Celebrity Apprentice airs its fourth episode of the season tonight March 24, 2013 titled “Men in Black are Gonna Come Get Him”. If you missed any of last week’s fireworks between Omarosa and LaToya Jackson, click here for a full recap.
For tonight’s task, the two teams will use a glass truck in order to create a marketing campaign for Farouk’s Systems Products. Who will be the team project managers? Who will get fired by Donald Trump tonight?
If you would like spoilers on who is speculated to get fired tonight, look all the way at bottom of this page. Look below starting at 9 PM ET for a live blog and live recap of tonight’s Celebrity Apprentice and to find out who Donald Trump fires tonight.
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Everyone is incredulous that La Toya did not bring Omarosa back to the board room with her, including Omarosa herself who admits she is shocked.”When La Toya did not chose me, it was the most shocking choice in the history of The Apprentice,” said O. Brande feels awful for La Toya feeling sad when she was fired. Omarosa says good riddance. Stephen is happy he won and because now he can give his mother a $50,000 check which will cover one year of breast cancer research.
Farouk Industries shows up to meet with our celebrities about the next task. They own Biosilk and Chi–I use both of those and LOOOOVE THEM! The two teams have to create a social and interactive glass truck about the products given to the team. This week’s Trump helpers are Arsenio Hall and Don Jr.
Claudia is the Project Manager For Team Power because she is a model. Plan B has Marlilu. Winner gets $50,000 for their charity. In addition, for every Facebook like the team gets, they will get an additional dollar up to another $50,000. SO, the winning charity can get up to $100,000 potentially.
Plan B has the Biosilk product. Stephen came up with several ideas but no one liked them. Instead, they chose Trace Adkin’s simple idea of “Experience Silk”.
Gary Busey is assigned to be the angel of silk. Marilu has Lisa Rinna and Trace go shopping with Gary just because they don’t think he can handle things alone. While shopping, Gary takes his job as the accountant way too seriously, counting the money over and over again. They shop under budget and Gary is proud but then he loses his money bag. So much for his doing well today. Trace says “Men in Black are gonna come get Gary–I swear– because he’s an alien.” Trace added, “there are little people inside his head.”
Lisa Rinna farted in the van and tried to deny it. Gary called her out on it saying he can see fart gas. He says FART stands for felling a rectal transmission and claims Lisa is really good with that –she is like a “symphony of farting trombones!” Man, what I would give to spend a day with Gary Busey!!
The Faruk group said they have used Miss USA and other pageant winners as their models and Marilu was once a judge for the Miss USA pageant. Matt Rich is Stephen’s publicist with ties to Miss USA and they are able to get Miss USA for their task. Somehow, despite Stephen trying to help, Marilu says Stephen is the “keep your enemies closer” kinda guy.
Stephen pisses Trace Adkins by saying he’s from Tennessee and washes his hair with lard.
Plan B wants a lounge vibe and feel for their task of make-overs. Everyone is still talking about Gary being crazy and living in his own world. Stephen is having trouble with Marilu getting distracted on the task because she kept talking to Miss USA when she should be working. he says if they lose the task, it is her fault.
Trace is singing on top of their glass truck. He says he is “completely whoring himself out” to get people’s attention. He says he is losing all of his dignity for this task and does not know how he will can go back to the country music industry after this.
For some reason, Dennis Rodman ventures out to this team instead and draws a crowd. Trace said Dennis is the biggest draw on Team Power so he’s glad to see him on their side.
When the Farouks come to check out the glass truck, Gary takes Farouk senior aside and tells him everyone there is “breaking their virginity on the awareness of Biosilk.” WOW GARY, you leave me speechless.
Team Power has the Chi product. Lil Jon won this task as PM on his season, so, he’s very confident he knows what to do and says the brand is very America-based. Dennis’ idea is provide some homeless women with makeovers using the Faruk products but Claudia thinks that he is talking crazy. She instead says they should put on a hair show. Omarosa tells the camera there is no creativity here but she will sit back because she is being a follower not a leader. O is not worried if they lose because she calls herself “the baddest chic in he boardroom” and says they all know it. Well, La Toya definitely showed she knew that last week when she did not take the bad O with her to the boardroom.
