The X Factor USA will hold its top 5 elimination results show tonight, December 8, 2011.
So, who did America vote for and who will get voted off December 8, 2011?
Come back starting at 8 PM EST for real time, live blogging spoiler results from the east coast feed of the show to find out who is safe and who is eliminated off of the Top 5.
8:10 PM Recap of last night’s episode
8:11 PM Lenny Kravitz is performing
8:22 PM SEE RESULTS BELOW: Josh and Chris are SAFE!
8:30 PM Mary J. Blige is performing
8:38 PM Melanie is SAFE! Marcus and Rachel in bottom two and must sing for survival.
8:50 PM Marcus and Rachel finish singing for survival. Marcus was first and sang I’m Going Down. IS THAT A WISE SONG TITLE CHOICE??? Rachel sang I’d Rather Go Blind!SAFE AND IN TOP 4 / SEMI FINALS!
Josh Krajcik
Chris Rene
Melanie Amaro
8:11 PM Lenny Kravitz is performing
8:22 PM SEE RESULTS BELOW: Josh and Chris are SAFE!
8:30 PM Mary J. Blige is performing
8:38 PM Melanie is SAFE! Marcus and Rachel in bottom two and must sing for survival.
8:50 PM Marcus and Rachel finish singing for survival. Marcus was first and sang I’m Going Down. IS THAT A WISE SONG TITLE CHOICE??? Rachel sang I’d Rather Go Blind!SAFE AND IN TOP 4 / SEMI FINALS!
Josh Krajcik
Chris Rene
Melanie Amaro
Marcus Canty – for the third week in a row. Will the judges actually be able to save him yet again?
Rachel Crow – first time in bottom 2
LA Reid sends home Rachel
Simon Cowell sends home Marcus
Paula Abdul sends home Marcus
Nicole Scherzinger can’t decide and refuses to vote so she sends it to Deadlock – which means the contestant with the lowest fan vote will be eliminated. That act is RACHEL CROW!

Mommy You Promised? huh? Promised what??
are you kidding me nicole how could you do something so stupid? America didn’t get to vote on rachel’s save song
Whatever.. what in the world was cry baby Nicole putting it into deadlock… your there to judge not pass the but… what a loser… then could not even say anything and walked away…. Go back to the PussyCat Dolls…. Oh I forgot.. they did not want you either.. what a Drama Queen.
She’s 13. She can cry how ever she wants. I can’t believe Nicole is grown and can’t make a decision to send Marcus home.
i cried. she was pitiful. Nicole shoudln’t have done that. She’s gonna get dogged forever about this.
stupid nicole she had to send cute and talented rachel home she is a faker every time she needs to make a choice she acts like she it crying did you hear how loud rachel was crying
NICOLE you need to go home and stay there.. You are so dramatic.. What a coward.. Letting america decide… What a witch….
i cant believe this am devestated Nicole WTF Marcus Canty should have gone long ago
Tht performance by rachel was so much better than Marcus’s she performed with soo much heart.poor kid was devestated..she was robbed
Nicole, No one is buying your act
WEll Nicole … were you upset because Rachel can sing better than you??? Well fact is she can!
I can not believe this she should not have got sent home. Nicole should have voted marcus off!!!
Eliminate Nicole…. Shouldn’t a “Judge” be able to and required to make a decision? What a waste… She wasn’t judged on her elimination performance. She was judged on the votes that took her to the point of redemption. SHAME ON YOU NICOLE…
You Stupid Hooker Nichole no One Likes You You freaking Ediot , Rachal Crow Was The Best And Ooh I Hate Her Now She Needs To Go Nichole ooh She Needs To Get Assasinated Grr I Hate Her So much .
It was time for rachel to go
I think LA Reid comment yesterday might put Rachel Crowe in bottom two. He said that hollywood was already calling her that might put off voters to vote for her like she already made it.
Nicole you have no business even being a Judge… You are so weird and dramatic… I guess your a judge since you can’t sing… You sure can act though…
It’s a shame that Rachel had to be a victim of Nicole’s indecisiveness and cowardliness. Unlike Rachel, Marcus does not stand a chance at winning, especially after being in the bottom for three consecutive weeks. Let this be a lesson to all of us that sometimes a painful decision is better than no decision.
Nicole needed to step up- a judge should… well, judge.
