NBC’s “The Celebrity Apprentice” premiered tonight March 3, 2013 with an episode titled, ‘The Wolf in Charge of the Hen House’. Fourteen celebrities have returned for an all star season to fight for the top dog position for Donald Trump. Click here to find out who makes the 2013 Celebrity Apprentice cast.
The task for the first week? The teams must sell meatballs in a charity competition. Who were the teams? Who were the first team captains? Who did Donald Trump Fire tonight? Below is a full live recap and blog of tonight’s Celebrity Apprentice.
Bret Michaels is the only former winner in the new cast. Obviously, the target is on him. He feels it–probably because he knows Omarosa is already using the Bible to prove her point that you cant take out the strong.
Trump arrives in all his glory and bad hair to remind the contestants that they are here to raise money for their fave charities. The big question of the night is why is Bret back after winning?? Trump himself thinks that it is a dumb move. Can’t blame Bret for having passion.
Now, if you have been watching Celebrity Apprentice long enough, you know that Trump always starts the season pegging teams of men against women. But things are different on the All-star season. Bret and Trace Adkins are the project managers and will pick their teams. Woohoo!!! Here are the teams on this seasons All-Star Celebrity Apprentice:
Trace Adkins picks: Penn Jillette, Marilu Henner, Dee Snider, Stephen Bladwin, Lisa Rinna, Gary Busey. Their team name: PLAN B
Bret Michaels picks: Omarosa, Lil John, Brande Roderick, LaToya Jackson, Claudia Jordan, Dennis Rodman. Their team name: POWER.
Marilu likes Gary. But, that does not make her worry that he won’t be distracted because she thinks he’s crazy sauce. Gary reminds his team that their new name is also the name of a morning after pill. Seriously, that’s just a dumb name.
Ivanka Trump and former Celebrity Apprentice winner, Piers Morgan are in the house this week helping Donald Trump in making his decision. Trace is the PM for his team. Bret also wants to be PM for his team as does Brande and she insisted till Bret gave in. Omarosa says Bret messed up by giving up the chance to be PM.
As Brande starts to take charge, everyone gives Bret a hard time for not being PM. Piers and Omarosa pretend to make friends since they hated each other on their season. Ivanka says the reason Trace’s team chose the name Plan B was because each star on that team has been fired before.
The challenge this week was to run a meatball shop and come up with a creative dish. The teams must also present their dishes on “Live With Kelly and Michael.” The winner on the show would win extra money for their task.
LaToya is unhappy. She feels Omarosa is evil and should not be back on the show. She does not see Omarosa as a celebrity because she was on the regular Celebrity Apprentice. LaToya makes a good point.
Trace wants to make his task a private event and does not believe they even need to make a good dish. They just have to outsell other team through their rich friends. Lisa’s husband, Harry Hamlin, has a great meatball recipe. Lisa calls him for it and the team wants to give it their best despite Trace’s confidence that he can win with his deep pocketed friends.
On Power, Brande feels that Dennis Rodman is useless in the kitchen because he does not know how to cook. So, he gets assigned phone task/donation seeking. Rodman mopes around and says he feels left out.
On Plan B, Trace calls his big gun friends for donations. This lets Stephen hold back on his contacts. Bret and Lil Jon show off their vegetarian meatball to Kelly and Mike. Marilu and Penn bring their Harry Hamlin meatball.
At the shop, Brande’s team is doing great but she’s nervous because her one big donor has failed to show up. Power’s shop is filled with customers but no one is at the private event held by Plan B.
Money starts to roll in. Amy Grant, Valerie Bertinelli and Niki Taylor all show up with big checks. Omarosa plays cashier and hoots and hollers for all donations excpet the ones which Bret brings in and Bret notices.
Brande tells the Donald that everyone on her team impressed her. Everyone wants to know why Bret was not the PM. Omarosa wastes to time to throw Bret under the bus by saying he did not raise enough money for Brande and pulled the wool over Brande’s eyes by over promising how much money he’d bring in. Time to throw Bret under the bus by Omarosa by saying that he did not raise enough money for Brande, as promised.
