The X Factor USA will air its fifth live performance show of the second season tonight November 28, 2012. Tonight’s theme is “Number Ones”–our X Factor top 8 will perform any song which was a #1 hit during the last 25 years ago. The top 8 finalists are Carly Rose Sonenclar, Diamond White, Tate Stevens, Emblem3, Fifth Harmony, Paige Thomas, CeCe Frey and Vino Alan. Who are you going to vote for tonight?
COME BACK TO CELEBMAGNET starting at 8 PM EST tonight for a live blog and recap of The X Factor and to find out the judges’ comments, watch the performances and get telephone voting numbers for your favorite artists.
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-8:03 PM – “This is another double elimination week” Khloe Kardashian and Mario Lopez tell us
-8:04 PM The mentors are introduced. Below are tonight’s performances:
Song: I Wanna Dance with Somebody by Whitney Houston. She starts a toned down version and eventually gets into the dance version. She’s really cute and maybe the young kids will buy her music – just not my cup of tea. I take that back, her ending was flawless.
Judges’ comments: LA: “You always start slow and you get there. A for effort, B for execution.” Demi: “I wanted to see this from you for a while, you had fun. You need to work more on your performances.” Simon: “I don’t know what else this girl could have brought. She sang, she danced. It’s the hardest thing to do, dance and sing in tune and you did it all. This was a very important and good performance for you. And I am happy you are gunning for #1.” Britney: “I am so proud of you. I would dance with you any day.”
To vote for Diamond White: 1-855-THE-XF-01 or 1-855-843-9301
Song: You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feeling. He delivers another good performance. But I just don’t see writing a $5 Million check to Vino. Sorry. I wouldn’t be surprised if Simon calls him Karaoke tonight. We shall see.
Britney: “I feel like it’s the same thing with you each week.” Demi: “I agree with Britney. I think you had a lot of soul in your voice, but I was not totally entertained.” Simon: “You have a very good singing voice. You had a lot of amazing songs to sing, that wasn’t one of them. I was hoping it would end and then you went into some Reggae version. Then you hunched over the whole time, it did not work.” LA of course completely disagreed but said, “I’ll admit there were timing issues, but you took a risk cause you were brave.” Simon said to LA: “This isn’t about playing games. That was not a $5 million recording performance.”
To vote for Vino Alan: 1-855-THE-XF-02 or 1-855-843-9302
Song: Rick Astley’s Never Gonna Give You Up. STRANGE song choice when she could choose any song over past 25 years. She strips it down. I really don’t know what she’s trying to prove with this performance. It’s just too monotone but she is the most confident I have ever seen her. The judges liked it.
Judges’ comments: LA: “That was by far your very best performance there. You found your voice. You found your movement.” Demi, this time you got it right.” Britney: “This was a legitimate risk to take and it worked.” Simon: “Who chose the outfit?” Paige said they all did. Simon said, “I asked because this is the first time you looked and sounded like a legitimate pop star. This sounded like you making a record.” Demi: “I am so proud of you. Working together, I think we clicked.”
To vote for Paige Thomas: 1-855-THE-XF-03 or 1-855-843-9303
Song: Kelly Clarkson’s What Doesn’t Kill You (Stronger). Ally’s grandfather passed away this week and she’s emotional but she is continuing to compete. She dedicated the performance to him. There’s not much dancing/performance, but they sound great.
Judges’ comments: LA: “The lyrics of this song are perfect for you Ally. On the performance, I wanted ground breaking. I thought it was good. I didn’t hear harmony, I heard unison. I didn’t hear originality.” Britney: “I thought the song really worked for a group. I could tell you worked hard.” Demi: “I think this was one of your best performances. The energy sucked down because you guys just stood there and did not come downstairs. It was awkward.” Simon: “What a fantastic performance you just gave. Ally, your grandfather would be very proud of you.”
To vote for Fifth Harmony: 1-855-THE-XF-04 or 1-855-843-9304
Song: Rollling In The Deep by Adele. I CANT WAIT TO HEAR THIS! This girl is sooooooooo gooooood. BUT, this was not my fave performance of hers I hate to say.
