Paris Hilton and Cy Waits – A Budding Romance?


Looks like may have been the first site to tip-toe around a celebrity rumor that the new People may soon market as an exclusive: A possible new budding romance between millionaire Cy Waits and Paris Hilton

You can read up on alleged details of the romance on Vegas Deluxe, no need for me to re-construct..How did I possibly figure it out before anyone else? I just put 2 and 2 together just based on Paris’ tweets 🙂 Maybe I should become a detective. Here is the excerpt of what I wrote on June 2, 2010, a week and a half before any other news source! YES CelebMagnet!

My friend … told me I had to meet the owners of Drai’s; Drai’s is owned by Victor Drai and his partners, twin brothers, Cy and Jesse Waits. Amongst the capacity crowd, we managed to find one of them by the rooftop pool: the incredibly handsome and charming Cy Waits. He was very happy to see my friend and made me feel like an immediate friend. He is extremely funny, playful and quite down to earth. I actually had heard a lot about him through my friend and Paris Hilton‘s Tweets to be honest. All good things Cy, all good. Thank you Cy for making me feel at home. That Paris is a lucky girl to be spending so much time with you.

Cy Waits and Parisa Michelle

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