If you paid $190,000 to buy something, what would you expect to get in return? If you ask Wanda Kelly of Los Angeles, her answer might differ a little from yours. I know I would buy a house. But $190,000 is how much Wanda paid for the glove Michael Jackson wore on his 1984 Victory Tour. After making the winning bid at Julien’s Auction at Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas, Kelley said, “Let’s just say, I wasn’t walking out of here without that glove.” I really would like to know Wanda’s total worth to find out how much money one would have to have to be able to spend that much on a piece of celebrity history.
I am not the only one in awe here. The amount Wanda paid for the glove even took the auctioneers by surprise. The Swarovski-crystal-studded glove was expected to sell between $20,000 and $30,000 at the auction however, according to Darren Julien, the response from bidders was “unlike anything we’ve ever experienced.” He added that “People flew in from Asia, Russia, all over. Now that he’s gone, we now realize the true legend we lost.” Other Jackson items at the auction included a pair of stage-worn loafers that went for $90,000, a custom jacket he wore during a Barbara Walters interview that sold for $120,000, and one of the last autographs he signed on June 24, 2009, which went for $21,000. Now, I also wonder who is getting all of this money. I am hoping the answer is his kids.

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