First, Michael Jackson’s Glove gets purchased for $190,000 and now this: A set of three chest X-rays of Marilyn Monroe from a 1954 hospital visit was sold at the Hollywood Legends auction for a whopping $45,000! [Are you kidding me?] Monroe’s X-Rays sold for 15 times more than the estimated value of $800-$1,200 each. The X-rays carry her married named of Marilyn DiMaggio, even though she was going through divorce proceedings from Joe DiMaggio at the time.
My Two Cents Worth: If any of you have some extra crazy cash lying around, please do not use it to buy useless crap; Let me know and I will tell you about a couple of worthwhile charities which could really use our help! Thank you.

I wonder how much my xrays would sell for. This is insane.