Everyone confirms: Arrested Development is coming back as a movie and in more TV episodes!
“It’s true. We will do 10 episodes and the movie,” Jason Bateman Tweeted today, explaining: “Probably shoot them all together next summer for a release in early ’13. VERY excited!”
At a panel at the New Yorker Festival also held today, the show’s creator, Mitch Hurwitz, announced that he’s hoping to produce ten new episodes which would air before the movie is released. Each of the episodes will feature one main character who will get the audience up to speed on where he/she has been the last few years–since the show went off the air in 2006.
Will Arnett also took to Twitter about the good news: “I’m peeing with @batemanjason at the moment.” Arnett continued, “We can confirm that we are going to make new AD eps and a movie.”