Big Brother 15 premiered Wednesday night June 26, 2013 and introduced all of us fans to 16 new houesguests. Below is a brief recap of Wednesday’s episode.
In an effort to bring some spice into a show which has run its course in some respects, CBS introduced us and the unsuspecting houseguests to two new twists: A weekly MVP voted on by America and addition of one extra eviction nominee per week (voted by the MVP)! Pretty cool if you ask me.
These twists totally change the entire game plan. Think about it. When an HOH nominates two people for eviction, and if the HOH is also not the MVP, then he could have BOTH of the people he nominated actually stay in and come after him! And a nominee could be MVP too and could get out of eviction by nominating a bigger target.
McCrae Olson, the 23-year-old scrawny and harmless looking pizza delivery boy held on for hours during an endurance competition to beat out all the beefy men and women of the house. He had some help a long the way when Jeremy McGuire chose to voluntarily drop out of the competition so he could win the first-ever ‘never-not pass’. What’s so special about that pass? Jeremy will never be a “Have Not.” No cold showers. No hard beds. NO SLOP! ALL SEASON! Way to go!
WARNING: Big Brother 6/27/2013 SPOILERS:
We will be bringing you spoilers all season! Please add us on FACEBOOK (Click here) or FOLLOW US on TWITTER (Click here) so we can keep you up to date on all things Big Brother. OK, so, who has McCrae nominated for eviction? Based on the live feeds and Big Brother After Dark, McCrae has nominated Jessie and Aaryn for eviction. The Have-Nots for the week are Andy, Elissa, Jessie, Howard, and Helen.
Some of the girls are seen trying to console Jessie by telling her that the house wants Candace out, or Rachel Reilly’s sister, Ellisa Slater. Kaitlin actually tells Jessie that McRae wants to backdoor Ellisa. They figured out already she is Rachel’s sister.
We already have alliances and cuddle buddies formed too. McCrae has an alliance with about everyone in the house. We already have caddiness and jealousy too. Jessie for example is mad that Jeremy flirted with her all day but ends up cuddling with Kaitlin. Oh ladies, please. You just met these guys!
We will be bringing you exclusive recaps, spoilers, photos from Big Brother 15 all season long, ON A DAILY BASIS. Please LIKE us on FACEBOOK (Click here) or FOLLOW US on TWITTER (Click here) to be kept up to date on all things Big Brother!