Christina is surprised that the tribe voted out Monica. Colton calls it being blindsided. Colton calls Christina this season’s cockroach–surviving against odds.
The Salani Tribe had a difficult night as it was very chilly. The tree mail comes and tells them a reward challenge is coming up for something sweet. Salani is shocked to hear that Monica has been voted off of the Menano tribe. They are shocked Monica was eliminated.
The castaways will have to climb atop crates and through coconuts at targets. The first team to knock 4 targets out wins and gets ice Cream parlour for the afternoon. SALANI WINS ICE CREAM REWARD CHALLENGE.
Colton is mad at Christina because he hates her voice and thinks she did not do enough at the challenge. Meanwhile, a happy and third-time winning Salani tribe gets their choice of ice cream and toppings.
At Manono, Colton taunts Christina and tells her she only has two more days left on the island. Jonas is not happy about this teasing. Christina takes Leif and Jonas aside and asks them to think about the merge -and that Alicia will go back to the women. So, she tells them it’s in their interest to keep her over Alicia. Alicia was eavesdropping and tells Christina she just dug her own grave.
Christina and Alicia get into a verbal fight. Colton all the sudden says he suffers from a headache and feels like his brain is attached to his skull. Christina tries to brown nose Colton and gives him a massage. Colton tells Tarzan he feels dehydrated and Tarzan thinks Colton may be having an appendicitis attack. They call the medics and they determine that Colton should go to a hospital. And if he leaves, he will be eliminated from the game.
Jeff Probst tells Colton he can give his immunity idol to another castaway if he leaves. The medical team also feels it may be appendicitis.
Instead of giving his idol away, Colton keeps it as a souvenir. Colton is medivac’d out of the island and is eliminated. HOW IRONIC that the bully leaves this way.
Jonas thinks with Colton gone, he now has more power and that maybe he should vote out Alicia.
Tree mail comes and the tribes are sent to tribal council.
None held.
Jeff says Colton suffers from acute appendicitis and was operated on. Alicia says Colton took the immunity idol with him but not everyone believes her. And yet another twist hits Survivor: they have now all merged into one tribe of 12 individual people fighting for 1 million dollars.
No one. Well, other than Colton who left and was disqualified because he had an appendectomy operation.

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