Twilight fans know all too well that Kristen Stewart is camera-shy when it comes to paparazzi but she may have stepped over the line with some fans and rape-victims groups earlier in the week for comments she made to Britain’s Elle Magazine about media photos of herself: “The photos are so…I feel like I’m looking at someone being raped…A lot of the time I can’t handle it.” Yesterday, Kristen publicly apologized for those remarks, saying she had made “an enormous mistake.”
Poor Kristen–I am sure these chain of events only lead to her wanting to be more reclusive. Guess she had no idea when she filmed the first Twilight movie that she would be the subject of such intense media scrutiny. Now that she has apologized, let’s move on to happier things and count down the days to June 30th when we will all be reunited with our favorites: Bella, Edward and Jacob.