for 3 grAmmys off of a mixtape and ur scrambling for change!!
Chris Brown: @razb2k ur a x backup singer!!!!! What do u make? Like $1.99 an hour
Chris Brown: This argument lasted longer than your career @razb2k
Raz-B: hey followers…. i want to apologize for fostering homophobia tweets.. this has nothing to do against my followers…
Raz-B: @chrisbrown u victimize victims, ur a homophobe, ur on the down low & a woman beater. Merry Christmas & thx 4 showin every1 ur true colors
Raz-B: My step-dad is doin 25 2 life 4 abusin my mom & i heard U say ur mom was abused & this is how u represent urself by disrespectin WOMEN?!
Raz-B: @chrisbrown Dude you must really like Dudes! or you just a B2K fan! and this is how u spend 3hrs to show your true support!
Raz-B: @chrisbrown Is this your way of coming on to me???? Dude im not Gay! i was molested! stop disrespecting the LGBT community!
Raz-B: @chrisbrown Fact! i’ll be Starring in the KING of RHYTHM Movie! ike Tunner Life story! I have role for you!
Chris Brown: @razb2k merry christmas.i just gave you 20 thousand more followers.. u shouldve did this first instead of telling the world you got raped.
Chris Brown: @razb2k you have a lower back tattoo that says “different strokes”
Chris Brown: RAZBFACT: he can braid a niggaz hair with his toes!!!!! C’mon son
Chris Brown: BTW… i love all my gay fans and this immature act is not targeted at you!!!! love
Chris Brown: its wack as fuck that everybody can bash me… but soon as i defend myself its world war 3.I TAKE SHIT FROM everybody… its cool though..
Chris Brown: LOVE ALL MY SUPPORTERS and people who know my heart.HOMOPHOBE?c’mon,find a better tactic.thats pure ignorance and stupidity. i love everyone
Raz-B: @chrisbrown YOU need to stop Hidin behind that Michael jackson picture! [Chris Brown’s Twitter wallpaper is MJ] MJ would never hit a Woman! you should take down Mike and PUT up IKE
Raz-B: @Rihanna I see why you not with that Clown. Keep going hard I wish you the best with your success.
Raz-B: @chrisbrown how do u defend urself in that manner bro? I forgive u but u hve alot of pple 2 apologize to. u offended alot of abused pple
RazB: @chrisbrown u knw the world is an evil place.. so why did you play into wht the pple wanted ? My fault 4 bringing up ur past..
Here are two recent performances by Raz-B which I recorded:
Chris Brown’s Domestic Violence Course Completion Certificate |