She promised that she will be ok. Poor rachel! I cried to. Poor little girl!
i cant believe that rachel got sent home ! i literally cried the whole time she was crying, i couldnt help but get emotional she was one of the best acts left on.
oh hell to the no i was Rachel’s Fan like marcus was there for how many times now ? erm 3 times in a row i bet yo ass he will be in the bottom 2 again like seriously? Nicole i used to like you but right not i FUCKING HATE YO ASS! YOU KNEW YOU MADE THE WRONG CHOICE AS SOON AS YOU SAID IT WHAT THE BLOODY MOTHER FUCKING HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU ? SERIOUSLY RACHEL CROW OVER MARCUS FUCKING CANTY THE BOY WHO CAN’T ESCAPE THE FUCKING BOTTOM 2 GTFO!
Nicole are you serious??? OMG you are unbelievable!!!
Rachel shouldnt have gone home. I loved her!! Its all Nicoles fault!!!!!!!! >:(
I am seriously starting to beleive that Nicole has a thing for Marcus. There is no way he should have been put through. Who ever voted for him as well as Nicole should be ashamed of themselves. The guy can’t even carry a tune.
Wow Nicole…what a total disappointment! Do you F****** job!
Nicole YOU should be absolutely ashamed of yourself!!!!
This is absolutely the worst thing i have ever seen. They should never let nicole be a judge again but if she is she should never b the last to vote bcuz she has no idea how to make a decision. She didnt want to make anyone feel bad so she goes to deadlock…. Now look wat tht did. Honestly its so unfair i mean marcus was good but one of these days he cant keep surviving. Rachel was so amazing in her save me tht i swear nicole mustve not been listening. I was mad tht drew went home last week but i dont know if i could evr forgive nicole for this. I hope rachel gets signed by la or simon for a record
nicole you are a real coward. how could you allow that child to go home? i hope simon eliminate you next season.
Nichole… I am so disappointed! Rachel should have not gone home. You even said it your self that you didn’t want to send her home you never said anything about Marcus. So why was it hard for u again? WTF!!!! You are dumb and shouldn’t be a judge. Who cares if you like both the same. Your not there to have feelings your there to judge and that’s what you need to do. You just sent home the wrong person. Even though she did get the lowest number of votes. I am blaming you because if you would of spoke up like a real judge would do. Rachel would still be there and Marcus would be kickin rocks right not. Stupid *****!!!!!!
Rachel SMOKED Marcus with her performance tonite. Nicole took the cowardly way out and Rachel paid the price for Nicole’s failure to do what she is paid to do. Marcus is a mediocre singer at best and Nicole practically throws herself at him week after week. Maybe she has a thing for him.
Nicole is not a judge by definition. she is a wuss. and stupid. Marcus can’t sing on key! So what if he looks like Bobbi Brown. Ellen would have been a better judge!
Nicole- you are NOT qualified to be a judge. Simon- get her off your show. I believe the only reason Rachel went home is cause when people are as good as her it makes us think we do not need to vote for her cause “everybody else is”. I hope America sees that is not the case and we can not rely on a silly hormonal little girl like Nicole to make a mature and professional decision. No offense Nicole cause I really did like you but you should recluse yourself and let one of the other judges coach Josh. He doesn’t need you. He’s there on his merit not your coaching. Paula, Simon or LA would so just as well. In fact I wish if you weren’t going to actually judge then you should not have taken a job as a JUDGE!!!! I think most of America thinks your an udi
Nicole, I lost all respect for you!!
You are suppose to be a judge, so judge!! Do your job.
The fans didn’t get a chance to vote on Rachel’s save me song.. She by far blew everyone away!! Are you kidding me Nicole? Boooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!
Nicole – how much do they pay you? You sit there and take the spot light away from the contestants and dab your eyes with a fricken hankie? When was it about you? Make a flippin decision! Marcus was in the bottom two how many weeks? He was good but Rachel blew him away…and you knew it. you just want the spotlight on you. you are weak and stupid. you don’t deserve a spot in that front row. you are a conceited, self absorbed primadonna.
This was some BS….Marcus should have went home. That little girl sang the heck out of Etta James’ I’d rather go blind. Nicole was banking on Marcus being voted off by America…. Hopefully next time she’ll make the right decision because Rachel definitely was the better act tonight by far.
Nicole probably did Rachel a favor. A year from now Rachel will be remembered as the talented singer who got SCREWED, and nobody will remember the name of the guy who actuall should have been sent home.
