(Please forgive me my British friends. This is all a classic case of: “I swear, it was me; it really had nothing to do with you.”). As a newbie Los Angelean, I don’t know….I just can’t yet get into the Lakers…So, I’m gonna play the devil’s advocate, and say, I wouldn’t hate it if the Boston Celtics won the finals.
I say this as I recall a day not too long ago when the Boston Celtics – the entire team- made a very sad me a very happy girl. In 2007, I was stationed in London for two months; and I think I hated all but possibly 800 minutes of that entire 2-month period. I missed my family, my friends, my dog, my bed, a boy I was just getting to know before I left, my American TV and football in particular. I hated the rain, missed the sun; hated the food, missed my American-made Diet Coke. And no one could understand my accent, nor could I understand theirs. ARGH. Hated it all. Especially the Tate Modern museum, but, I won’t go there now…
So, on many Sundays, I would take “Bus #9 to Aldwych” and go to the “Sports Cafe” in Piccadilly Circus in London just to watch American football, and be surrounded by other Americans who were like me; misplaced. I’d go by myself, but always ended up leaving with “friends” I had made there. Well, one day, a whole slew of green and white jersey-wearing tall men entered the Sports Cafe, and despite the fact that the bar was a multi-level large place, walked straight into my section and took three booths right next to me.
They must have felt the pull of the Celeb Magnet, sad magnet and all. It turns out, the Boston Celtics were playing an exhibition game in London. And just like that, in a matter of a minute, I had 10+ slices of home sitting next to me–speaking in an accent I understood and better yet, who understood me…Thank you Celtics for the kindness you showed that day. I don’t think it was a coincidence that you won the National Championship the very same season, considering the deplorable season you all suffered from the year before our meeting….You may have shocked everyone else with your amazing turn-around in one season, but you didn’t shock me. Karma. LOL…

Go Celtics!! (please don’t become a Lakers fan)
and what….the Tate Modern is AWESOME….you must have hit a bad exhibit….Seriously
And don’t listen to whatever my idiot roommate might say … the Lakers aren’t worth your time. The only L.A. team I’d advise supporting would be the Dodgers … you might magnetically attract Alyssa Milano if you go to Dodgers’ games :-p
this not being so fond of europe must be an afsahi thing…i mean she who shall remain nameless preferred a certain state to italy…it’s gotta be in the blood…someone get me outta here!!!! ;o)