I am fully expecting to become a bit more dumb come August because by the looks of the newly released trailer for Jersey Shore season 4, which I will admittedly be watching, my and possibly your favorite fist pumpers go from bad…to way way worse than ever….and by spending my precious time watching these guys and gals’ insane antics, I am preparing to also watch a few of my own brain cells waste away…
The cast recently completed filming in Florence, Italy and the trailer shows a season full of fights, hookups, binge drinking, hospital visits, and car accidents. There is some video footage of the infamous fight between Ronnie and The Situation; Snooki running into a police car, and Snooki breaking up with her boyfriend Jionni from what appears to be related to something The Situation does or says.
Watch the video clip below and prepare to have a few of your brain cells waste away while doing so: