Let’s hope Donald Trump has no intention of picking Survivor winner Richard Hatch as his next apprentice on the current season of Celebrity Apprentice because Hatch may not be around to fulfill his Trumptastic duties. Why not? Hatch may be heading back to jail; real soon.
Hatch served over three years in prison from 2006-09 for failing to file and pay taxes on his $1 million Survivor prize winnings. Once he got out of jail, he was placed on probation and among other conditions, he was required to file and pay his 2000 and 2001 taxes.
Apparently, Hatch has failed to learn his lesson and has not done what the rest of us do: Pay Uncle Sam. His punishment? He’ll be returning to jail for an additional nine months. The AP reports that the judge gave him “three months longer than the guidelines to deter him and others who would flout the terms of supervised release.”
Hatch’s sentence is scheduled to start on Monday, but he says he will appeal. We shall see if he wins his appeal. Or here is a better idea Richard: PAY UP! We all do.