America’s Next Top Model premiered Cycle 18 February 29, 2012. The CW series has gone international. American fashion publicist, Kelly Cutrone joins the cast, replacing Vogue Editor-at-Large Andre Leon Talley. Kelly joins Tyra Banks and Nigel Barker on the judging panel. Jay Manuel and Miss J Alexander will return as creative director and runway trainer.
Cycle 18 returns with its first-ever “British Invasion,” featuring former contestants from “Britain’s Next Top Model” and an all-new crop of American model hopefuls competing for the grand prize. The American contestants are: AzMarie Livingston, Candace Smith, Ebonee Davis, Kyle Gober, Laura LaFrate, Mariah Watchman and Seymone Roth. The British contestants include: Alisha White, Annaliese Dayes, Ashley Brown, Catherine Thomas, Jasmia Robinson, Louise Watts and Sophie Sumner.
The premiere episode, titled “Kelly Osbourne”, will have the women squaring off while posing as famous British and American public figures.
Ms. J. starts the show by telling the contestants that it is the Americans vs the Brits. Nigel tells them there is going to be a parade and a pose off at the end.
Mr. Jay welcomes everyone to the very first fierce parade. Michael Buffer introduces the models representing the UK and USA. And the runway starts. The Americans are loud which annoys the Brits. They then go to their new home and the models get separated in different rooms based on their nationality.
The Brits spend the night getting to know each other and the Americans go skinny dipping. The next morning , they get Tyra mail: ‘Prepare to Clash Cultures.’ Mr. J. later tells them that he is aware of the rivalry between the girls. Today, the show will pose one US and one UK girl against each other to pose as an iconic figure from their country–the models will be shot in 3D!
The characters they pose as:(Catherine) Queen Elizabeth and Azmarie (George Washington)
Janet Jackson and Annaliese (Spice Girl Mel B)
Laura (Madonna) and Alisha (Elton John)
Sophie (Margaret Thatcher) and Seymone (Michele Obama)
Kyle (Andy Warhol) and Louise (Amy Winehouse)
Mariah (Pocahontas) and Jasmia (John Lennon)
Eboni (Jacqueline Kennedy) and Ashley (Princess Diana)
At the judges’ panel, we have guest Kelly Osbourne. Kelly is not impressed with Eboni’s pose and Tyra feels the same about Ashley’s pose. Kelly loved Laura’s photo. Nigel is not impressed with Alisha’s pose and does not think she looks like Elton John.
Kelly did not like either Mariah or Jasmia’s pose and Nigel does not feel Mariah committed. They loved Kyle’s impression of Andy Warhol but did not feel the same about Louise’s pose. Kelly liked Louise’s photo. Everyone loved Symone and Sophie. Nigel said Candace possessed little charisma.
Update: Jasmia Robinson was eliminated.Seymone Roth – best girl in the photo. Runner up for best photo: Kyle
2nd – Kyle Gober
3rd – Sophie Sumner
4th – Laura LaFrate
5th – Catherine Thomas
6th – Candace Smith
7th – Mariah Watchman
8th – AzMarie Livingston
9th – Ebonee Davis
10th – Louise Watts
11th – Alisha White
12th – Annaliese Dayes
Jasmia Robinson – bottom two
Ashley Brown – bottom two

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