The Voice Top 8 take the stage tonight November 26, 2012 and perform live for America’s vote. Who will you be voting for tonight? Come back to CelebMagnet starting at 8 PM EST for a live blog and recap of the show and find out the judges’ comments, contestants song choices and voting telephone numbers! If you missed any of last week’s performances, click here for all the videos from The Voice!
The Top 8 Voice finalists singing tonight are: From Team Adam Levine: Amanda Brown, Melanie Martinez. From Team Cee Lo Green: Cody Belew, Trevin Hunte, Nicholas David. From Team Christina Aguilera: Dez Devon. And from Team Blake Shelton: Terry McDermott and Cassadee Pope. Two of these artists will be eliminated after their perform tonight and CelebMagnet will have your live elimination results here tomorrow starting at 8 PM EST.
-Adam Levine and 50 Cent perform “My Life.” WATCH THE VIDEO HERE!!
-Terry McDermott, Melanie Martinez, Dez Duron and Cassadee Pope join together on The All-American Rejects’ “Move Along.” Watch it in the video clip below:
-Cody Belew, Nicholas David, Trevin Hunt and Amanda Brown take the stage together to cover Journey’s “Any Way You Want It.” Watch it in the video clip below:
Amanda sings “Someone Like You” by Adele
Judges’ comments: Blake: “I really enjoyed that. Adam was hard on his team with the Adele songs and I loved that you brought it out because you are a rocker. I can’t get enough of it”. Christina: “Another powerful and dynamic vocal. We are still waiting for you to tap into it and understand you as an individual artist”. Cee Lo: “I truly believe the reward is in the risk that you take and you are brave enough to take those risks”. Adam “I like to listen to everyone talk, I am hard on people who do Adele songs but this didn’t resemble the original in any way. It was a huge power ballad and we are hard on you because we except so much from you”.
To Vote for Amanda Brown: 1-855-VOICE-01
Watch Amanda Brown sing Someone Like You in the video clip below:
Cody sings “Somebody To Love” by Queen
Judges’ comments: Adam: “That was one of my favorite songs. Freddy Mercury exposes my weaknesses and like you I am a scholar. It was great and theatrical.” Blake: “It is so awesome when you see the right connection being made. You have the talent to these big performances. So impressive.” Christina: “I think I enjoy that you are definitely a risk taker. You are not afraid to change it up.” Cee Lo “What a wonderful job. I’m just so very proud of your growth at an accelerated rate with such poise and confidence. You make me feel confident about my own instincts.” He added, “I love our partnership. We are making quantum leaps and I found a really good friend in you”.
To vote for Cody Belew: 1-855-VOICE-02
Watch Cody Belew sing Somebody to Love in the video clip below:
Terry McDermott sings “Over” by Blake Shelton.
Judges’ comments: Christina: “You are always a solid vocalist. Your range in the lower verses was great. It was a little unexpected by me, but it was solid”. Cee Lo: “I’m a big fan of yours…You remind me of Bruce Dickerson, great rock vocalist”. Adam: “So, that’s what that song is supposed to sound like… just kidding. I’m a huge fan of yours and that was just great. The precision is inspiring”. Blake: “You performed that song the way I wish I always could and it was amazing. Adam was right, you proved yourself as the real deal and the real artist. You are a star”.
To vote for Terry McDermott: 1-855-VOICE-03
Watch Terry McDermott sing Over in the video clip below:
Melanie Martinez sings “Too Close” by Alex Clare.
Judges’ comments: Blake “Your voice just melts me. I am so glad to see you back with your tambourine, that’s cool. You are always brilliant and one of my favorites . Christina: “The set was so cute! It didn’t really go anywhere but it was favorite performance from you so far, I like it”. Cee Lo: “It was such a cool set, these new arrangements sound really great and showcase the cool quality of your voice.” Adam “I love you! When you are going through a breakup, you want to make the person who did this to you feel dumb and you did that successfully. I love seeing an artist up there that is concerned with every aspect of the performance and I love the way you present yourself”.
To vote for Melanie Martinez: 1-855-VOICE-04
Watch Melanie Martinez sing ‘Too Close’ in the video clip below: http://youtu.be/9A7FQG3mf0M
Dez sings ‘You Smile’ by Justine Bieber.
Judges’ comments: Cee Lo: “Dez, double D, we’re cool. It’s hard to believe you ever did anything other than sing. Singing seems to be your art. This was not your best performance ..” Adam: “I am not gonna pick it apart. I want to applaud you from walking away from something you had [quarterback]…you have to have tunnel vision. I would have wanted to kick your butt if I were your dad..but you have a lot to be proud of.” Blake: “You have a star quality about you. It really worked for you.” Christina: “You killed it killed it killed it!”
To vote for Dez Duron: 1-855-VOICE-05
Watch Dez Duron sing ‘You Smile’ in the video clip below:
Trevin Hunte sings “The Greatest Love of All” by Whitney Houston.
Judges’ comments: Adam: “I really hope that when I die, and I go to heaven, that this is heaven. It’s so tranquil. You can sing anything you want. We all love you.” Blake: “You’re an amazing singer and a really good dude. This song was in your wheelhouse. You’re the guy to beat.” Christina: “Wonderful job as usual. As usual, I don’t think you fully captured what that means because your vocal ability is a monster gift from God.” Cee Lo: “Man….I am very proud of you. What a wonderful performance. I am certain Whitney would be proud.”
To vote for Trevin Hunte: 1-855-VOICE-06
Nicholas sings ‘What’s Going on?’
Judges’ comments: Adam: “You’re doing my list of dream songs every week, so I am super jealous of you. I just love this element that you give this show. I am going to be a fan of yours forever”. Blake: “I didn’t realize you were blind…I have to make jokes because you are so amazing.” Cee Lo: “Nick, man, I love you so much.”
To vote for Nicholas David: 1-855-VOICE-07
Watch Nicholas David sing ‘What’s Going On’ in the video clip below:
Cassadee Pope sings ‘Are You Happy Now’ by Michelle Branch.
Cee Lo: “To answer your question, I am not happy now, cause you can win this thing!” Adam: “We opened up at The Roxy for Michelle Branch and they did not even give us a dressing room. I hate the Roxy..they’re paying for it now. You did a great job considering how explosive you were last week.” Blake: “You dominated again tonight, on your mom’s bday. Last week, you were vulnerable, this week, you sang the crap out of that song.”
To vote for Cassadee Pope, call 1-855-VOICE-08
Click to watch Cassadee Pope perform ‘Are You Happy Now’ here.

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