Oh man, I really wanted to stay away from this subject because, like the majority of women (and probably men) I know, I heart Sandra Bullock. I love everything about her. Her laugh, her grace, her wit and especially her movies. Even more, I respect her privacy. Sandra is my home slice – she went to high school spitting distance from where I grew up. So, she’s off limits. But, I have to report on the news in case you’re interested: Jesse James, Sandra’s estranged husband, will give his first television interview to ABC’s Nightline, scheduled to air Tuesday. OK, that’s all on this subject from Celeb Magnet. Good luck to everyone involved as they mend their lives moving forward.

Jesse, unless you repent and be godly-sorrowful of the vows that you took with your wife, if its not honestly in your heart to do so, then don’t. If you are going to continue in the sins that you’ve committed within yourself, then don’t continue to make a fool of yourself and disgrace Sandra anymore. It’ll be as if you were continually pouring salt on a blisterous wound. Let her go, because you brought this on yourself. A woman is born, but a “lady” is made, and without your help, she was already a “lady”. Leave her be, go your way and repent, after you apologize, because, God don’t hear a sinner, unless he/or her repents. You don’t deserve her, and she doesn’t deserve such mess. The Lord will hear you after repentance.