Adam Lambert lost some Twitter followers yesterday – And he is perplexed by the reason for the defection by what usually seem to be some of the most die-hard, loyal fans in the entertainment business.
What could have caused so much unease with these otherwise loyal fans? Apparently they did not like what Lambert had to say about TV shows which in his opinion take advantage of teenage mothers.
Lambert Tweeted yesterday:
This Teen Mom show on MTV is so depressing. I know it’s “real life” but shouldn’t there be programming that inspires kids to shoot higher? #glorifyingwhitetrash
I’m not saying that all teen moms are white trash. Don’t misunderstand. Yet, most of the ones on that show seem to be. I do, however, think they’re are being exploited a bit.
Today, Lambert noticed he had fewer Twitter followers than yesterday – he didn’t say how many followers he has lost, but for a musician who still has over 800,000 followers, it must have been a significant enough number for Lambert to actually notice.
He Tweeted today:
Woah I lost some followers yesterday cuz I had a valid opinion about a tv show. Hahah. #sensitivesallies #AdammustalwaysbePC
I am a big fan of reality shows — But only the ones which do not portray people in demeaning ways or take advantage of their lust for fame. And my gut tells me to avoid the show Lambert finds “depressing,” Teen Mom. So, I have to agree with Lambert that there just has to be more inspirational but just as entertaining programming ideas out there for our teens.
Why do you think some of Lambert’s fans were offended by his comments? Was Lambert’s opinion about Teen Mom that outrageous or offensive? Or, perhaps the departed fans did not appreciate the reference to “white trash?” Thoughts?

My guess is he didn’t loose followers based on his opinion of the show, rather his opinion of the people on the show. It’s not appropriate to call them white trash. I don’t think he would appreciate people making fun of his sexual orientation or his appearance. If you want respect, treat people with respect!
I’ve never seen the show, because I don’t waste my time watching MTV shows. I don’t know how anyone actually expects MTV to be inspirational? It’s not PBS. It’s an entertainment channel that airs shows where people are getting drunk and getting into fights because they bring in the money.
It was definitely the “white trash” comment.
Oh “anonymous” ~ The fact is these people made a CHOICE to act like “trash” to get on these ridiculous shows…for money. He’s just calling them, and MTV out on it. Adam is an enormously respectful, kind person. I’m hoping his shedding light on MTV’s absurd need to glorify the lowest educated among us will make a positive change in this sea of utter crap television being fed to the next generation.
Overly sensitive knee-jerkers. He mentioned that the tv show is “GLORIFYING white trash” which is exactly what those shows do. He was not calling all teenage mothers white trash, or ANY of them for that matter – he was referring to the way those particular girls are PORTRAYED (ie made to look) in that show. If people are going to stop following him due to not understanding the difference in these concepts then I seriously doubt they were “die hard” fans at all. More likely just fringe-dwellers. Real fans of Adam understand he comes from a place of genuine concern for others and that his open mind-set just doesn’t fit with disrespecting people’s choices etc.
Four days ago I checked and Adam had 807K followers, right now he has 810K followers. I haven’t watched the “Teen Moms” show because I figured it would be another reality show exploiting the less fortunate. I have to agree with Adam on the “white trash” comment.
sensitivesallies lmao
There are too many shows like Teem Mom that glorify violence, teen pregnancies, trash talking. Some of Adam followers were upset? They just may be the same ones that were teen moms who made bad choices. Now they may feel guilty or depressed that they were trapped in an early & unhappy marriage not for love but because they got pregnant. These ppl that unfollowed need to take a hard look at their lives and not blame Adam or others who feel that Teem Mom and other like shows exploit these teens for money. There are ways to avoid early pregnancy i e. birth control, abstainess. They have no one to blame other than themselves. I know I was one of them.
Adam gained over 1300 followers between 10:00pm last night until 6:00pm tonight, so I doubt that he lost very many. What he said is so true. The girls are being exploited and made to look like white trash whether they are or not. I only watched it once and that was enough.
I don’t think Adam lost any followers. I think he just needed to refresh his page. He has gained over 600 from last night! You are right about Adam’s fans. They are the most loyal there is.If he lost a few, they weren’t fans.
Adam speaks the truth.. There isn’t a group of white trash people.. You can be rich,poor,white or black and you can act like TRASH.. it’s called low standards of behavior. The program glorifies teen pregnancies by turning the girls into celebrities, i.e.magazine covers, interviews,Palin’s daughter on Dancing With the Stars. It’s totally exploitive and the lessons learned are to sell yourself for money and become famous.
When those girls were asked if they used any form of protection they all admitted that they didnt use anything .Well except for one girl who at least said she tried,but not the others.So they made the choice to let themselves get pregnant.And its not trashy to get money and fame for that?They shouldnt have to work hard like everyone else that chose to have a kid? I dont think thats a good enough reason to be famous.I heard one girl makes 200,000 a year.I think Adam was trying to point this low way that they make money..he did say all teen moms are not trashy.
I whole-heartedly agree with Adam’s opinion of the show. He wasn’t being malicious towards anyone, only asking for our youth to aim higher and not sell themselves short. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one! If people want to unfollow him for his freedom of speech, the they weren’t true Glamberts anyway.
Money does not make great moms. Sure, it can buy clothing, housing and food, but providing a decent education and values as well as unconditional love is what children really need!
Ref. my comment at 7:49 PM — Adam Lambert is an extremely genuine, fair and honest person as well as an incredible singer. He was brought up by loving parents (as we witnessed on his “True Hollywood Story”). If he lost followers last night, it’s certainly only a handful because I checked his twitter page last night and again tonight, and he has over 1,500 more in one day.
I am glad Adam brought attention to a show which focusses on the more unfortunate in the world. Television not only caters to the lowest common denominator but has lowered that denominator considerably in the past five years. He is bright and mature enough to point that out.
Americans have stepped up in protest over many of their government’s issues. Why not step up to the TV networks and demand some brain food? Smart can be entertaining, think Big Bang Theory. Also I think Oprah is trying to raise the bar with her new channel. Bravo to Adam for starting a needed dialogue.
I agree 100% with Adam. And anyone who would stop following him for having an opinion was not a true fan to begin with!!!
I love how respectful Adam fans are…THAT is why, I myself, am a Glambert fan for life! Thanks for a lively discussion!
Nina – as I mentioned, I don’t watch the show, so I’m not sure how people act on the show. I am just giving my opinion that it’s not nice to call people “white trash”. Whether or not he had the best of intentions behind his comments, it is probably what upset his former followers. I don’t know much about Adam, and reading people’s comments, he seems like a great person and had the best of intentions and it is great that he is speaking out. I completely agree there should be better programming, but I guess that’s just not what MTV is about. (original Anonymous)
Usually he’s a very respectful guy but I think calling anyone white trash is out of line, even if it’s justified. He can have his opinion and unfollowing him for something like that is stupid but I don’t agree with it.