All I know is that Jake Pavelka has always been nice to and extremely open with me whenever I have seen him around town and I don’t have one negative thing to say about him. So I feel the urge to help clean up his image a bit. I also want to defend him against the accusation that he is a “fame whore.” I see that everywhere and it is just not a fair assessment.
I ran into Jake the day the news about his breakup with Vienna first hit the stands and I found Jake hiding from Paparazzi. Call me crazy, but I would think “fame whores” would run to instead of hide from cameras. I actually helped Jake calm down by telling him, mistakenly I learned later, that the Paparazzi were not there for him but instead for Ray Lewis of the Baltimore Ravens who happened to also be around our vicinity at the time. I was wrong as I saw a picture of Jake from the same time period in the tabloids later that same day.
When someone nearby asked him that day “Who are you that the Paparazzi thinks so much of you?” Jake simply answered, ” I am nobody. I was on a reality show. That’s all.” Those words would not come from the mouth of someone who is “smug,” “arrogant,” and “publicity hungry;” some other false adjectives I have read describe Jake.
Anyway, what’s the big deal about wanting to be famous or on TV if that is what Jake wants to be/do?? How many of us would turn down an opportunity to act on TV or make TV appearances? I can safely say no one I know in LA would avoid such chances, including myself. So, why can’t Jake pursue such activities – let’s give the guy a well-deserved break and stop all the judgment.
I ran into Jake again today as he was rushing to get to Dodger Stadium. It was the first time I have seen him since the airing of the ABC special where he and Vienna went about 12 rounds throwing mud at each other. Jake flashed me a smile as he ran by and asked me how I have been doing since we last met. I said unbelievingly, “How am I doing? Are you kidding me Jake? How the heck are you doing?” He just smiled back. I think he looks like he is doing great considering his world came crashing down not too long ago.
Jake was in a rush because he was on his way to Dodger Stadium where he threw the first pitch at tonight’s game between the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Florida Marlins.
Jake is also flying again and he Tweeted this picture yesterday. Jake surely looks great in any uniform, whether it be a Dodger jersey or his pilot attire.
Next up for Jake is an appearance on The Bachelor Pad set to premier on ABC August 5. I don’t know if I will be watching since the little faith I had left in The Bachelor series went out the window with this break up. The fact that another Bachelorette couple, Jillian Harris and Ed Swiderski called it quits today doesn’t help either. [UPDATE: After meeting the cast of The Bachelor Pad at their Red Carpet Event, I changed my mind. The cast has me all excited about this show and I can’ wait to tune in.] Jake will also be on the August 22nd episode of Drop Dead Diva. Here is a sneak peak of that episode:

Glad to hear hes doing better.
Thanks for standing up for him. It’s clear he’s a great guy, and was treated rather badly by a certain ex…
Of course..I don’t like when people get a bum deal for no reason.
Go JAKE!!!!
I wish you the best Jake! And one day I’m sure you will find what you are looking for
I didn’t know much about him and I want to invite him over for tea and cookies….bring him over anytime!!
Yeah, this is one of those sad issues when the press and the generality of people just like to see the negative. I agree with you, CelebMagnet, that Jake is a great guy, and the negativity that has come about because of a simple break-up of a relationship is terrible. Relationships in the public eye always have more expectations on them. I feel it’s horrible that we place these huge expectations on these normal people just because they are on TV. But it’s happened for years, Burt and Loni, Charles and Diana, Brad and Jen, and now Jake and Vienna.
Please lets just let them live their lives, and make whatever mistakes we all make.
Great article. Its good to read about the human side of our celebs.
You’re so nice to write this about him. I think you should start a whole new breed of papparazi known as the NiceArazzi or HeresTheTruthArazzi or to name brand it.. try AfsahiRazzi! You heard it herer first people!
Nice of you to start TeamJake Celebmagnet! It’s important to realize we are all human beings and that we need to treat one another with respect. Thanks for clearing the air!
love it!!
As humans, we are instinctively drawn to one side in times of battle.. it’s human nature i guess. And so having team jake and team vienna emerge is something that comes as no surprise. In these circumstances I can’t help but feel a little sad for them both because going through any kind of heartache in private is hard so i can’t even imagine how hard it must be to have it play out in public. However, having said that, i do still think that the way it has played out is terrible (for lack of a better word)and maybe they should have rather just parted ways quietly (like Ed and Jillian) and not aired their dirty laundry for the world. Somethings should just remain private… no matter how much money or fame is offered because i believe that once the dust settles, they’re both going to regret a lot of things.
I wish them both all the best and hope that they will be able to put this all behind them soon and find true love in the future.
Team Jake! I hope he’s doing better, he seems like such a good guy
Thanks guys for all of your comments – I saw Jake since I wrote this article and told him about all of the support you all have been sending his way, via comments and e-mail. Love gone wrong is never an easy situation and he is doing well considering. I hope so is Vienna; I just have not seen her.
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