My dog, Jovi, woke me up way too early today. She seemed anxious. MAYBE just maybe she knew today was going to turn out to be a most special day, for me. I had no such clue. So, I dragged out of bed and got the day reluctantly started. After walking my pesty alarm clock, Jovi, I went about my errands a bit earlier and much sleepier than I should have been. The day was kind of dully routine, until my friend Roanne texted me about 2 PM to tell me that my favorite band, Bon Jovi was performing on American Idol. How had this fact avoided me? My favorite show and my favorite band were colliding within walking distance of my house in a matter of a mere hours and I did NOT know about it?? Had I finally lost my mind? Maybe last night’s Lost episode finally sent me over the edge? Alas, I digress.
Back to today. I at once abandoned the task at hand, whatever it was, and drove home, changed into the proper “Idol attire” and ran over to CBS Studios from where American Idol is broadcast. By the time I got there, the line of ticket holders seemed endless. There was no way I could get in through “standby”. THE ONLY way would be to find someone with an extra ticket–the likelihood of which seemed impossible with only 3 hours before curtain call. I repeated over and over again as I walked alongside this line of ticket holders, “Anyone have an extra ticket?” Everyone looked at me with sympathetic eyes and shook their heads, no. No. No. Everyone, except for one of the last people in the line. She said, “I do!” I looked at her incredulously. “You do?” I asked. “I sure do.” And just like that, I was able to walk into American Idol with me new friend Regina.
Fantasia opened the show, Daughtry was next to perform. But of course Idol saved the best for the last, MY Jon. And his friends, Richie, Tico, David and some white hair dude that I refuse to acknowledge as part of the band though he’s been playing with them forever–since they kicked out Alec. They performed Superman..and as Jon was singing to me and only me,”I won’t lie I wish that I..could be your superman tonight.” I was thinking, “Oh silly Jon, don’t you by now KNOW you don’t have to ask me. I mean, after all, I named my dog after you.”
If you watch this episode, you can clearly hear me scream “I love you guys” post performance. I wanted to yell “I love you Jon”, but didn’t wanna hurt his friends’ feelings 
Today, was a good day. Today was actually a perfect day. This picture was not taken today, but you should really look at a post I will eventually write (search “Bon Jovi”) because this picture comes with a really cool story…of course.

Funny – as I was watching Idol playback from Tuesday – when Ryan announced Bon Jovi as the guest, I immediately thought “OH too bad Parisa doesn’t have tickets!” hahaha..you’re hilarious…i am impressed you actually went and asked people for an extra ticket and someone had one, lucky you!!! Glad you got to enjoy that!!!