Poll time – who watches Two and a Half Men? The show which also stars Jon Cryer, is supposedly a key part of CBS’ Monday night lineup. So much so, that last year, the network gave the show a three-year renewal, through the 2011-12 season. So, CBS is now elated that the main star of the show, Charlie Sheen, has agreed to come back for at least another season. This leaves me extremely confused because all I know about this show is that every time a commercial for this show comes on TV, someone in the room I am in inevitably asks, “Does anyone even watch this stupid show?” When amazing shows such as Lost get a much shorter life span than a show no one I know watches, I just want to scream. Considering CBS studios is located across the street, maybe the right people would hear me. Cancel this show already.

Um…this show is HILARIOUS and a LOT of people watch it. Sure, Sheen is a d-bag in real life, but his role (essentially playing himself) is hilarious in this show. Yes, the show has taken a turn for the worse now that the 1/2 man is like a 2/3 man in puberty, but for a good several seasons it was a comic staple.
As for LOST, that show was supposed to only last 5 seasons per the writers wishes. The reason we have seen some wishy-washy episodes the past 2 seasons have been b/c ABC forced them to do 6.
you are right, it should be called 2 and 2/3 men.
I am sure you are right that there is an audience for this show. You are the first fan I met. Hello buddy.
I actually only watch the re-runs. I think Mo-mo used to be a fan of the show … but I could be misremembering.
I catch a re-run on occasion….and it is actually pretty funny (probably because I’m a guy) but middle school aged kids love this kind of comedy allah Threes Company back in our day. (Only a little more extreme)