Rock singer Bret Michaels will appear in the live season finale of The Celebrity Apprentice next Sunday night less than a month after suffering a brain hemorrhage. Bret will also appear on The Oprah Winfrey Show this Wednesday; perform at the Hard Rock Live in Biloxi, Mississippi on May 28 and is set to begin a tour with Lynyrd Skynrd on June 10 in West Palm Beach, Florida. Celeb Magnet could not be happier for Bret’s incredibly speedy recovery and I wish him the best in his future endeavors. My friend Erica took the words right out of my mouth: “It’s so funny, I was not a huge fan of his til Celebrity Apprentice, then I get to know him as something other than that ‘Rock of Love’ persona. He’s a sweetheart, creative and driven too.” Well said Erica, well said. Now, back to you Bret. You may be a rock star, but you are made of steel on the outside and something way softer and mushier on the inside!

I encountered Bret Michaels a year ago at my workplace in la…he was very nice and very “pretty”. I’m glad he’s doing well.