Tracy Morgan was not having it. Not today anyway.
I was sipping coffee, sitting obliviously at a table outside in the sun near The Grove when my dog Jovi started going crazy…just plain nuts. As if world war 3 was about to commence and she was the world’s last line of defense. So, I look up to see what has caused this commotion and see this man walking his pit bull towards us. The pit bull’s mere presence had fired up my little 17-pound Lhasa Apso to the rescue. As if little Lhasa, as if.
I apologized to the gentleman walking his pit bull. To my surprise, I heard a familiar voice respond, “Your dog is ferocious”. I was like, shit, that’s Tracy Morgan of 30 Rock. “Mr. Morgan, I love your show!!!!!!!” I yelped, half in sincere excitement, half trying to kiss ass and diffuse the situation. Tracy wasn’t having it. “Your dog is still ferocious” he said, as he walked away shaking his head. That may have been the funniest thing ever.
After I collected myself, I looked down at Jovi who is just sitting there all innocent with the expression, “Why u lookin’ at me like that?” written all over her face. It’s a good thing I love that feisty bitch.