In a shocking results show April 12, 2012, American Idol found its three powerhouse vocalists in the bottom three. Even before we knew who of the three were in danger of going home, Judge Steven Tyler said confidently, “We will use our [judges’ save] card tonight.” Read the full Thursday night results show recap here.
In what was a “shock and awe” moment, the three contestants who kicked butt last night stood before us for annihilation. Yes, we’re talking about Elise Testone, Joshua Ledet and Jessica Sanchez who ended up in the bottom three tonight after the nationwide vote. Randy Jackson said this was the worst ever bottom three in eleven seasons of the show. But then things got even uglier when Ryan Seacrest announced that it was our sweetheart 16-year old Jessica Sanchez who received the lowest number of votes and was up for elimination.
This is how it went down. Seacrest asked, “Dim the lights here we go….Joshua, you are safe.” Ryan continued in gut-wrenching fashion: “The person at risk tonight is Jessica Sanchez, Elise you are safe.” And the crowd gasped and cried.

I love Jessica, and agree that the judges were right using the save, but come on, the way they went on and on about how Jessica is Godsent just made me a little sick. There are six more fantastic voices there and that partiality towards Jessica was a little uncalled for. Would it have killed the judges to just at least stand in their seats and tell her she is safe? They are after all, good at doling out standing o’s…
I can’t believe that Randy said that Jessica is the best singer in America! Why should there be any more shows? The judges have already decided who is the best and what America thinks doesn’t matter. So why have the shows? I am appalled by the unprofessional behavior by the judges tonight. Look, I like Jessica, I just don’t want her shoved down my throat.
WAKE UP AMERICA! Are you friggin DEAF! We don’t need a repeat of the Pia incident from last year. Jessica is a fantastic singer and didn’t deserve to have the lowest votes. Thank Got for the judges save. I never heard of any 16 yr olds with a voice like Jessica’s. VOTE VOTE VOTE for Jessica to keep her in the compition. She DESERVES to win. WTF AMERICA?
I saw the whole show as being staged. All done on purpose to garner sympathy votes for Jessica and ensure a win for her. But even more than that, did anyone else think that steven Tyler was strange last night? Maybe it’s just me but he looked a little weird, barely talked. Something seemed wrong to me.
The judges should not really need to do go and run to save her. She is not under a life and death situation but saving her was the right decision.Jessica Sanchez is a great singer..
Let us not waste our vote..let us vote for who the best we think not our favorite..its kind of bias don’t you think?. to vote for those you know are not that good?..
Let us exercise our right in the right way..and SUPPORT OUR FUTURE IDOL!!!!
i love jessica…..whoo…..
yeah..basically some complains the search for american idol is for americans ONLY..to think of it..why should they entertain non american auditioners at the first place?? after that, they are not contented at the results like what happen to jessica whom the judges have saved..linked to that-maybe in my own opinion,some couldnt take that an asian is more talented than them..
I’m so tired of everyone saying Jessica this jessica that. She’s not that good. hollie is a much better singer and phil philips can’t sing. All josh does is scream. Listen up america!!! Take your heads out of your asses!!!!!!
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