Judges’ comments: LA: “You are insanely talented. And you are very lovable but for me, that was not your best performance. But even your second best is better than everyone’s best.” Demi: “I’m not even your mentor and I am proud of you. You are doing amazing. I got nothing you are so good.” Simon: “I thought the first half of the song was good. I thought the second half of the song was sensational. I think you as a 13 year old can sell CD’s but because you’re not human you may have to be disqualified. Aliens cannot compete.” Britney: “We had to take a risk and it was sensational.”
To vote for Carly Rose Sonenclar: 1-855-THE-XF-05 or 1-855-843-9305
Song: Keith Urban’s ‘I Wanna Love Somebody”. Another great but more fun performance out of Tate. He has such a clear crisp voice if you like Country music…He’s so seasoned as a performer. He’s converting me to country music.
Judges’ comments: Britney: “I’m sure we will see you accepting a country music award someday.” Demi: “I love that you dedicate every song to your wife. One day when I get married, I want my husband to love me as much as you love your wife. I felt like I was back in Texas at a BBQ. So much fun.” Simon: “That’s a tall order Demi [That was mean!]. Demi shot back, “At least I will get married one day Simon.” Then Simon said to Tate: “Tate, the bad news, don’t dance. It did not work. The good news is your back with passion and great song choice. You sang it great. You are so likable.” LA: “The difference between you and Simon is that he is likable and you are lovable.”
To vote for Tate Stevens: 1-855-THE-XF-06 or 1-855-843-9306
Song: Lady Marmalade. She was the best I’ve seen her, but still shrieky at points. Will this be enough to save CeCe from elimination?
Judges’ comments: LA: “You definitely are fighting. You’re going down, but you’re fighting. I actually enjoyed that circus.” Britney: “You definitely stepped it up a notch.” Simon: “No one can say you’re not a trier…The problem is I ate 67 slices of chocolate cake when I just wanted a bite. That was way too much. My advice tonight is pack a suitcase.” Demi: “I saw that fire in your eyes, you came out fighting. Anyone who says that was too much is older than…I am not gonna say..”
To vote for CeCe Frey: 1-855-THE-XF-07 or 1-855-843-9307
Song: I’m a Believer by the Monkees. These boys are just too cute for me to critique. I have fun watching them no matter what they sing.
Judges’ comments: LA: “If I were the chairman of a major record label, which I am, and if you were a new act looking to be signed, which you are, I would sign you and I would put the entire building behind you because you have the X Factor!” Britney: “I’m a believer in you guys but I did not like your song.” Demi: “I agree, I just don’t know what Simon is doing with you guys. You’re very predictable every week. You stand there and sing. Use your instruments if you make it next week.” Simon: “Demi, you criticizing me is ironic.” Demi: “I’m a 20 year old girl. And these boys have lost their spark.” Simon “And I have sold 300 billion CDs. This was my favorite performance.”
To vote for Emblem3: 1-855-THE-XF-08 or 1-855-843-9308

Pingback: Watch: Carly Rose Sonenclar Sings Adele's 'Rolling in the Deep' [VIDEO]
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Pingback: X Factor Live Double Elimination Results 11/29: Who Makes The Top 6?
I hate to admit this but the only song I ever liked by Vino Alan was his audition piece “Trouble”. After that he just slowly lost his appeal to me and I started focusing on other contestants. Simon had it right when he talked about the reggae portion of the song he performed yesterday: it was awful and didn’t work. I also really liked Paige Thomas right up until she was in Demi’s living room: I just kind of disconnected after that. You just never know with The X Factor so I’ve always got my DISH Hopper set to record the show each week. The Hopper has the PrimeTime Anytime feature and it automatically records everything on the big four networks so I don’t have to worry about missing anything. Ironically enough these are the two contestants that were sent home last night and I was a bit surprised in Vino’s case. He was ranked number three this week and was sent home. My DISH co-worker was surprised by Paige’s elimination because he thought she did really well on her performance. I have to say that she definitely seemed to connect with the crowd a lot better than she has in the past but it was only a matter of time. The real question is how is CeCe still on the show? She screamed her way through “Lady Marmalade” and I actually put the TV on mute.