When Omarosa goes out with Dennis to get costumes, Claudia says she wishes O would not return. At the costume store, O and Dennis actually find a Trump head and Dennis must have it!
Omarosa took extremely too long to finish the shopping and came back with missing items on her list. The team decides to take photos holding the products. Lil Jon dressed as Uncle Sam and Dennis sported some glittery gold lips and his teammates loved it.
Claudia finally gets in touch with the Miss USA organization but finds out that they lost Miss USA to Team Plan B. Everyone is devastated Omarosa says it’s a “huge huge clerical error.” As a backup plan, they decide to go with a Trump impersonator—but they find out he’s dead. So, on to plan C and they go with a Joan Rivers impersonator to do a red carpet.
Power is falling behind Plan B, both teams know this fact. Omarosa is once again taking too long, this time to arrive at the event. Brande thinks O should be fired if their team loses.
It turns out that Claudia should have had a stylist in the glass truck but she does not. Will this mistake come back to bite her? She says she feels that O is setting her up to fail because she gives ideas at the last minute when they are impossible to implement.
Power also was able to get some pageant folks which they believe is a good thing. Claudia tells Don Jr that Brande is her most powerful player. She also names Dennis (who wonders off to the wrong team by mistake) and Omarosa are her worst players. They do something right: They promote a link to their Facebook page which is accessible via cellphones right then and there. They also have bar codes all over their posters promoting their FB page–pretty smart.
Plan B has put together a pamphlet and Farouks was really impressed. Farouk also liked that the celebs on Plan B all participated which attracted more people. He said they had great teamwork. They also loved their creation and Farouk Jr. (the son) thought the brand messaging was great. The older Farouk liked Claudia’s brand messaging of “Chi Wants You” better. They liked both so it will be interesting to see who they pick as the winner. They said it will come down to overall guest experience and who brought more excitement.
Claudia came dress to kill showing lots of cleavage. “WOAH CLAUDIA” is what Trump said immediately.
Claudia feels that her team had the edge by having Chi as opposed to Biosilk and is convinced her team won. Omarosa actually said Claudia did well and she’s proud of her. Brande loved her too. Claudia tells Donald her team is a group of misfits and underdogs and says that is why they work so well together. She says Brande now eats soul food and raps.
Claudia says her whole team are all stars and names Brande as her strongest player. She tries to play coy when asked who the weakest players on her team are and Don Jr calls her out that for having named Omarosa and Dennis as the weakest earlier.
The other team all love each other and everything was rosy. Except Stephen who said Marilu sometimes gets distracted. He even compared her to Gary Busey. “It’s a personality thing” Stephen said. Marilu said her brain just works too fast. Stephen admitted she was an outstanding PM. When pushed, Marilu could not name who’d she bring back if they lost.
For Team Plan B, Don Jr says Farouks loved the entertainment value and the fact that there was a line of people. They liked the use of beauty pageants. Don Jr. said they thought Plan B’s slogan of “Experience Silk” was a tad generic but Farouk loved their overall concept. Remember, Trace picked the slogan so he may be in trouble if they lose. Marilu still does not know who she’d bring back to the boardroom if they lose. But based on this info, she would bring back Gary and Trace because Trace came up with the slogan. Trace said he did not like Stephen’s Live Life Luscious slogan because it did not sing well.
For Team Power, Farouk loved Lil Jon as Uncle Sam and loved their slogan of Chi Wants You too which was an American theme which Lil Jon suggested. I loved Lil Jon on his season and he’s showing his smarts yet again. Farouk did not like the way that Team Power utilized the glass truck and the fact that they missed out on the whole Miss USA connection. .
The Farouks liked both teams–BUT, they loved Plan B and Marilu. SO, PLAN B WINS!! Marilu will get the $$ for her charity, The Alzheimer’s Association. So far, our spoilers are yet again accurate (see below).
