The other day, my friend and I were having a quiet lunch at Chipotle at The Grove when I noticed a cute blonde guy sitting by himself at the next table. At closer look, I noticed it was Jake Pavelka of The Bachelor and Dancing with the Stars! Jake remembered me from our random previous meetings so he became extremely talkative. Vienna Girardi (the girl he picked on The Bachelor and who is now his fiance) was out of town, and I guess he was only too happy to have two new sets of ears in her absence 
He told us he is looking to buy a home in Los Angeles for him and Vienna but will also keep the home they share in Dallas to be able to get away from the craziness of LA whenever they need to. Apparently Vienna isn’t too fond of LA yet. Jake said he is going to continue with his real job, piloting planes, and he can do that from anywhere even though he is based out of Georgia.
Funny story he shared with us: He still doesn’t get that he is famous! He and Vienna were recently vacationing in Hawaii and made the mistake of saying on Twitter where they were staying. Jake says, “I wanted my family and friends to know.” Guess Jake forgot about the Paparazzi who are following him on Twitter. Next thing you know, the Paparazzi were swarming them. So Jake just walked up to one and said, “Here we are, go at it.” After he told this story, Jake asked me, “So, what do you do for a living?” “Oh Jake. I am a celebrity blogger.” He chuckled but didn’t flinch. I promised him I would not write about any of the sensitive stuff he had already shared, and I keep my word; my lips are sealed!
Ladies – in case you are wondering: Jake is even cuter in person. He is also extremely friendly–must be that Dallas charm; he is quite the gentleman. Read this to find out what Vienna had to say about him last time I met her. By the way, the picture here is from a previous meeting between Jake and me. Let the record show that Jake does not wear glittery shirts to Chipotle.

Thanks for sharing. Jake has been my favorite bachelor ever.