A nasty rumor circulated today about my favorite Glambert…Various news sources reported that Adam Lambert failed to show up for rehearsals today for the American Idol finale without notice or explanation. The rumor also alleged that the producers decided to cut Adam out of the show out of spite and had to scramble last minute on a way to re-work the show’s line up.
Later on in the day, news sources continued on and stated that the reason Adam missed rehearsals was due to doctors’ orders for bed rest. I did not report on this “story” earlier because it did not sound like Adam who has always given 100% of himself to his art and profession and truth be told, rumors should not be circulated until they turn into facts. Adam Lambert himself has just this minute spoken via Twitter. He says he has been in rehearsals all day for his upcoming tour and had not heard the rumors until now. What happened? This is Adam’s version, and I believe him:
HAHA. I have now just been made aware of more gossip and rumormill: First of all, i was never asked to appear on the finale in any capacity. 2nd: I DID come down w a throat bug most likely caught on my flight back from this past weekends’ concert in Boston.
Was put on vocal rest yesterday from MY show’s rehearsals which doubled the work 2 do 2day since all equip. had 2 be sent back east tonight
Sad that Im forced to defend myself bout situation no one pointing fingers knew any factual details about. Im working so hard on this tour!!
All i ever heard was:”you’ve not been asked to perform on finale.Would you like to sit in the audience?” Me:sorry-Too much work to do today.
Sick of certain journalists and jealous people in the industry trying to stir up bullshit drama. Must not be getting laid. GET A LIFE! HAHA
Im blessed 2 be so busy & thrilled to take my nearly SOLD OUT tour on the road promoting love, diversity, peace, bravery & pride.Oh n’ GLAM and thanks for your words of support true fans!
Dont worry, i just had to get it off my chest (publically) Im totally over it now.

I couldn’t believe this disgusting rumor either, especially the one about Adam skipping rehearsals and behaving like a diva… that’s so not Adam!
Everyone who’s ever worked with him will tell you that Adam’s work ethic is stellar and that he’s nice to everyone, down to earth and very humble.
Also, Adam tweeted more than a week ago that he was not sheduled to perform on the AI finale, at that time rehearsals hadn’t even started.
It’s so pathetic how some people jump on any chance to spread nasty rumors and hatred…
That’s exactly why I created this site. I am so sick of “reporters” reporting false or defamatory news, or both. Only news that is true and vital should be reported on.
Thanks for your words…
I seen some postings on Adam’s Twitter about these things: wow, it’s hard to know what’s the real reason why Adam didn’t show up to catch American Idol and I am sure it’s all good. The point being is that the show must go on and Adam has a great career ahead of him.
THANK YOU parisa michelle!! nice to see someone who upholds TRUTH.
yeah i knew that rumor article was crap the moment i read it. adam is sweet and hardworking and that article was OBVIOUSLY false.
Parisa, journalistic integrity is a passion of mine as well, especially as it targets celebs. Especially when that celeb is Adam Lambert. Thanks for being the first to put Adam’s words out there! That Twitter Party was a blast!
good on you for setting the record straight.
Thanks for putting this out there for Google to hit.
It all seemed so silly. I mean, aside from the fact that Adam’s been very reliable in his appearances, talk about shooting yourself in the foot. Who would blow off an American Idol finale when they were already scheduled? Adam Lambert, the man who played that show like a fiddle, would be at the bottom of the list of people who’d ever jeopardize the opportunity.
By the way, where were all the rumors about other notable no-shows? Among the famous Idol alumni who I never spotted were David Cook (who I understand had a scheduling conflict), Clay Aiken, Chris Daughtry, and Danny Gokey.
Another muck-raking storm around the controversial guy. Typical.
i checked adam’s tweets this a.m. – didn’t know what was goin on till i read this article – thanks! so unfair to adam! why do fans do that to him? rumors and drama suck! love and support the best!
I knew all that stuff was a lie from the beginning, but thanks for the truth, which almost seems like the exception in reporting nowdays.
Thank you everyone for your comments. I agree, sadly, it seems that truth is the exception in reporting. But we can change that by demanding better news!
Parisa, good for you for this justice-loving scoop…Just seeing celebmagnet for first time today…I’m so proud of you. Unka Tommy
So frustrating to see how this rumor has spread, despite blog posts such as yours. For example, my local radio station posted the Popeater article on its Twitter and hasn’t removed it (despite my passing along the EW story discounting the smear). The blogosphere is a dangerous place, full of untrained “journalists” who see nothing wrong with passing along unsourced and unverified rumors that can damage a reputation forever.
Adam Lambert was a fricken MENTOR and performed on the show this year already and now the “producers” decided to “cut him out of the show”? It is so ridiculous. The story was made up by one person in order for it to cause this kind of response from the media and the haters. Leave Adam alone!
THANK YOU! Its very refreshing to get positive honest news for a change, cant find that anywhere. I will keep reading this site.