Tonight’s episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills was full of drama, dysfunction and a dinner party. Here is a RHBH full show recap for November 26, 2012:
Adrienne Maloof and Lisa Vanderpump have drinks together and finally agree to bury the hatchet. Lisa gets her long awaited apology from Adrienne; but Lisa does not offer an apology in return. Adrienne isn’t surprised but agrees to move forward with their friendship regardless.
Kim Richards organizes a trip to Ojai, with all the girls including Camille Grammer. This is a big step for Kim since previously she would never even show up to events, so her planning a entire weekend is a huge step. The women arrive at the beautiful estate and Camille remarks “I hope after my settlement I can afford something like this.” According to reports, Camille raked in a cool $30 million in her divorce from Kelsey Grammer; so she can definitely afford to live anywhere she wants with that kind of cash.
The ladies all sit down for a legendary RHBH dinner party. Pervious dinner party moments include Kyle dropping the bomb that her sister is an alcoholic; Camille’s friend Alison (the woman who the television show Medium was based on) drunkenly predicting everyone’s futures and puffing on a electronic cigarette like a maniac and Kyle and Camille having a blow out argument ending in Camille firing Kyle’s husband as her realtor.
Tonight’s dinner party starts out friendly and jovial. All of the women are chatting and getting along for once. Kim thanks everyone for coming and talks about what a good place she is in now with her sobriety. Brandi Glanville and Camille take some shots at their famous ex-husbands- Brandi bashes her ex Eddie Cibrian for his cheating throughout their marriage and Camille continues to insinuate that Kelsey Grammer cross-dresses and is lacking in other intimate areas. Brandi and Kim talk and Brandi once again apologizes for calling Kim a “meth addict” last season. Kim begins to cry because of her conversation with Brandi. Adrienne notices Kim’s tears and calls attention to it. Brandi lashes out and tells her to “shut the f**k up.” Unfortunately, we will have to wait until next week for Adrienne’s reaction.
Sidebar- promos for Lisa’s spin-off show Vanderpump Rules and the new season of Shahs of Sunset are so campy and over the top I can’t decide if I love or hate them.
Next Week- The drama and dysfunction at the dinner party continues. Yolanda is shocked at the ladies behavior- has she never seen this show? The woman has a walk-in refrigerator at her house; I know she must have cable.

Brandi is definitely my favorite of the Beverly Hills housewives, and I can see why most of the other women do not like her. Brandi is beautiful and she speaks her mind and she doesn’t care who she offends, and that is what makes her great. I missed this episode of the “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” because of my new work schedule at DISH. I’m bad with setting weekly timers on my DISH Hopper so instead I set it to record the entire season. I have over 400 hours of HD DVR room, and with that I won’t miss a single episode and I can still record my other favorite programs the same night without using up much space. I can’t wait to get home to check this episode out and see Brandi go off on Adrienne.
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Brandi is not NEAR as much trouble in the relationships between the girls as Faye is. Faye needs to step back and realize that these are not HER friends, but the friends of the ‘group’, as well as she is. She can choose whether to associate and approve of them them or not, but to stop draging everyone into to HER beliefs. She is not the DO ALL and END ALL in LA. She just happened to be born into the “right” family. That don’t make her nothin’ special. We, in Texas could certainly do without her appearances. (But I’m sure the producer wants her controversy for ratings . I turn the channel when she comes on….too bad). She reminds me of those mean girls in high school that you either agreed with and did what they said, or became part of the loosers. I’ve grown up now and realize Faye has not. Money and position make you nothing but an arrogant person with money and position. As Brandi sais “Money doesn’t give you class…it just gives you money”.