And now, some funny celebrity news: A private jet plane made an emergency landing last night – but you would never believe why! The plane had on board comedian Dave Chappelle. And apparently, the pilot couldn’t handle Chappelle’s erratic behavior because during the flight, Dave “freaked out” and refused to put his seat belt on. Then — according to TMZ’s sources — Dave repeatedly walked into the cockpit, asking how much longer the flight would be, and started grabbing the pilot’s arms. Obviously, the pilot freaked out too – who wouldn’t – and decided Chappelle was a safety risk. As such, the pilot made an emergency landing to get Chappelle off of the plane.
What made Chappelle act so strangely? A rep for him told TMZ that Dave really needed to use the
restroom — he ate something that didn’t sit well — and the bathroom on the plane was “not the kind he needed.”
My Two Cents Worth: I am extremely afraid of flying. I had an episode on a plane once when, for whatever reason, I got a bit too claustrophobic for my own liking. So, why not just say Chappelle reacted the way he did because he does not like to fly. That would have been understandable, even if not true. But, oh, no. The rep blamed the strangeness on a case of the runs and the inadequacy of the bathroom. I don’t get that, even though it’s quite funny. What kind of bathroom would Chappelle need anyway? I’m pretty sure his needs don’t differ from any other man. And I think a plane bathroom would suffice if one were that desperate. Maybe one of you guys can explain this one to me and let me know if this could actually be a legitimate reason.