PHOTOS: The Voice Standout Juliet Simms: “Cee Lo Green Spoke From His Soul”


SPOTTED: A blonde Juliet Simms at The Grove in Los Angeles, for an interview with Renee Bargh of Extra.

We last saw the 25-year old Juliet as a brunette auditioning for The Voice on NBC by giving a haunting raspy rendition of The Beatles’ Oh Darlin.

Speaking to reporters earlier this week after landing herself a spot on mentor Cee Lo Green’s team, Juliet said: “I’ve always been the one on the sidelines watching my friends’ bands getting huge or they would blow up. I remember playing shows with Katy Perry back at the Viper Room five or six years ago.” She continued, “I’ve always been the one on the sidelines and it was finally, ‘That’s it!’ I’m not taking this anymore! I saw this opportunity and seized it and it’s worked out in my favor.”

Juliet simms
Juliet Simms
Juliet simms

The front woman of the Florida-based rock band Automatic Loveletter said she was attracted to The Voice over other singing competitions because it caters or a different type of singer.

“I’d always been told my entire career that I had a different voice and it seemed the show is meant for a specific crowd of people, people who maybe didn’t fit the mold or wasn’t what pop radio wanted,” she said. “At the time when I was signed to major record labels I wasn’t exactly what they were looking for because it wasn’t something they’d heard before, they didn’t know what to do with me.”

Juliet simms in concert
juliet simms in concert

Juliet was so great on her blind audition, that Cee Lo, Adam Levine and Christina Aguilera all buzzed in to fight to get her on their team.

“I’ve idolised Christina ever since I was a really little girl,” Juliet said. “I have all her records. She’s been a big impact on my life. Same with Adam and Maroon 5, but when I was up there, Cee Lo just spoke from his soul and I feel like he totally got me. I went with my gut and my gut was right in this scenario.”

Juliet Simms in concert
juliet simms live
what's juliet simms up to now
Juliet Simms
Juliet Simms tattoos
Juliet Simms Tattoos

Watch Juliet’s audition and back story on The Voice below:


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