Ke$ha is in some hot water for the lyrics of her hit song, Die Young. But the singer is now denying blame because she claims she was forced to sing the song that glorifies dying young.
Per TMZ, Ke$ha’s song has been pulled off of a lot of radio playlists since the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.
Ke$ha who is listed as one of the writers of the song defended herself against some angry Tweeters by responding “i understand. I had my very own issue with ‘die young’ for this reason. I did NOT want to sing those lyrics and I was FORCED TO.”
She added without explaining why or how she was forced to sing the now-offensive song, “I’m so so so sorry for anyone who has been effected by this tragedy.and I understand why my song is now inappropriate. words cannot express.”
The lyrics which some people are taking issue with include: “Let’s make the most of the night like we’re gonna die young. We’re gonna die young. We’re gonna die young…Looking for some trouble tonight. Take my hand, I’ll show you the wild, side. Like it’s the last night of our lives. We’ll keep dancing till we die.”

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