WARNING: August 19 Big Brother SPOILERS:
WHO WON HOH? Shane won the “Swamped” endurance HOH. Britney won safety for the week and Boogie opted to go for the $10K cash prize. YOU KNEW that would come back to haunt him.
WHO WAS NOMINATED FOR EVICTION? Shane nominated Boogie and Frank for eviction.
Come back to CelebMagnet to see who wins the POV which will be held later today on Saturday.
DID FRANK CHEAT IN POV?As for claims and rumors that Frank cheated during the drawing of names for the POV, we just don’t have enough info and we probably never will. There is some talk that Frank said he “palmed” a houseguests chip so he would draw that. There are rumors that when Frank told Boogie what he’d done, Boogie said, “don’t ever mention that again.” We just don’t know what really happened. UPDATE: On today’s live feed, Joe apparently told Ashley that she will be the POV winner since she came in second and Frank cheated. Joe said he told the producers about it in the Diary Room. That’s when the feeds were cut off. When they came back, Frank says that Joe is trying to get him disqualified!
Come back to CelebMagnet to get all the latest juice and to see who the replacement nominee will be!!
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this season is sooo rigged in favor of Frank its sick. COMON!! why were the feeds out so long and then he wins??!! seriously> just cut him the check already BB!
This season is more rigged in Frank’s favor than Rachels BB 13 win. Way to go BB production.
So did Big brother production and Frank cheat by palming the veto chip?
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