Am I the only one that loved the Black Eyed Peas‘ performance during halftime of last Sunday’s Super Bowl XLV?
OK, sure, there were some major sound issues, but you seriously can’t tell me you did not enjoy the glitz, the dancing, the “love”, or the Tron-lighted dancers? Can you? Maybe you can…’cause a lot of people seem to have hated it.
Taboo, a founding father of BEP is taking all the criticism the band has received about that performance in stride. He sat down with PopEater.com to talk about his new memoir called Fallin’ Up and the infamous Super Bowl gig.
Here are excerpts of what he had to say about the show:
What do you say to people who criticized the show?
“The thing about it is there were 100 million viewers. If you get 60 million people who didn’t like it and you get 40 million that did like the show, that’s a pretty cool thing because you can’t please everybody. Everybody who is a critic is going to criticize and annihilate everything you do even if it’s a good thing. They just want to bring it down.”
A lot of people complained about the sound mix.“Yes, there was some trouble. There were technical problems that we had no control over. We had to keep it professional, the show must go on.”
Yep – That’s a great point Taboo! What did people expect the Peas to do? Stop the show once they realized the sound was not perfect? Maybe on some other night but certainly not before the largest Super Bowl audience ever they couldn’t! The show had to go on and on it went, and I for one (of 40 million) loved it Taboo! Thankfully, I got to tell Taboo that tonight at his book signing for Fallin’ Up
! See the photos and videos of the book signing by clicking here