LaToya was not too impressed by Brande as a leader but says the numbers will tell all. Power is surprised to hear Plan B closed their store to the public. Penn calls it a brave decision yet not one that he would have made himself.
Trace says Stephen was the worst performer on his team because no one came in because of him. Stephen defends himself by admitting he is waiting for his own task to bring in the dollars. Piers calls him out on being selfish. When some say he should be fired if his team loses, Stephen says his Rolodex is not full. Piers asks about his brothers….Alec Baldwin comes to mind.
Brande is now on the hot seat for picking Lil Jon and Bret for the Kelly and Michael show. Piers noticed that their photo featured Omarosa so why not put her on the show since she is the biggest villain of reality show. Dennis chimes in and asks why Piers hates Omarosa. Piers says because Omarosa attacked his family. Good enough reason. We then get into a racism talk and Donald says Omarosa always defends Donald against claims that he is racist. Bret jumps in and says he’s not a racist for picking an almost black team. Donald says nobody cares.
Now as for the two meatball dishes, Kelly and Michael liked both but picked Brande’s as the winner. Her team gets an additional $20,000 for their charity. This week, more money was raised by both teams in first episode of Apprentice history.
Brande’s Power team raised $230,533 plus 20K for winning the Kelly and Michael contest for a total of $250,533.
LaToya thinks that Brande should be fired because she promoted herself more than she should have. After all is said and done, Brande takes back LaToya and Bret with her because she believes in Omarosa’s accounting even though it is obvious that Omarosa’s numbers are all wrong. There is no way Donald is going to fire LaToya again for a third time in his life, is he?? And Brande raised the most amount, so, does that mean Bret is in danger?? I HOPE NOT!
While waiting for Donald to call the trio of doom back in the boardroom, Bret tells the ladies to watch their backs against Omarosa. Once back in the boardroom, Donald and crew all ask Brande why she trusted Omarosa’s numbers when as Piers points out again she’s the biggest villain in history of TV. LaToya says Brande should be fired. Brande says LaToya should be fired because she raised the least amount of money. Donald says LaToya will not be fired. He says Omarosa and Dennis should have been here instead of LaToya.This is not looking good for Bret.
Donald asks Brande how she could assign Omarosa as the accountant because $80,000 is “missing.” Donald then asks Bret how can can he fire the person who’s raised the most amount of money [Brande]–when in the history of the Apprentice he has never fired the highest donation raiser of the team. Donald then goes on a rant and says he has a problem with Bret coming back again on the show because that’s like asking Donald to pick him as a winner again. “It’s bravery or not so smart,” says the Donald. Donald said it was incredulous to him that Bret would come back because psychologically Donald cannot pick Bret again as the winner….as Bret tries to compare himself to the 6-time Super Bowl winning Pittsburgh Steelers….
Donald stops Bret dead in his tracks and fires BRET MICHAELS!!
We will be bringing you exclusive recaps, spoilers, photos from Celebrity Apprentice All Stars all season long. LIKE us on FACEBOOK (Click here) or FOLLOW US on TWITTER (Click here) to be kept up to date on all things Celebrity Apprentice!!

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will not be watching anymore. The level of disrespect shown to Bret was horrible! Bret is an honorable man who is what he is and fights hard for Diabetes research. He could care less about the title of Apprentice!! He was there to help his charity. Of course what can one expect from a man who thinks he is more powerful then the President of the U.S.A!!! Donald you are a complete ASS!!!!!
I can’t believe you fired Bret Michaels!!!!! If you kept that stupid blonde for ratings, big mistake!!!! All of us Bret Michael fans will not watch anymore, especially that B*tch amarosa is on there!!!! Brett is a class act. He deserved more respect.
DONALD, YOU SIRE are fired!!!!!
I’m a big apprentice fan until now. It was made clear at the beginning of the show Mr. Trump did not agree of Bret being on the show. Why did Trump put him on the show? Bret was a marked man from the start. The language was awful. Mr. Morgan was very rude to everyone. I always admired Mr. trump, but tonight his classy The Apprentice Show just became another reality show–which i will not be watching.
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After the way Bret was spoken to, we’re not watching this season. Trump is so disrespectful, such an egomaniac. It’s not fun anymore.
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