Claudia said she’s devastated because she hates this part of choosing who comes back. She is 100% shocked they lost. Omarosa is sad because Claudia’s charity gives money to black colleges who really need the $$.
Claudia says they have no singers on their team. Lil Jon added “we can’t juggle.” When asked how Claudia could have done better, Brande said “She could have eaten fire.” Trump and Arsenio says Farouk wanted his product to be the star and it wasn’t. Their mistake was to use a photo booth to highlight the product not the glass truck. Claudia admits Omarosa suggested that.
Here we go again! Claudia makes the bonehead move to NOT bring Omarosa back to the boardroom with her. She brings back Lil Jon who is amazing and Dennis Rodman. Everyone gasps. “You got to be kidding,” asks Trump. “Lol Jon was a star.” Trump says his biggest surprise in 13 seasons was La Toya not bringing Omarosa back. His second surprise is Claudia not bringing Omarosa but bringing Lil Jon because everyone thought he was a star. Trump asks Lil Jon if he is worried and he says, “You never know on this damn show.”
Trump says sometimes it helps to have a bad reputation and that’s why he thinks no one brings Omarosa back. Claudia asks to change her mind and Omarosa says hell no, I’m outta here.
While waiting outside the boardroom, Claudia asks Lil Jon to help her get Dennis fired as “dead weight”. Poor Dennis stands to the side as she whispers in Lil Jon’s ear. “The problem is Donald likes what Dennis is doing….We can try,” Lil Jon says.
Donald says they are all winners but is shocked to see Lil Jon in the boardroom because Farouk loved Lil Jon –who doesn’t? Lil Jon said he’s never been brought back in his two seasons. It’s obvious Claudia is afraid of Omarosa and that is why she did not bring her back in the boardroom. BUT she must know that showing fear will be her gloom! RIDICULOUS!! Claudia blames Lil Jon’s marketing skills.
Lil Jon defends Dennis saying he is sober and ready to work every day though he does less which is why he is brought back. if it were up to him, he would have brought back Omarosa with Dennis. Dennis says he is in a better place this season and really wants to stay on the show.
Claudia says she brought Dennis back because he did not do much but she’s not convincing anyone that she did it out of fear of the big O. Dennis did a great job of making Claudia look worse than him. When Donald was about to fire Claudia, Dennis interrupts Donald to defend Claudia but ends up asking why did she not bring back Omarosa. Donald then says it would not have made a difference if Claudia had brought back Omarosa because Claudia was the PM on this losing task.
On her Taxi ride home, Claudia admits Omarosa played Jedi mind tricks on her.
1. Brett Michaels
2. Dee Snyder
3. La Toya Jackson
4.Claudia Jordan
PLEASE DO NOT READ IF YOU DON’T WANT TO FIND OUT WHO GETS FIRED AND GOES HOME TONIGHT! The project managers are Claudia Jordan for Team Power and Marilu Henner for Team Plan B. Spoilers say Claudia is the one fired and eliminated tonight. Will she bring Omarosa to the boardroom with her??? Come back to CelebMagnet starting at 9 PM for a full live show recap of tonight’s Celebrity Apprentice.

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Trump knows that people love to hate Omarosa. That’s why she’s back. And that’s why he’ll never fire her unless HE absolutely has to. She will never win. I feel like I’m watching a soap opera when Omarosa’s on.
We are not enjoying watching Omarosa this season. She takes too much away from the task—and she is not as “household” of a name as one may think. There is nothing special about her. Nor is there anything really compassionate and giving either. The show loses some of its sincerity when giving to the charities with her participation. Sorry, I am ready to turn off my TV…….. And I am a fan of Farouk…..and the products this week. Went to a hotel in Cancun, enjoyed the first experiences with the sample products…….years ago.
Plan B worked very well together this week. when Stephen B was bossing people around unnecessarily. Mary Lou was very good even when she seemed unsure, but Stephen was overkill. He was still amped from his win from last week.
I’d appreciate to retire in San Raphael, France on the Mediterranean Sea. It is so wonderful! I’d also do the job on learning French since extremely few folks there speak English.