OMG….Get over it PEOPLE!!!! I like Rachel too but to be so ANGRY at Nicole for taking it to a draw is CRAZY!!! If you DUMB fools would have VOTED for RACHEL then maybe she would still be there!!! Blame your Yourselves!!! Idiots.
people look behind the wall. if you r a femalel u better be out of this world, if not a man will win.look who the majority of people are voting. last year a survey was done on american idol age groups voting the most 12to 17 female. a male has a better chance than a woman. teen popers will always vote for the guy no matter what. yes chris can write but u judge on singing that is the biggest concern. stage present style yes they have a factor but if u have no voice u will not win. it does not take a rocket science to finger what the so called judges r doing. if u do not no what that means then u need to step back take a deep breath and think.sure rachel was a better singer overall she would not have won the xfactor but did not deserve to go home tonight
lets be realistic.in this econony this moron is getting paid millions to judge people and say a name at the end of her two day work week and she knew what the job was when she signed up for it. I actually liked her before this show but all I have seen is that she is not only a terrible mentor, she rarely even knows what the hell she is talking about. I agree she was banking on fans elimnating marcus.SIMON, ELIMINATE NICOLE!
They all need to step up and be judges. This is the finals. It is not about your person. It should be about talent, so LA should have conceded tonight as well!
Nicole screwed up 2 weeks in a row. Marcus was not better than Rachael crow. He sang his heart out but he is an average singer. Nicole should not be back next year. She thought that Marcus would get lowest number of votes and gi home but she was totally schocked when he said rachaels name. Ill never buy anything she sings on, produces, or attaches her name to. Can you say COWARD?
I am not watching the show anymore…It must be rigged or something personal is going on between the judges and contestants. I watched for entertainment if I want to get upset I can go back to work.
Rachel if u read are reading this I love u girl. You are such an rolemodel. And Nicole u stink for puting the most talented person on tv offfff.
I have followed the X Factor this season because I felt with judges making the final decision the better contestants would continue to the next week and not just by popularity vote. I have to admit if Nicole is a judge next season, I will not even bother following and watching the X Factor. I have watched Nicole judge contestants for the last few weeks not on their performance but on her personal vendetta against Simon. Nicole has turned this in to her personal battle against Simon and not judging the contestants. Rachel had been consistent from day one. Nicole needs to bow out as a judge because she has proven she is not capable of putting her personal feelings aside. Let Simon, Paula, and L.A. finish the season as the judges since they are the only ones truly judging the contestants by performance.
Nicole needs to leave the show! She is the worst judge ever!! What exactly qualifies her to judge singers? Being in the Pussycat Dolls?? You’ve got to be kidding!!!
Choosing to deadlock was a completely stupid move!! Rachel blew Marcus away!! These shows are completely ridiculous to start with-it’s all based on the opinions of people who are “suppose” to be tops in their respected fields of music. The winner is suppose to be the best singer- Period!!
what really needs to be done is have the judges give the 4 a song they want to sing,then the public give one and then the 4 pick one out of a list given to them by the judges and their coaches .also judging should be fair u leave your personal feelings at home.u do not try to get back at anyone at someones else expense.saying that on xfactor not going to happen .la reid has his on agenda. nicole she has no idea. paula its what mood she is in. simon even tho alot of people do not like his dry humor but really if u really listen to the man he is usually right on almost all the time.he knows talet.
No disrespect Nicole but come on. We all know that you regretted your decision as soon as you saw the result. When you are in a position like this you have to be able to step up and make hard decisions. You have to do better or I am going to stop watching. You really have ruined the show for me and I wish you wouldn’t return next year. Simon LA and Paula are more experienced in this area and you are a better singer. Take pride in the position you have been given, and be confident. You looked like a coward tonight. Good luck Rachel! Stick with Simon! you showed more courage than nicole tonight
So upset Rachel went home! Now the show is not worth watching! What is the point of a safe me song and judges if they wont vote for the one who did the best! Nicole you know you where in the wrong! Rachel outsang marcus by miles tonight! Rachel keep your head up high and get a record I wanna listen you sing girl you are GREAT!
watch an interview with NICOLE after the elimination:
Just have sex with marcus nicole!!!! Dont vote him through!!! Its called talent not fucking personality!!!!! You should be fired !!!
Rachel crow is a fat annoying unattractive spoiled son of a bitch. She needs to grow the fuck up before someone starts bullying her. I never seen a 14 year old act like that in my whole life! An average 14 year old girl should act mature not like a 6 year old tantruming because she didnt get what she wants! She needs to grow the hell up next time. Nicole is a bitch too. She voted Rachel off the show over Marcus, fuck Marcus! He sucks and can’t rap, Rachel can sing her fuckin heart out . Nicole should suck Marcus’s dick for what she did.
to Anonymous who said “Rachel crow is a fat annoying spoiled son of a bitch.” You need to shut the fuck up before people start bullying YOU!