Remember David Girton, the Big Brother cast member who lasted all of one week in the game before being voted out? David, probably best known as Aaryn Gries’ makeout buddy and the guy who failed to spell a single word in a POV competition to save his life, is now speaking out about his quick summer fling.
Girton contends that he is still hoping Aaryn goes far in the game despite the fact that she’s spewed out many racist remarks while in the BB house.
The lifeguard and surfer admitted to TMZ that hooking up with Aaryn has already caused him trouble back home, even though David says he did not hear any of Aaryn’s racial slurs while in the house. He says he was “shocked” to hear the controversial words when he watched the show at home.
“People are saying I’m racist because I was with Aaryn,” David says but is quick to point out, “That is not me.”
Girton’s mom is happy David was voted off. David says, “My mom is glad I got off the show early. There are a lot of mean people on there. She was worried that if I was on the show longer, they would have an impact on me.”
In addition to Gries, GinaMarie Zimmerman and Spencer Clawson are also on the hot seat for using racial slurs in the house. As we reported earlier, Gries and Zimmerman have already lost their real life jobs over their words.
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